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Everything posted by Prime_BASS

  1. I have been given a 1992 Fender Jazz bass with a badass bridge to setup for a friend. It also has the 'micro-tilt' neck adjustment. The action was major high and before I get new strings on it I wanted to give a pre-setup, pickup heights, truss rod etc. I've dropped the string saddles as low as they'll go and gave the truss rod a quick tighten. Already. Much better, however the badass's string saddles have not been filed so the strings sit flat, and against the fenders radius finger board the low E and high G sit a bit higher than the middle two. Now the micro tilt. however im unsure how it will react with other changes, such as truss rod relief, and saddle hieght. Th aim is to get the action as low as possible across all strings obviously. I know I could file the saddle but I cba with that since I'm on not getting paid for this. Edit: minor alteration to apparantly make it less confusing.
  2. Use the line out on the peavey(if it has one) Into the power amp in on you h and k? It would be good if you could identify specific problems you are having?
  3. Always fancied a JO lakie, not too common round these parts though.
  4. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1369994616' post='2095261'] Wow , and the OP thinks he has a problem [/quote] It's about that Tim to change personas, I'm sososososo bored now.
  5. Photos seem to be the bane of the marketplace. Loads of peope just looking for bass porn. I do it too, we all do.
  6. Dame here really I am the only one in the band with enpugh income to splurge on stuff we need whch is usually van hire. I have to be Frank though. You've been treated like a mug who will pay for everything only because you've let it happen. What kind of conversation goes down when things like banners need to be payed for, merch etc? I woud also wonder, if you don't pull in an audience at a venue, do you need stuff like; a banner, a website, merch. If you feel pressured to be the fall guy for paying for thongs, insist on taking all the cut of a gig. Sure yet turned up and played but what else have they provided, investment wise. Or lay claim to them having to pay for their share, if not taking it all down(website, adverts) . I always fall upon the old 'got no money' line, no one else should know your financial background so it shoud be easy to claim you are broke. I still stand by the notion that you've let this happen to you (admittedly by being laid back you say) Either grow a backbone or quit. But depends how much you want to stay in the band one which you'll do.
  7. [quote name='okusman' timestamp='1369928317' post='2094593'] Where are you? [/quote] Nottingham
  8. I found Mad Capsule Markets in 2004 through a mangaTV set of trailers which featured one of there albums. Been addicted since and my only problem is that I came to them so late and they had already split IIRC. There are a lot d bands I like and will listen too. But id say I'm a fan of around 5, in that I actively listen to them on regukar basis, and care if something new is coming or not, or want to see vids or go see lice etc.
  9. Too right. I am guilty too of just looking. Wouldn't be selling if I wasnt moving out but times a coming I turn into a man.
  10. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1369876687' post='2093920'] I'd be looking at a good used SVT-3PRO or an SVT-7PRO. [/quote] Yeah can be brought pretty cheap secondhand, and are both quality heads. Trouble is sellers seem to over price them a fair bit, and any that come up on the bay that are bid only get caught in the bidders frenzy, since they rarely come up for auction.
  11. I'm tired of the threads getting 1000s of views. Too many window shoppers.
  12. [quote name='W11ATO' timestamp='1369894800' post='2093961'] Bass certainly had an influence in the breakdown of my first marriage 12 years ago. We'd been living together 5 years so had all the usuall "wedding gift list" stuff, washers, toasters etc etc so invited cash gifts instead.......I spent a good chunk of it on a '88 Warwick streamer and a new trace elliot rig......things were never quite the same again :-0 [/quote] Priorities. I can already feel the resentment my partner has for me when I have band things going on, and the eyes roll whenever I mention something new coming in.
