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Everything posted by Prime_BASS

  1. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1365281164' post='2037708'] But the glitches appear due to poor recognition of the low frequency notes, so if you let a pedal do the octave up, it is likely to be just as glitchy, only more noticeable as the bassier tones can be easier to disguise. Also the octave up sounds I have heard are a bit too "metallic" sounding and artificial, to me. The EHX POG has an octave up and if blended carefully it can sound pretty cool, I have to admit. I'm expecting the T-Rex Octavius early next week and that one also does octave up. The demo video above makes the octave up sound not very nice... but if blended a bit lower in the mix it can be interesting I suppose. What pedal do you use for the octave up? Octamizer as a Meatbox substitute... I believe ithat! I was experimenting with it and it can make some truly deep noises! [/quote] I've been playing with a digitech whammy and a few other that only do +1 octave. I've never really had any issues with tracking. Until I start trying to play something as fast as say the beginning of bombtrack for example. How I would use it anyway tracking down low and sound is irrelevant as it spud be getting driven and eq'd to buggary.
  2. Bocote? I want it
  3. Bump. Few interested parties but no takers.
  4. What is thy fretboard? Where did this come from? Have I missed something?
  5. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1365335647' post='2038114'] If we are talking live show then always pre, give the engineer a nice clean signal to work with, they know the venues foibles better than you or I [/quote] true. Even when recording I use pre as the signal is EQ'd for what I like before it goes into the amp any.
  6. Does it get louder/quieter when pedals are on/off. How noisy is the signal when you just go straight from the bass to the amp? You need to try an isolate the problem before going ahead and buying something that might not change anything
  7. Personnaly octave pedals, they are all one trick ponies, and non really work as well as they should. I much prefer octave up sounds, since you never get tracking issues and its much easier to fatten up what you already. Although the octamizer is my personal favourite for octave Downs, and is also a better alternative to the meatbox too.
  8. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1354619452' post='1888068'] Not a big fan of the DI then???? [/quote] Not for the gigs we do. I need a dedeicated bass monitor on stage, so I need an amp. Which is ofcouorse is DI'd to the FOH, I always check my EQ and sound levels via PA or recording desk anyway. The amps EQ controls are there to help me hear myself on stages really.
  9. [list] [*]still here [/list]
  10. Paid my fee, well worth it, but I doubt I'll be paying for further years.
  11. True, I managed to get it driven to me from astound 700 miles away.
  12. I have had my squeezer for ages and I dare not do a gig with it, its stapled to my board. Only thing is I'm getting a bunch of noise now, some is from my bass, some from the Trex and some from my new EWS bmc. Trex gets more noisy the more the what I think the input gain gets cranked past 12'o clock. And to get unity gain it needs to be around 1/2 o clock. I want to help make it more quiet and read on onvilabs that boost the input signal helps keep the noise floor down(I assume the gain won't have to be as high.) Altgough im worried about the threshold. I already have it set quiet high, and as I understand the bigger the signal the higher the threshold might have to be set. Is this true or am i getting confused?
  13. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1365068654' post='2034734'] If you're happy with you MB rig, keep it. If it's about wanting a smaller cab then go with what's been said above or try out the 2X10 Traveller cab (it's taller, but a smaller footprint). I've got the 2x10 combo & it's bigger than the cab you have (it's the same size as the 2x10 STD). [/quote] I found that both mb 1x12s I tried were a lot clearer and just as loud as the traveller 2x10, and one I was able to tilt back solving height issues.
  14. Personally if I was you, is just go about looking for a secondhand 1x12 from markbass, they come up every now and then at a decent price. I don't think the Ibanez is any close in comparison to the sound quality and performance you have with markbass
  15. Personally if I was you, is just go about looking for a secondhand 1x12 from markbass, they come up every now and then at a decent price. I don't think the Ibanez is any close in comparison to the sound quality and performance you have with markbass
  16. [attachment=131616:205252_502240086504696_1551834940_n.jpg] Here we go!
  17. I did ask about credit for sort of trading in. He seemed ok with it, was 2 years ago mind, no harm in sending a cheeky email he is fairly quick to reply. I even get replies from him on days the shop is closed, top bloke.
  18. Consensus seems to be that you need to get those filters turned down.! Don't get me wrong, they ate usefull but once they start getting towards 10/12 o clock they get a bit ott for live work. How are you stacking the 2x10s too.? Is advise against the horizontal path and stack them end on end vertically so its as tall as a 8x10, it'll sound like you lots of bottom but with the detail and punch of a smaller cab. I didn't get on with the rear porting, but live it never seemed to bother me. Remember what sounds good on your own may sound like pants in a mix.
  19. [quote name='redbandit599' timestamp='1364845053' post='2031674'] PM'd! [/quote] And replied
  20. Fancy a drive? Haha. Will consider trades + cash for 5/6 string type bass.
  21. No one wants it type bump
  22. I had one and never noticed it was really there until things got loud and I took it out the chain. I was running dual 2x10s and it seemed to keep them really under control in extreme excision and the overall rumble effect was gone so the sound was more pleasing too. IMO ofcourse. I only took it out as my new head has a similar filter built it.
  23. Decent bass with a decent setup should sound good slapped or fingered. My guess is you are over compensating on the eq for the finger tone. Try getting rid of deep bass and bump up the low mids. Maybe around the 100hz mark. Difficult to tell without sound clips, as you maybe nitpicking about something that isn't really a big problem. Us bassists are fussy buggers. As light compressor seems to do the trick in thickening up slap sounds for most people.
  24. I love the feel of shagpile under my feet. Stops my board jumping around too.
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