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Everything posted by Prime_BASS

  1. Trying to stay positive while I go through pretty big cull in gear. The Sterling has gone, something I searched ages for and it belonged to a bassist I actually rate, who made music I wish I'd have wrote. Anyway, before hanbd I brought this lovely bass from TRBboy, who has another in greenburst for sale which looks sexy as hell. I must say I am more than super pleased with this bass. It does everything I want gives me best of other basses I've actually got on with in the past. Anyway here is the pr0n: [attachment=109166:Gedling-20120526-00265.jpg] [attachment=109167:Gedling-20120526-00267.jpg] [attachment=109168:Gedling-20120526-00270.jpg]
  2. We have been compared to the god damn ordinary boys. more 90's inspired alt-brit-pop-punk. 4 chord structure galore. link is in the sig!! [quote name='Dom in Somerset' timestamp='1338488368' post='1675371'] As a matter of interest , how many of us run their band's facebook/myspace/website? Is it a duty that always falls to the bass player? [/quote] We all have access but it's mainly me and the Lead singer posting crap, I mainly use my own page for promo stuff as I have more friends
  3. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1335097983' post='1625647'] [attachment=109013:IMG_1868.JPG] [attachment=109014:IMG_1871.JPG] [attachment=109015:IMG_1873.JPG] [attachment=109016:IMG_1874.JPG] [/quote] Black pickguard on this looks devilishly sexy!!! If my money had all evaporated this month I may have had this second one off you!!
  4. My band (in the sig) are playing a 25 minute set for Glastonbudget on Friday early evening. It's in some village inbetween liecester and Nottingham, Wymswold or something. Should be good as the band hasn't gigged in a while and we have some new songs.
  5. Looks good, but where is it made? if thats MIM that price is a bit steep IMO. Does look like a fender's take on the BS model from Yamaha, but needs a mudpucker in the neck instead of that sissy single coil in the bridge.
  6. [quote name='bigjohn' timestamp='1338418469' post='1674478'] Yeah, you're right... I do need one. But the Big One means I don't [i]need [/i]one... [/quote] More gives you moar ROAR!
  7. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1338319179' post='1672754'] I always thought those 15's would work well as a pair. They can go pretty low on their own but they don't get 'boomy'. Running a 2nd one should fill the sound out nicely without it all becoming just low bass. I tried the pair of Bag End 15's when Phil had them & they sounded great. First time I've ever tried 2x15's together. [/quote] 2x15 just makes more acoustical sense than 8x10 or 2 4x10s. Less speakers for the mids to get all jumbled up, and incredibly tight and controlled low end.
  8. [quote name='bigjohn' timestamp='1338413713' post='1674368'] Glad this has gone... I was very, very tempted... but I really don't need one... [/quote] You do need one.......................
  9. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1338414429' post='1674386'] I've played this bass - many times. Ste is a top bloke and his description of the bass is very fair. It has had some knocks an bumps but it still plays great and that old neck feels lovely. This bass is a real BARGAIN! [/quote] Cheers Shep! If money was better or work was better no way this would go, but it looks like a fellow Notts' bassist may have it off me, so at least it's near.
  10. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1338400140' post='1674026'] The bridge, neck and pre amp must be worth your price alone mate! Crazy times we are in [/quote] I know! I thought about parting out, but then the chance to own it as a whole some day in the future would be impossible. Plus I really don't want to detire potential sales with a dream price.
  11. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1338398250' post='1673977'] Waaaaaaaaaaaah I just paid £540 and waited 3 months for mine!!!! Wrong timing [/quote] New ones are still worth having !!!! bro, the new new tone of the cabs is astonishing and the broken in is even better.
  12. Hi. due to spending too much and my hours taken a another step in the wrong direction at work I need some cash. So up is my Barefaced Compact, ordered from Alex last March(IIRC) and is in pretty much the same condition it came to me. Except to small scuffs on the metal grill wear it has been trasported via sack trolley. 12kgs or soemthing stupid, equally stupidly loud. You don't need me to big these up. £395 posted Or £350 collected from me in Nottingham. Oh yeah! it has a metal grill.
