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Everything posted by Prime_BASS

  1. I'm sure I saw a 1 string version on Sandberg's site too.
  2. This compressor is very good! Got a good review on onvilabs, and it sounds a lot like and has the same controls as the Markbass compressor, only in a smaller form factor.
  3. They are very high quality heads that are the best 'compromise' for sounding liek everything. It lets me and my bass playing an dthe bass get through to the cab and to my ears, so one of those amps that actually responds to your playing. If play at the bridge I'm jaco, if I scoop the mids and slap I'm Marcus miller. if you play up at the neck and soft you in reggea town, you play over the pick up and dig in, you gonna be in rock town. With markbass how you play and what you play makes more of a difference than how the amp sounds.... But really, you should go out and try some, Fuzz in West bridgeford Notts has some MB stuff, and shouldn't be too far to travel fo ryou.
  4. I've had the genz before and the used the SVT7-pro a few times. I do really like the genz it's rated power seems accurate(with my ears) but I did feel that once you start pushing it it does that compressing thing, but then again you would never need to push it that hard anyway. The 7 pro to me has the same volume issue as the 3-pro, it feels like something is a miss, but it does go louder as you go all the way round teh master volume's range. I would happily use it with my barefaced as the 8ohm power it has is pretty hefty, but I seriously doubt it reaches 1000watts, even at peaks. The compressor is a little weak in my point of view, and on one model I tried the threshold breach gave a audible click. Out of the two I'd choose the ampeg though, just because the sound is more useable out of the box.
  5. Sorry I must have missed the messages!!
  6. I'd be interested in the 102p???????????? good luck bump!
  7. [quote name='Jack' timestamp='1337351075' post='1658667'] Well 'aggressive and middy' sounds like me, but I plan on using this with a GK Mb Fusion 800, so I'm sure I'll have that covered whichever way I go. In my head I was thinking maybe the Super 12's larger internal volume would do something the 2 smaller cabs couldn't but if they overlap largely then the stack it is, a bit more expensive but modular and easier to move. Chrisb, what gigs do you do where the Compact is too big? Seriously that thing is pretty darned small! [/quote] The Compact/Midget stack is on paper a massive sounding thing, that will be louder and lower in the lows, than the S12 (If I recall the figures right) The Compact on it's own is small sized yes, but the volume it pushes out will fill a 100x25x25 metre hall full of people with headroom left on the LMTube. It is too big for something though, for example I used a midget in a big hall for some sit down birthday party thing, and the best comment was 'the bass is too loud' I've had a Super12T and it is a middy cab and very flat response loved it just needs changed so I went back to a Coompact.
  8. At least it's something easily reconisable so hoppefully this makes it's way back to you sharpish! Bass looks awesome too. Good luck dude.
  9. Recently got a used Sandberg basic and I absolutly rate this bass! First bass I've had with a zero fret, and there is a distinct difference in open notes compared to normal non zero fret neck. The finish is immaculate, no fualts. I would compare the quality to Musicman basses, without a doubt, and it sounds killer. I don't think anyone would know in a blind test that it wasn't a thurough bred Stingray. My only real issues are with the pickguard not being cut very close to the pickup leaving a small gap, but still a cracking bass. It reminds me of everything I love about a Warwick double $$ corvette I had and a Stingray I had, super pleased. The used price was ridiulous for this bass aswell.
