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Everything posted by Prime_BASS

  1. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1391250098' post='2354921'] Don't worry, there are more on the way! [/quote] Stop hogging build time.
  2. It just doesn't make sense for the market. And it' has a silly price tag. I do want to gear it for myself as I would have any weight if I thought it sounded the absolute best. Great stuff having two prea mps, but no eq for the 'overdrive' side. Also the dreaded front loading front switch, which won't come with the amp.
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1391124457' post='2353687'] Well I don't know... Maybe there's big transformer iron in there... [/quote] Technology today should maor that pointless and cheaper. The 1000watt OTB is what, 6 kilos? Proof will be in the pudding though, hopefully these will appear in the flesh soon.
  4. Sounds good, a bit similar to the dark glass b3k. However, to big for what it is, to expensive for what it is ands the weight is rediculous.
  5. Having owned the JC before, much prefer it for the classic smooth, woody, thump that people use P basses for, plus with flats it comes out even more so, the varitone I feel is more usable than actually turning the tone knob down, but that's just me, Nice all round bass for the price. Not tried the midtown bass so can't comment. Only one semi acoustic I want and that's the dean cabbie bass.
  6. [quote name='Immo' timestamp='1391016771' post='2352328'] Turquise JB [/quote] Fender have that listed as Caribbean mist.
  7. If you can, have a play with setting and each time record it with the band. Hearing yourself back while not playing makes things sound totally different. I stay away from anything that is going to make a mid scoop. As it sucks the body of any bass sound.
  8. Interest cited.
  9. Everything about this is strange
  10. The LS-2 will do what you want. Instrument one into return A and 2nd into return B, output to amp. In A or B mode the switch go from one to the other. The knobs will act as line boost or cuts.
  11. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1390322624' post='2344048'] Where have you been recording? [/quote] Old library in Mansfield. We have a second mix of the three tracks we did and we are all extremely happy. A few little niggles that will get fixed on the third mix. Thanks for all advice given and all of it seems to have been mirrored by the engineer we hired and over past experiences this has been really positive. We have discussed doing some more recording but I feel that where we are now as a band (these three tracks basically acting as a demo/Ep) that would be kind of pointless, yes or no?
  12. Would like to have a go on the rumble 500 head against the my shuttle 6.0. But I critique the lack of speakon plugs in favour of jack sockets. Sound nice in the vid though.
  13. [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1389901114' post='2339408'] not to be a basher, but surely for there is a tiny placebo effect happening here? ie i doubt that a 112 cab no matter how good should be anywhere near an 810? not tried a bf cab and i do want to and they look good, and its cool so many people are happy with them. andy [/quote] Just saw this as I've been floating around rather than posting. I've had it even longer now and still feel no real need (want us another matter) to get another or something else, ticks every box for me, still. Hopefully I can elaborate more clearly about comparing it to the 8x10 pictured and many others I've tried. It is silly to even expect to get the same low end result from the barefaced super compact compared to something so big but I can still say after many gigs, and rehearsals and now recording with the cab too that it (to me at least) keeps up with and will surpass them in clear and clean midrange. And the guitarist still complains it's too loud FFS. I'm positive that if I was running a better 8x10 with a better power amp it would be louder and probably just as clear as the S.Compact but for as loud as I NEED to go the S.Comoact does the job really well. I did have a moment over low end at our last rehearsal before recording but I put it down to not playing with my setup properly for around 4 weeks. The band I use a jazz bass with the neck pickup turned down a bit, the past month I'd been using a P bass and my headphones, so it took me a while to get used to the sound again. That's it. I would urge anyone yo atlesst try it. It's no miracle I know. But as above for as loud as I need to go its great.
  14. Looks quality mate, I myself don't mind relic jobs too much but don't care for the refin relic sort of things this that's happening more and more. But still very nice work. With a lead time that short I expect this guy will get busy quickly.
  15. [quote name='The Bass Doc' timestamp='1390393024' post='2344802'] Audient - from whom you get a round of applaud. [/quote] Not "audiei" from whom a clap is heard?
  16. Dunlop gator 2mm for me, plus in a bag it's easy to tell the used ones apart from new ones. Pretty hefty but I get the sound I want.
  17. Cheers BigRed Our engineer has done and suggested pretty much what you have said above. We have a basic levels mix on disc for us to listen back. We have another day this weekend to fix any major issues there may be and to start mixing, and then he has a day to himself the following weekend to do final mixing etc.
  18. We've just finished our second 8 hour day, good vibes all round. Sound guy was down to earth and on the level with us the whole way. Managed to get done what we wanted to get done. We are in the coming Saturday to fix any issues there may be that we haven't heard before, but as it stands we've got a solid three track demo that all three of us are happy with.
  19. Had a LS-2 on steroids from him so far, i'm just waiting on a eq/di pedal now. Tom is getting increasingly busier lol
  20. Nice playing but what about the pedal lol. God damn marketers.
  21. I've recently contemplated this but IMO there is nothing a precision does that a jazz bass doesn't. I would take my P to gigs as I use the same sound but would only change should the unforeseen ever happen
  22. What's different on the deluxe than the standard?
  23. We are due to go into the studio to start a demo/Ep of sorts tomorrow. Any tips or tricks we should be mindful of? The idea is to get at least 2 of our songs completed and if time allows a third. Update: We'll we finished our short stint and here is what we got http://cuttheheroics.bandcamp.com/album/cut-the-heroics-ep
  24. I have a diago commuter going spare I've hAd up to 9 pedals on it, lighter than an equivalent sized pedal train too.
  25. Xotic BB preamp for me. I love it so much I have two. But for more stacking is IMO always best.
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