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Everything posted by Prime_BASS

  1. Updated, added George L pictures. No one have a BB pre-amp they don't like for reasons unknown to man?
  2. Aguilar Octamizer and Cog Pre-amp provisionally sold
  3. I also have 6 chrome and 6 brass Right angle George Ls with varying bits of wire, plenty to wire up a half a dozen pedals. Would rather group these together but will entertain sending odd ones etc. £25 gets the lot posted(not sure if that's too much)
  4. Would it not have been worth sending the pedal back for another in return? If it's just odd units that are affected? I have the TC Nova dynamics right now and I love it. Got it over the spectra comp purely as I wanted the noise suppressor along with the choice of different compression with on the fly controls. Don't find it as nice as what I think I would the spectracomp with all the added functionality on the app as I like to set and forget. But overall glad I got the Nova dynamics as it can be incredibly subtle and uncoloured and do the whole squeeshy thing too.
  5. If that's what's available they should be helpful enough to let you try one. However my favorite TS based pedal is the Xotic BB bass pre-amp
  6. [quote name='therealting' timestamp='1495124762' post='3301508'] ... and where are you located? [/quote] Wrexham and Leeds
  7. This looks absolutely radical! So much want for this. Sorry for the stereotypical "if this was fretted" post!
  8. Following. As much as people say check CC and the like I've never really heard of folks finding their gear at one. So will be interested to see what happens now.
  9. [quote name='bazztard' timestamp='1494311005' post='3294802'] here's how I'd do it, apologies if I got your situation mixed up . Bass into one DI. The XLR out goes to the desk. The 1/4" output from the DI goes into an ABY box which sends the signal to the two amps. [/quote] Wouldn't work for this situation. It's two separate amps with two separate sounds he wants to DI for front of house. But have one mixed signal(he ultimately controls the mix of) for ease of use. Used to piss me off talking to the sound guy every time that I run a clean Di and dirty di.
  10. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1493651938' post='3289718'] Wouldn't life be simple if we all liked the same things Out of interest and to bring this subject up again, what tone is it you after looking to achieve that can't be achieved with the Level and Blend control? I see this complaint quite a lot so there is clearly mileage in it. The only reason for a clean level knob that I can see for this is if you had a completely dry signal and using the pedal for its EQ only. And yes, if that is the intended use there are much cheaper pedals available to do that job! [/quote] Mimicking Dannybouy's feelings about it really. The only reason I'm being so critical is because of the commanding price tag probably. As far as tones go, the closest proximity to what I use was fairly flat aside from treble at around 1(o clock), full alpha, drive at 3 and level at 12 or 1 is(from memory) fat off off and I think the other one was on. For reference if you are interested my sound is a lot of Mad Capsule Markets bass tone around 4 plugs and Digidogheadlok album. Please don't get me wrong I loved the way it sounds and even implemented into my gear I could have thrown the BB pre-amp out. However just found the blend pretty useless for anything with what most would call a lot of drive, and it ended up just being another 'make louder' knob since you can't add any clean signal(remembering that turning anti clockwise is effectively a passive volume knob) My board consists of a pre-amp I use as a base clean sound(which I use but not often) and then the BB pre-amp is my overdrive/distortion. And I use it mostly straight into power amps, very rarely into amp pre-amps. But it's very much capable of both. This on the other hand is kind of capable but can say good bye to your clean blend if you need to use it as a standalone pre-amp. Obviously great for going straight to desks and the like though since input gain can be changed on the desk. In my opinion to make this pedal truely great is if it was setup more like the Ultra series stuff. So the distortion can be engaged and disengaged and still have a great but loud clean tone. But who am I kidding that's probably coming soon for £450 and a small version for £250. Cause that's how apple make money, and it's worked with the microtube family of pedals.
  11. Is their best pedal just doesn't add anything for me I don't already have. And the clean blend really needs it's own level control. Personally not sure its worth the price tag.
  12. Fair enough just thought I'd mention it. However I have googled as much as I can be bothered to and it wouldn't say this in the book unless the pedal is infact a digital device. Or that it's been tested anyway as a few years ago Electro-Harmonix were fined for not being compliant with some sort of regulations they have. It also doesn't say anywhere I've seen that it is all analog. That being said, I don't care if it is or isn't. It's sounds good, I like it. Just don't like it more than what I already use to get the same sound.
  13. Picked it up, unboxed it. Played with it, put it back in said box. I'm sending it back unless someone wants it for the cost I brought it for minus postage it'd cost me to send it back to Andertons? Don't get me wrong I like it, it sounds good and I can appreciate the width and breadth of all its tonal capabilities. It just isn't for me.