  10. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1337433296' post='1659875'] Has anyone used the orange bass terror with several fx? All the videos and stuff i've read just seems to mention it for cleans and dirty tones. [/quote] Ant (on here) from castrovalva i think currently uses an OTB but purely for the accuratly rated 500watt power amp and tones of effects. Due to the classic fender bassman tone stack, bass and treble boost and mid scoop, for me the preamp is a bit muddy, and was incredibly boomy with my Compact. I will vote for it but it's hard to EQ with effects as it colours the sound a lot, but if you want a cheap and good soundiong head that has more power on tap than needed, that's your head. Although Markbass's power amp in the littlemark series has been found to be it's actual rating too. Which is another reason I love it, you can pick up a used LMTube for very little these days. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1337433918' post='1659894'] Yeah man FOXDIE = Nerdiest band ever. We have songs about call of duty, mass effect and a local beer, among other geeky stuff. Miss our old intro track. Was a snake codec convo.[/quote] I have to see this band! [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1337434623' post='1659911'] I loved MGS. Never played the next gen version though. [/quote] It's really good, and for a nerd like me the the ending is immense. Graphics are on another level. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1337434708' post='1659912'] And yeah, MGS is pant wettingly awesome! If I wasn't so bass gear obsessed I would have got the HD Collection for the Xbox by now [/quote] I have it, it's pretty good playing the older games in HD, and peacewalker is a half decent game. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1337435126' post='1659921'] I just wish they'd included the 1st one. I've wasted sooooo much time with those games! Might see if I can try a MB head.. Maybe the LMII. [/quote] Me too, but I already downloaded MGS from the PSN. Thing with the MB heads is that they are voiced very nice, very flat with a low mid hump, this gives them that 'warm' sound people describe them as. Incredibly clear and great for pumping effects through, and through a Compact you hear everything in the range as it goes into the head, which is great. Having a flat start point makes EQing incredibly easy.
  11. I have gas for 2 at the minute. I tried one and loved it, and i don't usually go for multispeaker cabs or 2x10 at all. no problem with low end. MM20 was it vertical or horizontal?
  12. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' timestamp='1337472739' post='1660669'] There is a great danger that they may believe a fallacy that bassists know to be false; [b]Intermediate guitar ability = Utter bass awesomeness[/b] I myself have a great deal to learn after playing for a... err... long time. [/quote] I didn't understand that either. I like to believe I can get by in most situtations, and that I'm good, but no expert. I make it look like I know what I'm doing and that I'm doing more than I am though. Anyone who calls themself an expert is deluded.
  13. I don't understand where the hostilities have come from in the last few posts but it's totally uncalled for. As I read right the OP is a parent........... To address the issue you need to speak to the singer/guitarist, it is his band agfter all and you are all riding under his name, but you also have to point out the actual issue and facts that it isn't working bringing kids 'to work'. Remind him it's in his best interests to seperate family and band. If you get a negative or violent reaction then it's time to call it quits, do the honorable thing explian the issue why you are leaving and that you'll stick around for any gigs that have already been booked. [quote name='Starless' timestamp='1337468553' post='1660635'] I just hope I never meet the OP, the urge to punch him in the face for his part in the abuse of innocent kids would be just too strong. [/quote] I don't think any of us here are fully aware of what the situation is like at the OP's singer's home. For all we know they could be suffering financially(wouldn't be surprised) a\nd thats why the wife comes and brings the kids. They aren't his kids and I don't see this as any kind of abuse. Maybe neglect that may or may not be detrimental to the kids in the future, but it isn't fualt of the OP at all. He isn't asking that they come alonmg, or refusing to play if they don't. Don't get so wound up for someone else's mess up. I'm only 22 so can't really speak as a parent, but a kid? maybe. If I was them kids I'd be loving it, days off school? hells yeah! But then I wouldn't be aware of the short falls I'd be subjected to in the future. [quote name='Jack Cahalane' timestamp='1337476430' post='1660692'] Don't be a keyboard warrior, you'll just make yourself look like a tit. [/quote] Not needed friend. The OP hopefully knows what to do know to address the issue and hopefully they follow through and then give us an update.
  14. ordered? so its not from the 70's?
  15. [quote name='topo morto' timestamp='1337442936' post='1660118'] Interesting. Many of my faves have a bass oriented design - e.g. the B3k has a blend and an EQ curve that focuses the actual distortion away from the low end; the SubLime does split-band processing; the OKKO Basstard I was trying to flog you has two cascaded gain stages and a blend, and a tone control set up for bass... I haven't tried the MT-2, but I do like the DOD american metal - has a lot of post gain bass-boost (which is another way to bassify a pedal!) [/quote] The Okko is one I still want to own but funds just have to go to sorting out an actual board for this crap and since I have a distortion that suitable and I like no point changing, unles syou are after some amp bags............ It's the only distrotion that I've heard on youtube that I've actually thought "wow, I want".
