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Everything posted by Prime_BASS

  1. We have been asked to play a show, or some festival crap in a town up the road, at a place I've heard of! Our singer tells me. 'Whoo, awesome' I think. The next day I have a message saying I need to buy the tickets to sell on.......... After a lot of messing about I get out of him that we need to buy 10 tickets. Thats 10 tickets to something that as far as I know doesn't exist. The 10 tickets show that we are commited and that we can pull in a crowd............ What a load of crap. The way I see it, the promotor doesn't do their job and makes a load of money by forcing bands to buy their own tickets, that they may or may not be able sell. Isn't this totally backwards, or is this the done way of thing? We arn't doing it, especially how the 'Promotor' is desperate for me to do the paypal transaction NOW!!!
  2. I have just finished a review in the review section of the Traveller 2x10. Personally if you feel you need more than one 4x10 then one 2x10 won't do you. My plan is to get another and stack vertically so the bass is closer to my ears so I'm not struggling with volume when stood essentially on top of it. It is still damn loud though on it's own. Front or rear ported??? The only benefit of rear port is the overall size of the box is smaller which makes a difference up and down stairs, but with something like a 4x10 rear ported I fear I would be managing the coupling situation far too much. The Traveller is rear ported and using coupling gives the sound a lot bigger feel than what it actually is. For me it's a down side as I don't need loads of bottom in the sound anyway. With a 4x10 I think it'll be worse as the cross talk between drivers coupled with the excessive boomy low's will make the cab very muddy, and being short aswell won't help it. If you are looking at a full markbass setup and need to be loud but with a managable load and sound then 2 of the ney york 2x12 stacked vertically will be plenty loud and very clear, although they only come in 4 ohms. Or 2 of either of the ney york or traveller 1x15's will be practically a good 8x10 volume wise but much clearer in the midrange, and they come with tweeters to add sparkle. Edit. 300 watts into any of th emarkbass range will kill anyone in the room but it depends if you want lots of headroom, thats all the bigger heads give you. Also the LM800 power amp section on really gives out just 600watts and that peak, in one unit that has been tested the continueous power (the actual number we need to be given) was lower than the 500watt of the smaller less expensive heads. The continous of the 500watt heads is just shy of 500, IIRC.
  3. I think hipshot do a supertone bridge which is a vast improcement on that horrible 3-point design. but anything that secures to the body and is easy to set up should do. Personally I would screw in a hipshot A style bridge a simlar but I dont mind about holes etc. Pickups, anything really will an upgrade. I would try and stick a pare of MM replacements in there from Seymour Duncan, and then an a 2 band 3 knob MMSR, and add either a blend or some other switching system which can be easyily added. Then you get the tones you are probably after in a different box, although (I'm only assumimng) the neck wouldn't feel too good and I have no idea about that other than sandinmg it back and finishing in gunstock or somegthing.
  4. the MMSR preamp is even better
  5. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1338882208' post='1680323'] If you are hunting the net for loopers though please be aware that you are looking for a sound-on-sound looper (usually called 'looper' or 'loop pedal') and NOT a True Bypass Looper (usually called 'Bypass Looper'). The latter does not do what you are after and are far cheaper so you may find them on your google search and think you found a bargain! [/quote] what he said!