  14. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1493373741' post='3287830'] Deffo not digital, they are made by hand, however since they use tiny SMD components I expect they probably use a machine to do the actual soldering of components to the PCB! [/quote] Not picking or anything and I know the square root of zero on this stuff but the little book it comes with says it complys with limits for a class B digital device... So that tells me it is digital.
  15. [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1493116452' post='3285688'] Mine first said that then got an email update to say it would be in early may [/quote] May have missed it but where did you order? I made mine at Andertons or whoever, and I got a text today saying its been shipped, will arrive tomorrow. Ordered last week I think ?
  16. [quote name='obbm' timestamp='1493126405' post='3285830'] I used to play in a very loud blues/rock band using an Ashdown ABM500 head and 2 x Mini 4x8 Cabs. Rarely was there PA support and the only time I had a problem was playing outdoors because all the bass came out of the rear ports and disappeared. It made me vow never to have a rear-ported cab again, but that is probably a different discussion. Later I moved onto a pair of Epifani 1x12s and then a pair of Aguilar SL112s. Never had a problem with tone or volume. [/quote] I seem to find the same with rear ports. Feels like a lot of the bottom end between the deepness and the heft gets lost, unless you get the right distance from a wall or something. Can get plenty of deep though but I've had sound hollow in one space yet full and bouncy in another.
  17. Good luck
  18. I have a Palmer passive di and it's fabulous and they actually work by connecting to a speaker out from an amplifier (as I understand that is) However I believe valve amps or at least most of them need an actual speaker load so they don't break. I really rate my Palmer di, very sweet kn the treble side, I use it as a regular DI, either straight in from my pedal board or from the effect send on my amp
  19. [quote name='stevie' timestamp='1493063605' post='3285360'] The OP expressed a point of view and put it up for discussion. What's wrong with that? Seems fair enough to me. [/quote] I didn't see any discussion being made just some belligerent comments. However OP did ask "how the hell do you manage?" but I feel this was some what rhetorical. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1493065260' post='3285383'] Are you on your period? [/quote] No. Are you? Your opening post was deliberately provocative which I like to think wasn't actually trying to elicit some kind of angered response but it did nerk me somewhat. Respect goes two ways. Constructive language designed to grow a healthy discussion would have been more like. " I always wonder how or why people use small cabs, 1x12/1x10 for example. Playing in a loud band I feel I need a big rig behind me, sometimes just to keep up with a loud drummer. Anyone who regularly gigs a small cab care to chime in? " Where as yours is very condescending and echos the label snobbery of having have a fender since that's a real bass. Plenty of folks don't have the luxury of a car or van or have health implications let a lone maybe heavens forbid they don't ever need a fridge cause they'll always play on a cramped stage with full PA support so their amp is basically their stage monitor. I think then what really ruffled my feathers was that you use what I would consider a "tiny" cab which you admittedly use for most situations.
  20. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1493029201' post='3284887'] I can't hear me or anything else apart from the drums. I'm sorry, but a 1x12 isn't going to work now, is it? If, however, I was playing in a jazz trio, acoustic piano, drummer on brushes, I'm sure a 1x12 would be fine. [/quote] You've answered your own question. So I'm not sure what your point is.
  21. After slating them I've gone and ordered one
  22. Barefaced sell a conversion kit. As it's just a simple RE wire.
  23. Glad you've found it works better for you. In regards to the previous question about EQ pedal... Again it's really a matter of taste. You could say that guitar focused EQ pedals will have EQ points better suited for guitar and the other way for bass ones. I've heard great things with the use of either. That being said the guitar amps EQ should be enough to really get a singing guitar tone, but I like to stay away from having to have knobs on amps at "my settings" in case I have to use a different and or let someone use my stuff
  24. [quote name='markstuk' timestamp='1492675990' post='3282128'] Doubling volume is +10dB... Doubling power is +3dB... [/quote] Edited as I was confused doi! As I still understand double the same speakers at Max displacement is double the loudness?
  25. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1492604016' post='3281548'] Ah, I wrote to MarkBass and they replied saying that probably fine but the return is actually preEQ... so both EQ are functional. They actually suggested that it's best to do either: 1) bass to head 1, set DI to preEQ, and then XLR line out to front input in head 2 (line out output is adjustable). Adjust volume/EQ independently. or 2) bass to head 1, tuner out to front input in head 2. Adjust volume/EQ independently. With option 1, the signal level sent to head 2 is controlled by the line out control alone. With option 2, the gain level in head 1 affects the signal sent to head 2 as well. [/quote] If you were going down this route then wouldn't worry about what's best, you can try both and see which you prefer. Personally, I've been thinking of doing something similar. I would add a signal splutter at the end of my board. One output to an input each on the heads. Then theoretically the same gain and master level setting would achieve the same loudness.
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