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Everything posted by Prime_BASS

  1. [quote name='bobpalt' timestamp='1373547845' post='2138904'] I dont think they would fit. I'm a 52" chest...... Sorry, couldnt resist. Its a straight sale sorry, as I am cutting right back on gear. Cheers, Bob [/quote] Nice lot of basses you have too Sir. Keep playing with the idea of a graft bass, great great value.
  2. I wonder how many views I need until google will list this page at the top if I type Caribbean mist into the search?
  3. [quote name='such' timestamp='1373521536' post='2138489'] yeah, you can put any new bass against a second-hand one and say it's not as good a value. Comparing new vs new or used vs used would be a bit more fair. [/quote] All true, I was merely saying that something more popular is more readily available and cheaper, it's no surprise they haven't really taken off here in the UK. In the EU they are probably fairing a lot better.
  4. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1373486138' post='2138243'] Hmmmm. I think if I was a savvy manufacturer I'd be 'relicing' any basses off of the production line that were cosmetically flawed. Nice business model where you can sell off your 'rejects' for more than the prime model. [/quote] Interesting. But the Roadworns are MIM, AMD nothing from their is nitro finished. The Highway ones are though, and are only over the boarder.
  5. Just to add to whats been said before. Most passive boxes are able to run in the opposite direction. Although I have tried a fair few, to run two sets of parallels effects but most strugged to have a decent output when both are on. I'm assuming you are using it to switch basses between songs though, to which i will say that's fine but the issue comes with gain differences, but as long as the basses are fairly even it shouldn't be a problem.
  6. [quote name='Damonjames' timestamp='1373461015' post='2137819'] After thinking about it, I may have gotten a little giddy with trying to put everything on the board just because I could. I actually like te odb-3 but can't remember the last time I used it! I've just dropped them off for the time being, if I need them again ill play about with it and see what I can come up with. Thanks for all the feedback! [/quote] Pedals should be fun at the end of the day but te seriousness has to come in to play with issues. If you don't use them makes sense to get them off.
  7. [quote name='Damonjames' timestamp='1373390131' post='2137046'] So I've had another play, and again it seems as though it is the sum of the three boss pedals causing the drop. I don't have an A/B looper so I have to just swap out, so I suspect I am getting a little out of each of them which together adds to a lot. In answer to you question OZMike, it's purely for real estate on the board. I don't really use it for a DI right now so the fact the effect come after doesn't really make that much difference. Give the issues I'm having with the boss pedals, I might ditch them off and move things around [/quote] Looking at your list, you have a lot of dirt and I doubt that the boss one is doing something the other cant do, aside from it being three band and having slightly different grind compared to the sans amp. Personally I'd ditch the odb-3 and stock the octave in a clean loop on its own, engage it when you need it and you have a massive clean low end, while every thing else fills in the mids.
  8. [quote name='Themrperson' timestamp='1373407156' post='2137373'] Yeah I know that, when I listen to Thug Workout, I was like "Ok...." but I still liked it. (Love the music video). I knew that they had a new bassist but I thought he left a while before Priorities, but I'm wrong! Still a great bassist though but I swear I've seen a live video of him playing the B string. Anyway you can add Luke Rayner to the list then as unheard bassists. (Old Don Broco bassist) [/quote] Sorry must have missed something in using my mobile haha. Yeah TD uses a 5 string Spector, songs like fancy dress are technically Easter to play with a Low B, but Luke Raynor ( thanks for that got totally stuck on his name) used and recorded with a 4 string in drop D. It's always a ball ache whenever their songs come up in my play along playlist as I've learnt some in everyday, playing up an octave, playing drop D and playinging tuned to D standard. I wouldn't say what I have said is set in stone but I know on a couple of tunes Luke did just play in drop D. And many sexy girls walked up to him.
  9. [quote name='Themrperson' timestamp='1373393930' post='2137106'] To be honest with you, I'm bored but the whole idea of this is not underrated bassists (it may seem like it, but it is not to me) but bassists (in a band or solo) which show great potential or do a great job in fulling their role. Whether this be by cool rifts or a brilliant display of skill, with more potential to become better. I'm going to get things started with two of my favourite bassists. Tom Doyle - Don Broco This guy has style and awesome rifts. It is hard to describe without listening to it but it quite funky but also rocky. To me it shows a bit of diversity in his abilities. A weird thing he does is use a 5 string, when the guitarist uses a 6 string guitar, but it is also peculiar in that genre of music. I've never seen someone use a 5 string in this Brit Rock/Pop-Punk style of music before. If I did, it was probably due to a tribute band and the bassist was used to a 5 string but never used the B string, but he does! It is part of the reason why I find him so good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2o-bAHQs1cc Luke Prebble - Canterbury My favourite out of the two and one of my top ten bassists at this moment. He is very talented when I heard the chorus of Diver, I instantly feel in love with it. Most of it is quite good and is a good example of there can be brilliant bassists in that genre. It is not that one song has a good bassline feel, it is most of them. I have only listen to one song where is it simple and a bit boring (one of their bests though) but this can easily be forgiven as he always makes him self heard through the other instruments. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jyZT9kmesg (Wait for the chorus at 1:03) So, tell us all who you think is an upcoming bassist of the future or really good unheard ones. [/quote] Need to correct you on Don Broco, the tracks on the album are recorded by the old bassist (forget his name) and where played on a Warwick double buck 4 atring which was detuned to drop D for most songs. They're roots are in some weird screamo modern metal. Check out Thug Work out for old old stuff, and check out the big fat smile EP, amazing tracks on there for bass playing, beautiful morning is my favourite. Tom Doyle is a great bassist though and playing what they play while being so active on stage is incredible. And both him and the old guy are on my top list of fav players. I really rate doug johns as a live player and I really dig his sound too, but his overall composition is a bit lackluster, same for square pusher someone I would see live but find hard to listen too on record.