  6. Got this to replace a compact, with a plan t get another to have a tall vertical 4x10 rig. ANYWAY. FEATURES: 8/10 Cabs are never features packed. But I really like the way this is put together. It is carpet covered which is something I prefer, but it never really lasts aslong as vinyl or that paint stuff you get on barefaced. The corner are plastic and fairly chunky, both these features give the traveller rugid feel and look, so I think if I dropped it it would withstand it fairly well. It has no feet as the corners coouple as the feet aswell, allowing you stand it anyway prossible, but obviously the most practical way would be either vertically or horizantally. Due to size you would only be able to stack this with another 102p unless you don't mind your stack looking a bit odd. The tweeter control is accesible via one side and is easy to get to and as you can see it you can see how loud it is with a dB range around the control, has a good amount of resistance aswell. The handle is the more conventional recessed metal dip thing, which feels very nice and makesw the cab easy to pick. The cab it's self weighs 15kgs, but it feels a tab lighter, and due to it's small size I can run it up and down the stairs fairly easy with one hand, it's more like a small suitcase thats full. Owerall it's a lot more professionally finished than the barefaced cabs I usually prefer. Very well thought about cab although it may have been better with another handle on the underside, for those occassions where you just need to carry it on it's own. I feel if it had 2 of those retractable handles that come on big flightcases, then one on the bottom could be used to rock the cab backwards, which always proves useful with short cabs. SOUNDS/SOUND QUALITY: 9/10 This cab sounds huge!!! I wasn't expecting such a clear sound through the range when stuff gets narly, due to it's multi speaker sdesign but it sounds very controlled through all the frequencies, and I can still hear the difference between SolidState pre and tube preamp, although even when flat, at least on the floor next to a wall it sounds pretty muddy with my compressor (which is a t-rex squeezer) but that can be fixed with a bit of bass cut. It's not quiet as clean as the barefaced cabs I am used to, but I think it will do a lot, obviously whatever you put in. It resonds fairly well to EQ changes and different playing styles which is always a plus, I like being able being able to rely on myself for the sounds rather than an amp or a cab. The cross over frequency is 3.5khz, and with the tweeter off this just isn't high enough, for me anyway. Then again I am used to the barefaced's 4khz and that feels a lot higher than it is. That said the tweeter is very musical and not nasal or harsh, unless IMO you start killing it and have it on the +dB side of things, I have it just on to compensate the lack of high end that the speakers have. Witth another (which is my plan) I may feel different as usually in rehearsal rooms on big 8x10 I tunr the tweeters off and boost the upper highs to compensate. The head boost 10khz so it is good for opening up cabs high end with out the tweeter. After a rehearsal with it a few things came apparant. This sounds better at lower volumes than the normal cabs I'm used to. I also had it at a hieght that 2 of them would be at and it sounds great with that extra hight and moving around with just that single column means I'm clearer through a wider space, which is nice. Overall, this probably isn't for everyone, it's sound is definitly from neo drivers and sounds nothing like ampeg or anything else like that. But for those of use with a jazzy taste it perfect, and with the right amp will do lots more. VALUE FOR MONEY: 8/10 This cabs RRP is something like £775, but if you look around it can be brought for around £500 and in same places I've seen even less. That price is not to be sniffed at, especially if you a re a markbass fan or want something light and very loud. Stupidly I slated Markbass before about prices against Barefaced, but I don't remeber last time I paid RRP on anything. Although I still think some of there range is a little pricey for what it is. CUSTOMER SUPPORT: 9/10 This only suffers a point because I haven't had too much contact with them. While they were swiffed to a messgae on facebook about a manual for an amp they don't produce or have on their site, I emailed them using an email on the site and it was ignored, not something I was expecting form a big company but I guess you can't get everyones. It be impracticle to think otherwise. Overall: 8/10 I only really got this to get anoither to have speakers closer to my ear, but I am super surprised at how it performs, it only loses point due to it's muddy ness with the couplying effect with my compressor. Fit and finish is very nice, and something I prefer. It goes very loud and performs very well for such a small unit with dual speakers. I wouldn't say it's for everyone, if you know what you are doing you can use it for everything but I wouldn't say it's a plug and go cab unless you are happy going into it flat. Great bit of kit thbat can be brought for a decent price if you look around, and used (when they come up) very dirt cheap. Something you should definitly try before you buy though. Stephen H.
  7. This looks amazing dude!! and ridiculous price too. just wish I had the cash monies.!
  8. If funds allowed I would have another bass no doubt but only to serve as a backup just in case, but it would still need to be different, so either another Sterling bass, or if one ever comes up a Warwick FNA. How do I get on with one bass? Fine, more than fine. I have a tool set and spare stirngs with me all the time, and if a string breaks during set, I can play without the string, no problems. I'm not jealous of other who do have more than one, becuase(for me anyway) I make the most out of that one bass, I don't need a P or a J for those sounds I can coax those out of my one bass with my fingers and some light EQ'ing, and after all the Audience doesn't really know anyway. I like the way I sound with the bass, and with anything else (that doesn't have that kind of pickup in the sweetspot atleast) I just can't get on with. In the future I'd like to be known for spanking the same plank since for ever aswell. But then having a backup just in case never hurts. Miss my sterling............