  13. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1338393102' post='1673851'] Yep, its the plural of horse, like doggies is the plural of dog [/quote] looool
  14. Hi. As some may feel and know times are really tough, I've spent too much and my hours at work are getting shorter and shorter. So with hesitation up for sale is my beloved Sterling. Why so cheap? This bass sounds really good, without a doubt, with all the work I've done it sounds just like a Stingray but without the hefty weight or wide neck. However it has been much loved by me and by Andy Hawkins of Midget(who recorded with it alot and took it on tour to japan and back). As such it has suffered a lot of tiny bumps and scrapes. Nothing major though, nothing that gauges enough to penertrate the wood, mainly just flaws in the finish etc, and only become apparant if you look closely enough. Also it is not all original: I brought it off eBay from the second owner (after Andy) and only after a year and a studio visit I found something wasn't right with the sound. I changed the pickup to no success and then the preamp and now thats fixed, as such the old electronics are long gone, but the new stuff is high grade replacement stuff. Here is a Spec list I guess: Original MM tuners. Original 1 piece Birdseye Maple neck. (22 fret) Original MM neck plate. Original Body, and scratchplate. Pickup is a SMB-4A, a Stingray Alnico replacement. Preamp, John East MMSR 3 band 4 knob. Stingray replacement preamp, with no indent on the bass and treble and sweepable mids. Original 'Trans' bridge (AKA flea bridge) with String Mute assembly. The mods really do make it sound like a stingray and it only weighs a very light 8.4lbs. due to the parts not being made to fit a Sterling I have had to do a bodge job in some places, for example the pots on the preamp are a little scratchy as they don't fit perfect in the holes (who moves them around all set anyway???) and the pickup is hard to chanmge height with the pickguard on, as it's a little wide. Also the 3 way switch has been taken out completely as it was part of the old broken system. Also after a few emails to luthiers the neck it seems is 100% fine and usable, but i would keep a kit to change the truss rod with you at all times. due to the old, birdseye and one piece nature of the neck it is suseptable to change more than modern necks, I would say no more so than a modern fender, and 9 times out of ten it doesn't need changing, jut severe knocks can have a bad effect on it. Ok. It comes with a Hiscox liteflite (or whatever it's called) hardcase. £450 posted all in Or £400 collected from me in Nottingham. there will be no price drops as this is stupid low as it is and you won't find anything else better for this money. [attachment=109069:Gedling-20120131-00041.jpg][attachment=109070:474935_259543027462509_191622304254582_573621_1920637550_o.jpg] [attachment=109071:Gedling-20120530-00273.jpg] [attachment=109072:Gedling-20120530-00274.jpg]
  15. I can't remeber the last time I changed the battery in any bass. but I have a box of those procells, from ebay for around £7. Can't go wrong.
  16. [quote name='Michaelg' timestamp='1338161141' post='1670359'] T-rex squeezer pedal! [/quote] This. You can use any compressor with either intrument but whether it sounds any good is another question. One that is good on bass will be the same for guitar, but some compressor cut the low and highs quite a bit and arn't great for bass, but will be fine for guitar.
  17. First thing to do with all second hand purchases, is re-string with the strings you normally use, and check setup. Whilst pickup hieght may be the issue, suually when it's too low you get 'boomy' or 'boxy' notes as there isn't a great signal going to the pickup. Ideal hieght is different for everyopne though, I have mine fairly close compared to the norm.
  18. Really want to try a fusion, and even more so now there will be a 800 watt version.
  19. [quote name='obbm' timestamp='1338027804' post='1668778'] I gigged my Orange AD200B for the first time in a while last night and noticed that occassionally the orange power indicator light was occasionally pulsating and glowing quite brightly. I've not aseen this before and I can find no mention of this feature, if that's what it is, anywhere. Does anyone know what tis is indicating? [/quote] As far as I'm aware it's should just be a constant on light. My only guess is that there was some kind of voltage sag causing it to be dim and coming back to full brightness when power allowed. Or that could be complete bollocks.
  20. I do a fair bit a of theory and technique practice, and going through web lessons at least once a week, but I've been playing for around 8 or 9 years,a nd spend most of my 'practice' time writing songs, stuff for my band, stuff for my drum and bass/noise project and stuff for what could be considered solo work. At the minute I'm going through phases of not being able to put the bass down and times where I give a quick noodle or go through the bands songs and thats it, usually when the strings need changing and I don't have any new sets............
  21. [quote name='markstuk' timestamp='1337967488' post='1668227'] SWR 410 @ 105db/1W/1m vs GB10 @ 97 db/1w/m may have something to do with it.. Max Watts RMS only means something when coupled with a speaker.. And cabs vary in efficiency and frequency response quite markedly.... [/quote] also it shouldn't be surprising that more speakers give you more..... As good as some of the tiny 1x10/1x12 cabs are, if you compare it to anything a lot bigger, it will get truanced. Unless you arte using Barefaced.....
  22. [quote name='blunderthumbs' timestamp='1338018757' post='1668612'] The one in Mansons is new/old stock. Can't understand why it has been hanging around unsold for 10 years as this bass was only made in 2002 as a one off ???? [/quote] Because the price is ridiculous.... The last I saw on eBay sold for around the £1200 mark, but I would do that thing mentioned above where you can get a new one.
  23. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1337774354' post='1665186'] I bought a '94 'Ray from Prime_Bass - not the prettiest bass ever but it had a beautiful Bird's eye Maple neck which I set up with a really low action - no buzz, played like a dream. A couple of my friends played it and I got lots of positive comments about how it played. Prime_Bass said he regretted selling it and said he was interested in buying it back - when he had the cash available. I was trying to get the cash together for a GB Rumour (would anybody sell me one though!!) so I subsequently sold it to Sshorepunk - as soon as I started packing it I knew I was making a mistake..Several weeks later I'm missing the Ray so buy a newer one (2001) in much better condition - you guessed it - doesn't feel or play like the '94. I should have listened to my gut feeling and not sold it!! [/quote] Too right, the one bass I regret moving on, none of the other 15+ I've owned stir my loins like that old Ray..... Messaged Shorepunk a few times but no reply................. I will get this bass back!!! Although I'm extremely happy with the Sandberg I have right now, so much so that I'm thinking of retiring the sterling up. I know I'll regret it as soon as I do though. Stephen
  24. is it black, or juts a black hole!!!
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