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Everything posted by Prime_BASS

  1. [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1336401674' post='1645036'] Yes, I totally agree with all of this. Some music shops are dreadful in terms of customer service. It would be nice to not be treated like a complete d1ckhead in some of them. Usually by some snotty nosed kid who genuinely believes he is awesome and you are a clown. [/quote] This all over! I like schooling anyone in a music shop about anything. I recently went in to some local shop to look at OD's and I told them I had a Stingray, I didn't want them to attempt to comprehend what a Sterling was. Even still out of what was mainly fenders and SBMM Ray's the guy still had to ask me which one was a Stingray. Some hobo's that run Fuzz in Nottingham couldn't give me a general outline of specs of the Markbas sgear they stock, and every local shop that have ever 'took my details' and said they'll call me, never did. The best experience shopping music gear has been Hot Rox in Nottingham and Bass direct. Mark has only ever slipped up when he has been either really really busy or suppliers have let him down.
  2. [quote name='daz' timestamp='1336189693' post='1642317'] Billy Sheehan swears by it. He says as he usually practices with his bass unplugged, that the amount of high to low is much less than when plugged in, so he reigns it back in with a compressor. The result being his practice sound is nearer to what it sounds like on stage, just different in volume. [/quote] Ii really don't get this at all.
  3. Great quality over view buddy! I really like my T-rex squeezer, first compressor I really get on with, but I have to have the attack on literally nothing or I get a massive peak, and regardless or settings the level knob needs to be pretty maxed out. Although I don't know if it's my headphones I was expecting to hear a more audible difference between the two, while the trex is a bit fatter sounds and makes the lows a little mushy. I was expecting to hear the added harmonic distortion from the tube vs the other one. maybe due to the cab being mic'd up and it's always difficult to hear real differences that way.
  4. Thbat youtube guy Davidsinsrocks (or whatever) has used one of those Tuscany basses before, along with Fudera amps. Seem to sound pretty good but to me they look a litttle cheap looking.
  5. Interesting rig dude. Whats the head all about?
  6. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1336147166' post='1641708'] I also feel that I'm starting to lose a little interest. I think reviews with more prominent well known bassists who have gained experience over many yrs or many gigs would be a more interesting option. Many of the bassists I haven't heard of but that might be an age thing. [/quote] I don't know where this view is coming from, the last issue had a fairly heavy interview with Mark Hoppus, and if you haven't at least heard of him then you have been under a rock the last 20 years.... He may not be the most amazing player but he has played bass for the last 20 years, and sold more records than we have probably had hot dinners put together. He also does play some reasonablly complex things on the new album, while singing! The section on people we don't know has barely been a 2 page spread, in one it had Rise Against bassist, who in the past hasn't been the typical punk rock bassist with the same stereotyped bass sound. In another issue it was barely a page. Hardly something to complaion about and exaggerate it being full of people no one knows........... I also repeat the point that it gives everyday working bassists a lot more coverage than they could probably achieve on their own, and also if you were truely interested in new music you could check out many of the facebook pages that have a url in the same little piece. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1336298322' post='1643583'] .........instruments doing badly in a review are going to be a rarity. [/quote] I realise this, was always the same for game magazines, I used to buy those a lot. I had all three of the last generation(thanks parents) and buying the nintendo mag was always a minefield reviews for stroking ponies and pretending to cook always got pretty favoured response when in actual fact they played like trying to catch bee's in a 2ml jam jar, full of wholes, in the middle of winter, naked, while in bed, with a beautiful woman. But there is difference between being negative and critical. Bass gear magazine (that online thing) I enjoy as the reviews are fairly informative.
  7. [media]http://youtu.be/id8ig5b5eV0[/media] My buddies cover of Thomas Leeb's original composition of No Woman No Cry by Bob Marley. Personally the technique is very good but in this vid it feels a lot more musical without all the showey-ness and ridiculous hand movements, he remains very understated about it all, at 2 minutes he pushes his specs up his nose lol! Although it did take him over 2 years to master it, and he still struggle to transfer the techniques into anything else. Knowing this I think that kid is pretty darn talented. In comparison, the man himself.! Really exciting playing! [url="http://youtu.be/pz5mMHJMr7s"]http://youtu.be/pz5mMHJMr7s[/url]
  8. [quote name='benebass' timestamp='1335978818' post='1639010'] Think someone at Fender's been taking a bit of inspiration from the latest Reverend range... [/quote] Valid point brother.! I sort of like it, but would only think of grabbing a lefty model and then reverse that. At £611 too pricing too.
  9. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1336142709' post='1641593'] Thought I'd share a few snippets from a recent recording session we did for some soundtrack-based stuff. The full versions of these song may never get released, but I wanted to share a few bits. More of a breakbeat/ambient vibe. These are not final mixes so please excuse any imbalances or lacking frequencies etc... These were all recorded in totally live takes with just the two of us (me and a drummer) so everything you hear that is not a drum is me playing, modulating & tweaking stuff live... [url="http://snd.sc/IruuRr"]Sample 1 - OHM[/url] [url="http://snd.sc/IruzVl"]Sample 2 - OHM[/url] [url="http://snd.sc/IruroI"]Sample 3 - OHM[/url] Shep [/quote] The bass sounds pretty massive through my WOWee One powered bass speaker thing. Sample 2 sounds mint, sureingly WMD in action?
  10. It's not really a case of what is being reviewed that bothers me, it's the fact that practically everything gets a pretty positive review. I mainly buy it for the backpage stuff, the lessons and the like. I think the section on other bassists from not very well known bands is a pretty good section, gives coverage for quiet promising acts and opens up readers to new music.
  11. Prime_BASS

