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Everything posted by Prime_BASS

  1. [quote name='Karnage' timestamp='1382602612' post='2254095'] Sometimes they use one routing pattern for multiple options (why the excess was covered with a scratch plate in some cases)Also as in the 60s they probably did exactly that, the re-issue has to repeat all the bad bits as well as the good bits! I know what you mean about the non-scratchplate look though, it's pretty cool. [/quote] An example of why it's worth more to get an imported CIJ jazz. My 62RI has the 'clean' route, and I haven't seen one that hasn't. [quote name='Clarky72' timestamp='1382602987' post='2254104'] No, my mate's US Deluxe is the same under the cover too.... :/ [/quote] It's just a cheap cost cutting measure, I make a point of asking to to see underneath the P/G to see the routing when buying. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1382604328' post='2254128'] He also wants you to use those enormous chrome covers that make playing the instrument utterly impossible... [/quote] Also impossible to restring in a sensible amount of time.
  2. [quote name='bakerster135' timestamp='1382601243' post='2254078'] They do hold their value well. I had the MOSFET one which was nice, but sold it when Tom (COG) made me a far superior clone. I'd say (as would many others on here!) that the Xotic BB does what the Bass Drive can do and loads more, and can be had for a lot less! [/quote] For me an actual EQ serves a better purpose than a single LPF based tone control. That's probably why I like the BB pre so much, so much so I have two.
  3. [quote name='Ant' timestamp='1382537737' post='2253357'] isnt the Markbass mini distortion thing a tubescreamer as well? [/quote] I always thought so too as Si says, plus I thought it was a miniturised version of the bass tube marker. It's sounds nice and similar to the xotics BB but the tone controls are a bit weird and would have served me better if it had a bass and treble control. [quote name='GarethFlatlands' timestamp='1382557176' post='2253701'] I didn't, never tried one but I've heard good things. They seem to hold their relatively high price though so I'm put off giving one a whirl. [/quote] I had an early one and then later had a non mosfet one(mosfet version sounds very wooly) very huge sound though, the later variants sound to dissimilar to the original full drive to be counted as TS clones though. My main wonder is why clone it? But I guess that's why there are so many fender clones out there too.
  4. I'm sure you can order direct from Dimarzio, also I know that HotRoxUK in Nottingham, can sometimes do special orders. These pickups are great, I have a set on my jazz.
  5. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1382395581' post='2251781'] My custom is still being built, but here is a little progress shot [URL=http://s75.photobucket.com/user/KevMan69/media/IMAG0492_BURST002_zps77faa507.jpg.html][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i287/KevMan69/IMAG0492_BURST002_zps77faa507.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [/quote] Some kind of dual fuzz/drive. Always wanted to play with a dual drive with a HPF and an LPF on each side, but seems pointless now I run parallel effects. Don't know of it says it in the OP but I'm going ahead again now and getting a preamp/EQ/di done haha. 3 band EQ, Selectable mids Internal master level and frequency knobs for the bass and treble Cab sim on the DI Will be the last in the chain and act as my preamp . Tom is recogning we do a actual NES console design to go with the controller I have on my line selector.
  6. [quote name='owen' timestamp='132471612' post='655'] Pre/post DI? Hours for courses. DI before my preamp input? With an active bass, not bothered. With a passive bass? No, a passive bass likes the front end/loading a proper preamp gives. Try both and listen to the difference. Some DIs are OK but some are REAL tone suckers (Behringer [standard kit in a lot of not TOP pro setups] is not pleasant). [/quote] That gain knob on your amp, I'm pretty sure there is one on a soundman's desk. It's a different story in a recording studio granted. You so won't necessarily have to change any EQ to counter boom or help cut through in a mix. At the gig it's different. If I went with my predestined EQ (1khz boosted and a small bit of bottom boosted) then at sound check (for argument sakes) if I couldnt hear it I would have to turn up the volume and give everyone a massive brain disorder, just to retain my sound that's going to desk. Lets say it's too boomy on stage. I now gave to change my small boost to a heavy cut in lows, so now instead of a bass with full lows the soundman has to have a horrid nasally thin sound. To me it doesn't make sense, so i am wondering what would you do if you were using Post EQ and had to change it.
  7. Ladies always come up to me, and they're always coming if you know what I mean.
  8. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1382453817' post='2252329'] Surely any decent soundman can use post EQ as its the sound you desire, and he can tweak to the room? [/quote] What I'm getting at is if you change the EQ which you've set to get your sound, if you change the EQ tI be heard better on stage without turning up (more mids or top) then that EQ is no longer what you want to sound like and so a post EQ is now no longer your desired sound. Am I right? So regardless how good the soundman is, he won't know how you want to sound unless you either tell them(pr and send a pre EQ DI signal or send him a post one and then have a strange shouting discussion across the venue where you tell them what you've done to the EQ and he counters that on his desk etc. The few soundmen I've actually asked about this have said it's better having it pre (i was relying on a 1khz boost from my amp) and they put the boost I wanted in the PA cause I talked to them. So anyway I'm not trying to be arguementative, just wondering what JTUK would do if they had to change the EQ for one reason or another and was still going post EQ.
  9. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1379527564' post='2213778'] Church round here has Meyer installed... To answer an earlier point, the reason I give the soundman post is so he has an idea of the sound I am after. If he can improve on that, then bonus BONUS And my amp sound isn't £500 anyway...not even S/H is his rig £25k..??? [/quote] That makes a whole lot of sense, but it depends on how you use your amp. What do you do if you need to cut the bass to prevent boom in a certain room(lets say for arguments sake you have already tried moving the rig etc) ? I have my DI pre EQ, how I want to sound has already been EQ'd on the bass and with the rest of the crap I have, so then the amps EQ is free to help if I need more or less of something.