  10. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1373364000' post='2136622'] OK, time out. It's one thing to have a celebratory Fender thread - god knows it's happened before and it'll happen again. But when the "headstock fell off because I breathed on it" anecdotes and random but specific piss taking of other brands start appearing then that's when I hold up my yellow card. It's one thing to be happy with what you've got, but it's quite another to scoff at what others hold dear. [/quote] That bass is disgusting though. Probably what would happen if a blind man tried to describe a Sabre bass to someone who'd never seen one before.
  11. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1373308752' post='2135995'] You said r*c! Gasp!! [/quote] Aye, I want to see how lone it takes a mod to come along and tell me off. Sometimes I feel targeted on purpose while others have gotten away with breaking the rules.
  12. I'll always opt for bolt-ons due to if the neck breaks or gets damahed some how it's easier to buy replacement and fit it yourself. True for your bog standard fender and its copies, but EBMM and Sandberg I know require you to send the bass in to them. While if i snap the headstock off a Gibson any smuck worth their salt should be able to glue it back to together correctly and as if no breakage ever happened. How it sounds is negligeble to me.
  13. Links in de Sig.
  14. Too few colours and haven't been out for very long. I was interested in the TT one but they loses appeal with me by using standard dual pole piece pickups (over there original Delano pickup design used on the main line basses) and the fact I don't want turdburst or discharge beige. Great value basses I am sure though, but when you can pickup a used USA fender for less then the Fender is going to win. Would still like me a California TT someday.
  15. Lighter tuners for sure, and finding a way to elongate the strap point on the top horn. A linger screw perhaps, may look unsightly though. Looks are the more important than comfort.
  16. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1373196975' post='2134525'] 10p/Matamp watt, get money's worth per lb too. [/quote] My maths maybe very out but does tat mean you paid £20 for a 200 watt head?
  17. Is that a bass collection comfort strap? Hope his snaps.
  18. Where was you stood in relation to the cab? I tend to find the low E very boomy in some situations, through a desk in some headphones is seems to have a total lose of power and clarity compared to the punch of the other's.
  19. I don't know the city bass, but sticking any preamp in any bass retains its characteristics, but you lose the original tonal options. Personally I prefer two separate volume knobs per pickup, adding a preamp means using a pan pot in a lot of cases. Although if you want a easy drop in preamp that has passive options still available, look at John East preamps. In regards to the pickups. No idea what they are, definitely not Duncan designed but the circuit looks similar to the the original, same wires etc( had one and took it to bits before) Solve the volume issue though, it's true that you get a mid scoop with both pickups on full, but in my past experience balancing them even outs the volume differences. Raising the pickups will make it louder, and lowering, quieter. I have my bridge pickup 3mm from the strings the low side and just under on the high side, and a milimetre further on the other pickup.
  20. Bump. Price now is £65 posted.
  21. [quote name='matybigfro' timestamp='1373154695' post='2134271'] Would love to know how people rate these 2x10/12 vert cabs particularly the two TC electronic offerings and the ampeg. really like the idea of taking less space up on stage and having a modular option where i can take one or two cab's to gig, I'd love to know if you stacked four of the ampegs how close they sound to a fridge [/quote] Well I started with two markbass 210 travellers, but struggled with the rear porting, so switched to the ampeg ones so porting was not an issue. Sound quality wasn't as good, but close to a fridge? I think so, but if you look at our 'everyday' live vid on YouTube.com/CutTheHeroicsUK then you can clearly hear one being used more than very effectively. These kind of stacks I always described them as loud as a 4x10 but with the clarity of a 2x10.
  22. Warning though! If your lackie is tuned standard getting the same tension at lower tunings (on any bass) is going to cause a lot of stress on the standard nut. I tried to achieve this with just going a semi tone down,(using d'addario matching is easy) I ended up using a 120 gauge LOW E and I've cracked two nuts Only through my own dusky though
  23. done it, and consider the kind of low frequencies that can go through it and that I have put through similar cabs(including 2 SVT 210AVs) they are fine stacked, not once have I feared them falling over. considering how light the SVT 210s are though I wouldn't trust knocking into them, but most of the time the bass rig is sat at the back far away from crazy people, plus getting those small sealed things next to a wall will help your LF 2 fold. I think anything that tall with enough force going into it is bound to fall over though, regardless of how light. I never worried and I've played some tiny stages.
  24. [quote name='Telebass' timestamp='1373064567' post='2133491'] I've had my Super 15 for a few months now. What can I say? It's LOUD! It sounds lovely! The whole 500W rig weighs 59lb! I always wanted a 2x15, and now I have a good one that I can carry with impunity, bad back and all! All hail Alex Claber and all who ride him! [/quote] Fixed
  25. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1371465418' post='2114089'] Never mind - your altruism means that many bass players have been able to try Barefaced products at a lower price and without the waiting times! You should be rewarded! [/quote] A free one perhaps? Haha. Can't wait till august when mine is due.
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