    Octave Pedal

    Digitech whammy goes 1 or 2 octaves up if I recall.
  12. Can you take the neck off and post pictures of the date stamp?
  13. Is this the best one you have, but haft to sell it and keep the other ones that arn't as good for 'financial' reasons? If not I'm not interested, should I wear my stab proof when I come to collect it? As you mention it is a 'A KILLER'
  14. Payed for a Mastotron sharpish and was very understanding and great with communication. Great BC'er. Stephen
  15. Sometimes Warwick Streamer Standardfs come up on eBay and dirt cheap too.
  16. It's some new limited run, basically a classic series with a 3 band and horrible hardware. Or you could get a early 90's Ray for around 1/4 of that price....
  17. Wow. First trime seeing tghis, it looks really great now, a real Warwick vide going on, the grain is excellent.
  18. hey dude can I get a weight please??? Stephen
  19. Mainly a tool to make easy making chiptunes, I only really managed basic loops as even looking at the latest software it's not as straight forward, lots of wierd text etc, but sounds ace if you get it right. True Bit crushing. Always wanted to try modding a gameboy as an effect pedal though, get some 4-bit broken fizzyness into the sound.
  20. [quote name='lxxwj' timestamp='1335819166' post='1636626'] I think if you tried that the combined amount of effects would explode the minds of all your audience members. [/quote] lol. Cheers Shep. I've heard of this LSDJ thing before, and one of my favourite band's (Anamanguchi) actually use a similar thing but with a NES
  21. replied
  22. Really interested in how he uses the Gameboy as an input!
  23. Here are some pedals I have brought try but after extincive testing, they just arn't ticking the boxes unfortunatly. Source AudioFX Bass Envelope Filter. Brought this obviously because it has so many functions and is very high quality sound and does the WUBS! Moving on as I'm looking for something a little more LO-FI I guess, something is missing for me really, but it still is a fantastic pedal, lot's of sounds and uses. Comes essentially in brand new condition in box, but no hot hand and an un-original PSA(works 100% fine with it but doesn't work with any other pedal for some reason) I'm after around £150 ONO posted! Prefer bank transfer, but can do paypal too. [b]GONE[/b] Zvex Mastotron. Super dooper fuzz sounds pretty much like the wooly mammoth but responds a bit better to active basses. Get's huge with the SUB switch, very bass friendly Is in BRAND NEW IN BOX condition. No idea of a price so £100 ONO posted. Again bank transfer or paypal. [b]GONE[/b] Trades, not particulaly looking but I am after a digitech whammy. [attachment=106580:Gedling-20120314-00148.jpg][attachment=106581:Nottingham-20120302-00081.jpg] only pictures I have right now, but they are both immaculate.
  24. Link with pics for anyone interested in the various bits-as he has had. [url="/www.talkbass.com/forum/f36/tim-commerford-265221/"]/www.talkbass.com/forum/f36/tim-commerford-265221/[/url] [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1335807746' post='1636372'] I have a natural pre EB Stingray and a Badass II bridge on my jazz so that would be easy enough but maybe not a great financial move! [/quote] I thought you was selling that one?
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