  10. I've stopped shipping stuff when selling on here or eBay, unless it's tiny. As it's a massive faff. I got a barefaced midget delivered by FedEx from BF them selves, and packaging in bomb proof, the box weighs nothing but somehow they had driven (what appeared to be) a forklift straight through it, cracking one of the front edges. No company is perfect, I've stuff come from the US with no insurance arrive fine and stuff only going to the next county get lost. Just a case of bad luck. I don't usually pay for insurance either as unless it's in a bombproof container and you have proof it was sent as it should they won't pay out.
  11. Too much choice to decide on one, but I'd probably get one or two custom jobbies done.
  12. Another vote fir the Model J from Dimarzio. Solid pickups.
  13. [quote name='GarethFlatlands' timestamp='1382278406' post='2249963'] You mean in terms of TS derivatives or other overdrive pedals? If it's other pedals, I made a BYOC clone of the Marshall Bluesbreaker which I love for milder OD. Very moddable too. Personally I'm not a fan of TS pedals, they never seem very flexible to me and I find the midrange boost very grating. [/quote] As in what else is a TS derivative/clone, personally I hate the original TS9 it works fine on guitar to drive a massive great valve thing into pure dirty mess but on a clean to dirt stompbox style it sucks, even worse on bass and the bass version is even worse than that. But a lot of clones I've tried and imparticular my BBs they just seem to work as drive pedals, add a nice colour and can sound mild but crank well too. I'd like to try one of those rodenberg ones as the price is something to think twice at.
  14. Reminds me of Shep's old two tier ginormo thing, could have done with hinges on that thing to get to the under side stuff. Very tidy that one mate.
  15. Iack of info on the website is a bit annoying, if like to know more about the xt1u as the brief says it can be bridged at 8 ohms and know it's power in that load would be useful.
  16. Birth year bass oh no.
  17. What is out there? I didn't realise until recently my very own BB preamps are essentially TS clones, and I have a TubeScreamer. It also turns out that there are quiet a lot of pedals that are derivatives of the TubeScreamer. I'd like to know what else is out there? And what's any good? I'll add that I've used the BB preamps on both guitar and bass and compared to the original TS I have they deal all over it. I think the TS sounds pants
  18. Love to be able to lug a big ole valve 200watt beast with me but weight is a massive issue for me. My amp now cost me very little weighs less and fits in my gig bag.
  19. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1381323375' post='2237548'] Who said there's a problem? The post was not condemning anyone , it was meant to be encouraging. [/quote] Negative reinforcement is always a proven way to encourage people. You seem so angry about several 'issues' and I'm not entirely sure you care that much you just want to get a reaction out of folk to satisy some kind of attention deficit. That's of course my opinion and you'll be just as negative towards that as you do with anyone who posts in your threads. I hope you find what is you are looking for in life but I don't think you'll find it here. As always, drink your milk, be kind to your mum and play bass.
  20. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1381236488' post='2236158'] What's the mystery? If you can use a screwdriver you can do a set up. Yet there's this notion that there are special people who do "good" set ups. Reality check... A "good" set up is like a "good" oil change. It's either done right or it isn't. There aren't variables. Bridge height is a matter of taste but other than that, the intonation is in tune or it isn't. The neck is either in a good position or it's too flat or too bowed. That takes a bit of an eye and I understand that some people have it and some people don't. Some people can't hand a picture straight. But that doesn't make picture hanging a special skill. I believe everyone should learn to do their set ups. You won't hurt the instrument unless you do something ridiculously foolish. Everyone should also be aware what is needed -- either neck relief or string height. Sets ups do not fix humps or dips or warped necks. They don't make an Affinity Squier sound like Fender MIA. It's really just a step up from knowing how to tune a guitar. [/quote] I really don't like the way you present your arguements, really aggressive and dismissive. As for a 'good eye'. Every tech I've used and even myself have used a spacing gauge. But anyway. I wouldnt pay to get done what I can do. If I felt my bass needed frets level or a nut filing and fitting then I'd go somewhere to pay money to do that. That's the difference between a setup and a tech's set up really. I'm aware of people out there who pay to get the strings changed. And some who still have the stock strings on from when they brought it new 8 years ago. Give people a break not everyone gives a rats ass about how well it should would or could play.
  21. While Tom has a page on his site thought it would be good to get a few on the BCers lot shown here. Las must be a few out there that aren't on his site. I'll start. [URL=http://s1347.photobucket.com/user/Stephen_Horan/media/IMAG0264_zps411f2332.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1347.photobucket.com/albums/p703/Stephen_Horan/IMAG0264_zps411f2332.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Custom 2 channel active blender/mixer. Few special additions like phase switches and internal trim pot. Already getting another done, this time a preamp.
  22. Sheehan is a great guy and great player and has a lot of wisdom on tap to back it all up. He also treats his fans with the utmost respect.
  23. Not caught on a lot I don't think. Not enough finish options to satisfy the market. If there were few more colours and maple fingervoard option I'd have to think about it. Would like to try the jazz though.
  24. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1382027270' post='2246900'] yehbut I own my house - I have no excuse it was there when I moved in over 2 years ago and I just haven't got around to changing it (i wanna put in a wood floor) [/quote] Wood floor is terrible for tone.
  25. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1382002389' post='2246489'] I'm interested to know if there are any perceived 'cons' regarding having a cloth grill in front of a metal grill, any extra sound disipation? (on paper even?) Si [/quote] I think it makes no difference being so close to the front of the speaker, even more so as it's not covering the entire front, but the edge. Would be nice to hear one of these myself.
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