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Everything posted by Prime_BASS

  1. Digital pedals are a big noise generator, I get white noise from my polytune mini sometimes. You need a power supply with more available mA, as others said being able to power so Many pedals seems overkill but more headroom the better. I would give your bass a serious once over in terms of grounding and shielding. Any noise coming from the source will only get amplified through the pedals. If you feel the Moore is fualty, try it on its own. Nothing before or after and nothing in its power supply chain either. Process of elimination really.
  2. If I'm in thinking, two basses that are 34" scale, one with 20 frets has a shorter neck and more has a longer neck/fret board. All though the notes are still in the same place along the neck. No?
  3. All sounds good guys. Would it be worth me getting the iRig kit then?
  4. That I'm not a real bassist, because I go higher than the 5th fret, and "niggle" I'm obviously aware that it's pure diatribe from some poor misguided padawan. Found it hilarious as well. Discuss
  5. Bump up the 1khz frequency and regardless of what drive you use it will be aggressive. B E aggressive
  6. It matters to a degree. Use your own ears and judge for yourself. I changed a whole part during recording due to the notes not quiet sitting that we'll in the mix during recording, but live I can't hear the difference at all.
  7. There are 6 rigs(that I can read at least) with 1 or two being maybes. I suggest that if someone can't bring so rig and someone else does and can then they effectively take their spot on the rig list?
  8. 1. Si600 - No gear, I expect to be too busy and I've nothing exotic or interesting! 2. Roland Rock - '78 P, W&T Ergon 5, Rocket Rig or GlockenRig 3. 4-string-thing - '78 (77?) P, Kala U Bass and either my Acoustic 220 or Minimark 4. Pantherairsoft - Roscoe LG V Sig, lots of effects, EBS/Barefaced rig (possibly) 5. KevB - USA Precision Deluxe (if not sold by then) 6. Doyle - V940, ME-20B, Random self build 7. intime-nick - maybe my Shuker, Sandberg, rack & pedalboard etc 8. andydye (if I can get agreement from swmbo) - ACG 5'er fretted and fretless, MarkBass LMIII, EAD Foundation 212, some pedals 9. DaytonaRik - Ashdown ABM III 1x15 combo and 2x10 extension cab, another Thunderbird IV, Schecter Omen Extreme IV, maybe a Cort (I think?) headless Flying V if I do something with it in time! 10. seashell - Fender P 11. Norris - Ric 4003, Gibosn T-bird, StaggEUB, Combo amp 12. Eboclive - Wal 5, ltd edition Warwick fretless 13. GrammeFriday - MTD KZ6 (with Nordstrand pups), MTD AG5, Sandberg Cali fretless 4, MIJ 62 reissue Jazz, TC Electronic RH750, RS210 and/or RS212, some fx boxes. 14. Chairleg - Italia Maranello and one of those build it yourself bass kits I put together. 15. tauzero - perm any several from Warwick JD Thumb, an Antoniotsai or two, Status Series 1 (low-mileage BC bike), Sei Original everythingless, Ashbory Mk 1 and possibly Mk II, Tecamp Puma 900, TC RS112 16. Prime_BASS - Genz Benz shuttle 6.0, barefaced S.Compact some effects.
  9. [quote name='tayste_2000' timestamp='1391715714' post='2360611'] Yeah never use the words finalise pedalboard [/quote] Agreed.
  10. [quote name='stevie' timestamp='1391691416' post='2360195'] Really nice styling and clearly not by the same industrial designer who gave us the jolly green amps. It could be a serious contender. Two criticisms. First, there is no excuse for a single Speakon on a 500w amp. It's penny pinching. Yes, I know Mark Bass and others are guilty too. Second. Nobody uses the sub bass harmonics generator. (We'll now hear from the two people on the forum who do). Otherwise, I like it a lot. [/quote] You'll find people "use" it as they see knobs and assume it must be turned.
  11. Agree sounds really good. But mimicking my previous comments. It's too heavy and far too expensive for what it is.
  12. Every ash down I've tried has worked perfectly well and been brutally chucked around, however the overall sound and features they put on them just aren't for me. I even wish my GB head didn't have those darn filters.
  13. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1391602001' post='2358987'] I wouldn't describe is as pillowy, or overly scooped. This has been discussed on Talkbass, and there are plenty of amps that have the slight mid scoop (Orange Bass Terror, Fender amps, GK amps, etc etc). It's a famous 'sound'... There is a scoop. Controls at 11, 1.30 ish, and 12 tends to mean it is then NOT scooped, so then you have the rest of the mid knob to dial in more mids. The bass is not pillowy, especially with the right cab. At 12 o'clock, the bass is quite 'big'....forceful would be a word I would use. I imagine a lot of users are using it with a J bass with both pups on full! If you have the mids on the lowest setting and boost, and drop the bass a touch, the low mid kick is fantastic. [/quote] The classic 'fender passive tone stack' it's just not for me though. But agree with the comment about the J bass on full. A scooped sound in to that kind of EQ will just make it even more apparent.
  14. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1391599922' post='2358946'] Thinking on it some more, these words could be used to describe my valve amp, yet I love it. I think the difference is that my valve amp has a great core tone, so not much EQ is needed to get the tones I love. [/quote] Aye, a great sound if you like it. For a class D the OTBs power amp is decent enough, but everything else for me makes me pass. The Genz I have is the opposite.
  15. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1391593722' post='2358828'] +1 I've tried several OTBs and just can't get a sound I like. I found the Streamliner to be so much better for me. Shame, as like the aesthetics of the OTB. I ended up getting rid of the Streamliner as it was a bit too similar in tone to my valve amp, and I was increasingly after cleaner tones for my band. I'd love to try a TH500, as I don't think I've heard a bad word said about them. . [/quote] Well 3 out of the 5 knobs on an OTB are next to useless where as the the streamliner's eq is very effective.
  16. Sounds cool love checking out fellow nottingham/east mids bands. right funky vibe I was getting.
  17. [quote name='topheteatwo' timestamp='1391525725' post='2358134'] Is the Nintendo jobby a COG pedal? If so, which one? [/quote] [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1391532322' post='2358248'] yeh think its a boss ls-2 clone but better andy [/quote] Yeah, basically a LS-2 on roids, a few little tricks that the LS-2 cant do though like phase switches(just incase) and an internal master trim pot. Shep and WoodyRATM have similar units now. Helps get the primrary sound I am after aswell.
  18. The board for recording, And the resulting sound - http://cuttheheroics.bandcamp.com/album/cut-the-heroics-ep
  19. I plan on coming provided in can organise travel. I'll bring my rig effects and bass.
  20. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1391465450' post='2357572'] Not the type of thing I'd normally listen to, but I quite enjoyed it. I liked 'Everyday' best; it has a kind of Audioslave vibe and a great intro. [/quote] Thanks man, that's our oldest song written. Since it's been far easier to write songs based on 4 chords, haha. [quote name='topheteatwo' timestamp='1391465464' post='2357573'] Dat tone... Is this your beloved dual BB in action? [/quote] Glad you liked, yeah it is I love the sound I get.
  21. http://cuttheheroics.bandcamp.com/album/cut-the-heroics-ep Our band camp page so far.
  22. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1391463755' post='2357543'] Link: https://business-bankruptcies.com/cases/modulus-guitars-llc We all knew it was coming - but still very sad to see them go. [/quote] Didn't think they'd gone bust. But how does a company like that go bust? I thought it can't be too hard to make a product and sell for a profit, especially when I would think most stuff is made to order. Or is there a factory somewhere full of funk unlimited basses?
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