  16. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1337425167' post='1659675'] I've got 4 EBMMs with the sweet spot H position so I thought I'd add a bit of a different flavour to my next bass. The bridge H on the HH Bongo was more like a Jazz bridge pup but MUCH bigger in terms of tone. Middy, but still thumped. [/quote] I think those kind of pickups will always be bigger compared to any crap like a jazz or P pickup..... (IMO) I'm just comparing the HH bongo to the normal position, I found that the bridge pickup on my old Big Al to be too thin also and the muilt pickup sound to get close to the stingray ness was too different. Too thin yes but a lot bigger and ballsy compared to any jazz bass. I do wish I had ordered a single H as the preamp is amazing on that bass.. My dream 5 string has a single coil in the sweet spot though.
  17. As Shep has said. Horses for courses. I havent found a sinmgle OD pedal I like of bass at all, and the best distortion IMO is a boss MT-2 a pedal thats for guitar.......... I love effects but I can't find room enough for my 'normal' band setting, at home and with my drummer is where the effects come to play, and even still I have a very stripped back approach. I hate the way chorus sounds on bass, and flange, but others here will swear by those sounds...... I also really don't like the sound octavers have, and only usea digitech whammy for octave ups and the odd bit of pitch down....
  18. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1337416866' post='1659497'] I'll put my vote in for the TC Electronics RH750 plus a combination of the RS212's or 210's. They are completely joyous amps and cabs, very capable of keeping up with a loud band (although address that first before you spend a fortune on a rig!) and focused low mids that really help cut in a band situation. It can keep up with the 'modern' sounding thing too what with the 'tweetertone' control. I'm delighted with mine and would be happy to recommend it to anyone. Best of all - really lightweight. [/quote] One thing to bear in mind this is one of few amps I'd really suggest to actually go somewhere and try. Great bit of kit but the feel of the sound it produces is different to anything else out there. I had the RH750 and I felt the bass and my playing was chocked somehow, which is evident why now, so I sold it a brought a second LMTube.....
  19. birth year RAY! how did I miss this?!!!
  20. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1337335915' post='1658280'] I was thinking Barefaced actually, though I'd be worried about the tweeter since i've never owned a cab with one... I hear stories pretty often of people busting their tweeters etc... I do have quite alot of low end at times. [/quote] Barefaced is your only option!! Do not worry about the tweeter, if you are give Alex an email. Alex has given Shep(Pantherairsoft) a lifetiime garuntee on his, he is that confident that the tweeter won't blow, and Shep's sonic assualkt on the cab is unreal, and he uses the tweeter a fair bit and has a load of top end in his overall sound. Amp wise, I will vote markbass, that RATM sound is very possible with the tube preamp'd heads. It's more about midrange than actual grit (IMO) as long as you have the right bass and it's set up well, then barefaced and Markbass will give you more sounds than you thought. I play a lot of RATM and just the markbass flat as a pancake. They also articulate effects very well, and in terms of gigs, I always go through the PA anyway so EQ on stage so i can hear the cab, so cut the bass and up the mids. I would also suggest genz streamliner. While the MB tube heads are great they won't do dirt or grit on their own, they will muddy the sound if you want with the filters but you can't get the tube to grind and sound good.... The Genz input stage allows the tubes to grit up very nice, while staying relatively clean and middy, Shep uses the 900 and he says it performs stupidly well for a tiny unit. I sold it him and I couldn't get round the overall sound (slight mid scoop and bass and treble slightly boosted) coupled with the mid sontrols just wasn't for me. The Genz will grit up on it's own but since yuou are using aa few effects there is no point in that, IMO. The MB high control centre EQ is more suited to helping bring out the treble on tweetered cabs I think, on the LMTube IIRC it's centred at 10khz, so mostly I boost this to helop the compact in it's lack of super highs. BTW is the band name reference to Metal gear??????
  21. Hi, for sale I have a Hiscox hardcase. It came with the Sandberg I recently got, and I don't need it and I don't use them I'm not loosing any dosh on it so £50 collected from place in Nottingham. Pictures arn't uploading fully but it has purple/red velvet inside and is in very good condition.
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