  13. [quote name='ikay' timestamp='1369079583' post='2084673'] I;ve drawn up a couple of graphics showing string vibrations of the first 7 harmonics and some common pickup positions. The vertical line for each pickup shows how much of each harmonic is being sensed. For example, in the first diagran, a J neck pickup gets a good dose of the first four harmonics but hardly any of the higher harmonics. By contrast, the bridge pickup gets a much more even spread but with less lower harmonics and more higher harmonics. The first diagram shows vibrations for an open string. The second shows vibrations for a string fretted at the 12th fret. This clearly shows that the mix of harmonics being sensed by the pickup is substantially different for open and fretted notes. For ref the pickup position measurements are as follows (all measured from nut): J neck - 27.9" J bridge (60s) - 31.45" J bridge (70s) - 31.84" P bass (centreline) - 28.61 " Stingray (centreline) - 30.5" [attachment=135170:string harmonics + pickup position 1.jpg] [attachment=135171:string harmonics + pickup position 2.jpg] [/quote] Yes that has been by far the most benificial comment. Maybe I should have started the Op by saying the "musicman sweetspot" maybe it could have saved a lot of everyone time.
  14. bump with price drop. pm offers
  15. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1369817523' post='2092954'] Love it Well worth a bump that comment [/quote] cheers mate, I think this sale thread has got the most views to post ratio out of all my previous. Lots of people waiting for the price to go lower. It wont though.
  16. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1369734927' post='2092020'] If you want visual and credibility, you have to go Ampeg. The reason those fridges are good in that envirnoment is that they do the job as a bass monitor and it is quite easy to contriol the sound on a decent sized stage. This may be the inherrent clumsy design or whatever but it works. The last thing you need is the bass getting everywhere ..it will likely try and do that anyway...but there are little cabs and big cabs and they find their uses. Adding bass is easy, getting rid of it is not..!! [/quote] The knobs do turn anti-clockwise.
  17. So many voyeurs, go to the porn section.
  18. I've had a mixture of experience with sound at venues. A lot of the time I trust the sound guy with the Di signal as thats his job he should know what he is doing, and I as the musician should know how my gear works. Usually involves turning the lies down and the mids up. Same goes at rehearsals. Only once has the guy tried to eq my amp for me, all while i wasnt playing, the mids went down and the bass boost button got pressed, I couldnt hear it so turned it back to how it was. The trouble I see is sound guys trying to fill the room against a kick drum that sounds like a canon. My band mates don't seem to care what's going on with the bass until they can't hear it or it definitely does sound crap.
  19. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1369423298' post='2089231'] still after one of those Basstards? Depending on how things pan out with the Darkglass and whether the RATM band dies or not (it's been dying slowly over the past few months), I might be persuaded to let it go... you'll be the first to know The Darkglass Vintage should be with me tomorrow, or Monday if I miss the delivery. I have a gig on Thursday that I could use it for... so I should be having fun with it soon... I'll report back. [/quote] Damn shame if it does no one I know wants to do a RATM cover band. All the guitards round here are more interested in either grayday or some other shouty band with pointy guitars and long hair.
  20. Sorted a nice us jazz now.
  21. The old us subs are made with the standard stingray electronics, but s wired different, but can be changed to get te exact sound. The Sandberg basic does a fine job and the quality control is top notch. Pretty much anything with a big humbucker in the same place as a ray will give you the inherent punch and harmonic filled sound but with little variations. There is a used sandberg is the marketplace for 400 which is around your budget.
  22. [quote name='Gully35' timestamp='1368362713' post='2076064'] Is the micro VR with 210av x 2No. Loud enough to cope with a drummer and 2 guitarists? That would be a good option If it was. I'm kind of swaying towards a Markbass Little Mark iii. I'm struggling to find 2 good quality 2x10 cabs to pair with it. Easier for me to move around than a 4x10. The markbass cabs seem to get bad press online, plus they are pretty expensive. [/quote] http://youtu.be/bVssp9UXZ9w Seems fine to me, and that's only one. Benefits from more watts stuck into it. One of the best cheap cabs you can get.
  23. Bumps
  24. For that budget you void get an original EBMM sub bass and do the mods yoursrlf. As Oli as mentioned above, the Sandberg Ken Taylor used is your best complete package but that will go above your budget I think.
  25. Could try asking some local luthiers/shops that deal with repairs and mods they usually have a bucket of odds and ends lying around. Usually just plastic strat knobs though.
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