  9. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1338836501' post='1679885'] I don`t know the size of the neck on a Stingray, but my Sterling by Musicman is the same width as a Precision, approx 41mm. But, when playing it, it seems a lot faster in hand. Probably not quite as deep a profile, though I`ve no way of measuring it. To the eye, it looks like this is the case. [/quote] Mine was 38mm at the nut. The Stingray was just over 40mm In Price order........ ErnieBall MusicMan stingray, Sterling etc.... are US components built in the US ErnieBall Musicman SUB are US components built in the US. SterlingBall by MusicMan SB14(Sterling) and Ray34/35(Stingray) made in the Far East from components possibly made there too. 'Checked' in the US. SterlingBall by MusicMan SUB (so far only a ray sort of model) God knows, look worse than the worst OLP's I've seen. If you want a Stingray with a skinny neck and a quality product you can rely on, make a custom order with BassDirect or Strings and Things, if it isn't up to scratch when it gets to you send it back. this is what I would do, or pick up the used Greenburst Sandberg Basic, very ,uch like a stingray, only less weight and slimmer better feeling neck. Like all of the lines each suffers from the occassional QC issue that is either a nightmare or something not a big deal. These what mass-manufactured bass doesn't? Used Sterlings can go for pretty cheap on the used market, and the ceramic pup and electronics don't make too much a difference to notice in a live band setting or a mix, I would get another Sterling if funds allowed, just for the single coil sound. You get a nice mix between Musicman and Jazz, great for nailing some of the tones Tim C has when he switched to using Jazz basses.
  10. I only have one right now. There is one bass I am gassing for but never comes up, ever. I mean ever ever ever.
  11. Current rig, just waiting for another traveller 2x10 to make it it finished. [attachment=109437:Gedling-20120602-00279.jpg]
  12. [quote name='lxxwj' timestamp='1338769593' post='1679142'] ................ it would cost $495. [/quote] Pocket change!!!!!
  13. With absence the heart grows founder!!!
  14. To busy here to look anywhere else............
  15. I thought I posted here.... I love Musicman Basses, I've had a few now, but always find that the mid 90's ones tick boxes for me, newer and much older ones don't really. Old ones tend to suffer from heavy bodies, not great electronics, newer ones just miss the nice bits the old ones have. The early/mid 90's rays and sterlings come with best of both worlds. Recently got my Sandberg Basic off TRBboy and really do like it, I wouldn't be disappointed if I paid for it new. This one definitly beats a lot of the Musicman basses I've had and tried. Reminds me of loads of qualities from both Musicman and Warwick. The zero fret does make a difference to the quality of the open notes. The neck feels really nice, and IMO nothing like a fender at all, much much better.
  16. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1338669217' post='1677938'] Made me bring some sick up into my mouth! Sorry. [/quote] Epic win for you sir!
  17. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1338628539' post='1677305'] Looking at the list of organisations involved in the funding and sponsorship I can't help but have a sneaking suspicion that the originals bands are only there because at least one of the sources of funding and/or licensing requires the line up not to be all tribute and covers bands. [/quote] Definitly 'just another gig' for us, but a good one none the less. Despite me thinking the same, we were the only band on, on that day, that didn't play any covers........... One band after us just played covers and I thought it was the originals stage. We were also told in lots of marketing and auditions, it was the biggest originals and unsigned festival (never heard of it until the audition) but once actually there it is the biggest Tribute act festival. BTW the Daved Bowie act was terrible, sounded like him no doubt but couldn't sing for crap. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1338644090' post='1677558'] It isn't hard for some student bands to rack up 300-400 likes, but that doesn't garauntee any sort of standard in itself... or get those unqualified 'likes' to actually attend the gig, but there you go. [/quote] We pretty much do anything though right now, we don't have the means or the funds to do our own EP(which is the only way to get decent gigs around here) so any gig gives us some coverage, and we have developed a big relationship with one of the main local scene soppurters so we get to pretty much pick and choose when we play. We bring some people and they get pissed, so everyone is happy. Indeed been involved with a few 'FB like competitions' and I just don't socially network with any body apart from people far a field, so we lose out on this too. Although a kerrang newcomer nominee asked us to support even though we came 2nd, unfortunately we couldn't do the date they bloody booked!
  18. BIT CRUSHER. If I didn't have my geiger counter I would get the frantabit, thats a super excellent pedal. And as shep says sounds closest to the bugcrusher.
  19. I can't believe I watched that all the way through, better than watching the news for 30 minuets anyway. even heard the floor coupling effect being mentioned!!!! Don't really pay much attention to the solo bass world, as it's pretty boring..... But he has avery interesting technique at the start of the vid popping the higher strings with multiple fingers. He gets better use out of that VLE than what I ever do.
  20. My originals band played Glastonbudget yesterday! Overall the whole experience was pretty positive, we had loads of positive feedback(even though we didn't play particulaly well!) and the crowd actually cheered for more once we were told to finish, the other stages had some nice acts and some of the other original bands were pretty awesome. I even got a small play on a EBMM classic Stingray in coral red. I'm afriad though that's about it. Even before hand we were let down. Being told you can have 1 day ticket free per band member for a guest was a pretty good thing, and we actually had a few people coming because of the whole group of friends thing. Well 3 weeks before hand for some reason it was announced that we won't be allowed free 1 day tickets but a free all weekend pass for us only. None of us could stay all weekend anyway due to work or other commitments so that was a bit of a let down. Also we and they have known that we would be playing since at least Christmas but the band pages on the website have only been up for about 2 months. Which included a spelling error of "Cutthe Heroics" not a big deal, we sent an email with some logo stuff and explaining the error, with a reply that it would be sorted ASAP, and it's still spelled wrong. We were due to play at 6:35(odd time yeah I know) but anyway they were running '5 minutes' late, which was actually 15 minutes. With an alloted 10 minutes setup, 25 minute set time and 5 minutes getting off we were still cut short during our set by atleast 8 minutes. We spent the tuesday timing our songs and set to be well under the 25 minutes anyway, but still managed to not play 2 songs not a big deal I guess, but the 2 bands before hand played for 30 minutes or more, and without being big headed, to not many people. So that wasn't very pleasing for us. The other bands just ignored each other, one we actually played with before at the Maze in nottingham, and totally blanked us, coupled with scowls from a far, while we all made a point to be friendly and talkative to the other bands backstage, the atmosphere was nothing like what we are normally used to at places we usually do these sort of band medley type gigs. While the stage was pretty good, the sound was ace, after I had to EQ out of the bass amp a horrible bass boost and smiley face out of the graphic EQ, the sound on stage was pretty good compared to others we have played. Only there was barrier for the crowd that was a good 10 feet away from the front of teh stage. I would have thought it have been better to place some of teh food stalls closer to the stage aswell to try and bring in some more people. A fair few niggles I know, but it would have only taken 5 more minutes planning to make the experience a whole lot better not just for us but for everyone playing. also the Classic stingray....... Don't get me wrong I like EBMM basses but this felt very much the same as the entry level Stingray that were on offer from StingsandThings. The neck looked nice the birdseye was fairly heavy, although both of teh mid 90's EBMM's were heaver and felt nicer. The stings were those gold plated things, but were dead as a dodo and needed a setup so bad, the Squier's in musicroom played nicer just because they are set up. Watched the band play, and the sound was fairly nice, sounded like a Stingray low and behold! Worth the massive price tag?????? The guy said 'he' paid £1500 for it secondhand, still in brand new condition. I doubt I'd be paying that much for a bass again, the Sandberg I have just felt much more solid build quality wise, and the neck on it is shaped a lot better. I would still choice one those 90's ray's over this Classic anyday. Overall we still would like to do it again next year and better organise ourselves, get a few mates to come and stay for a day or 2.
  21. My problem with this debate is: I like effects, my favourite bass players use effects quite a bit(Tim C, Takeshi Ueda) and while at hoem and playing I can write a fairly decent set of lines with effects doing a lot of work, with out having to chanmge my usual playing style. However as soon as more guys turn up (usually guitarists) I feel they are totally unecerssary(being open minded it maybe just the kind of music it is) Example there is one song where In my head using some chorus of phase effects in the chorus will add a lot of ambience and sound mint! and adding fuzz or drive to the massive ending will really give a massive layered sound and make everything huge. While at home it sounds good, the same lines sound just as good with no effects(is compressor really an effect??????????) so I'm turn at what to go for. While in the band setting the effected sound just doesn't quite sound right, again this could be the music we are playing, which is fairly straight forward.
  22. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1338502228' post='1675678'] I promise I'll change my avatar soon, feels like I've got a picture of someone else's girlfriend or something! Enjoy it man! [/quote] EPIC!! Hoping to get some pictures from this weekends gig of me with it so I can change mine,
  23. I would sort out the head first. Don't bget hung up on wattages etc....., The vcab seems fine right now, but after you really try some proper decent gear you may then start thinking otherwise. Anything light wieght with a tube gain stage will do, even more so if the input acts like a proper tube amp and lets you get dirty. like the genz streamliner and shuttles, the markbass rocker500 and R500, GK MB fusion. If you find a head you like, then worry about the cab. Personally I would get a more compact rig. For example I'm waiting on two 2x10's and will stack them vertically so it's 8x10 size, but without all that muddy and jumbled up midrange. and it should be pretty darn loud too.
  24. Really dig my Sandberg basic, brought off TRBboy. super excellent bass, excellent quality, very playable, comfortable and sounds excellent.
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