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Everything posted by Prime_BASS

  1. [quote name='pietruszka' timestamp='1335278088' post='1628483'] There is no way your guitarist NEEDS 16 pedals. [/quote] Shep has 20.... Anyway you should go about telling him issue's with his sound should be sorted before rehearsals, taking up valuable time that the band can not spare, watching him fiddle knobs etc. But quiet clearly it's not working and should be thrown out for the sake of the band, it's about compromise from all parties.
  2. I can't seem to open the free back issues. no URL or some poo. Shame, I was interested in getting decent updates, I still get emails that don't even load on my blackberry.
  3. [quote name='BassMan94' timestamp='1335212622' post='1627467'] Its just id like some more control over the sound im getting, nothings wrong with them though [/quote] a few of the different John East preamps will sort you. Check out bass direct have the complete range and various options, which can be had from the John East site direct.
  4. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1335206651' post='1627324'] Is there? Does anyone know what's inside an active EMG pickup? Is it simply a standard pickup plus a pre-amp or is there something more to it? [/quote] I guess I should have been more specific, like the JVX, powered by 9volts and will go into a passive preamp, but still will sound just as loud as any other passive or active pickup/preamp.
  5. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1334778164' post='1621239'] I run nothing passive and whenever anyone uses my rig with a passive bass they need to boost the output volume loads, that's why lots of amps have either a passive/active switch or separate inputs surely? [/quote] A lot of active basses I've used in the past have all been a lot less hotter than all the passive basses I've used, bar the jaguar whose active sound is a lot louder than the passive. Loudness from the majority of basses is determined by the amount of coils around teh magnet. More wire wraps gives you more outout, and less gives you less output, but a high fidelity sound, such as EMG's who power the pickups with batteries. There is also a difference between active pickups and active preamps. My sterling barely clip's the Markbass until it's nearly reaching half way on the gain knob, but I don't use a lot of actual low end bass, the preamp's bass knob is not even half way round (John East MMSR) while boosting it will cause the amp to clip more but not sound much louder.
  6. bit too steep for me, good luck!
  7. do you have some neck dimensions? as a reference I am using a sterling neck which is very slim, slimmer than most jazz basses I've played. 38mm nut etc? Stephen
  8. [quote name='Ant' timestamp='1326704468' post='1500574'] yo! right im changing up my rack setup for something ive been planning for a while, so whilst i love my bass terror, i really need a 2 channel power amp with plenty of headroom and volume on tap (play in a loud band) i dont mind a cash adjustment either way or whatever, but show me what you have! im based in leeds. [/quote] Racking the two pearce? greedy git, still haven't come close to finding one.
  9. [quote name='The Walloper' timestamp='1334968842' post='1624314'] Was speaking to the bass player in my drummers' fathers band (if you know what I mean) about stingrays. He's got a 2eq sub, which he said he'd give me a loan of for a week to try it out. Excellent I say. I'll give it a blast and see how it goes. Don't exactly know the difference between the sub and the ray. Need to do a bit of reading. Many thanks for all the advice above. [/quote] In real terms, there isn't a lot of difference between a SUB and a Ray, they are both made in the USA, and from the same parts. The SUB doesn't have embossed hardware, and I believe the body is different (Basswood IIRC, I may be full of poo) and the obvious series wiring, which personally for me, is better for playing with a pick as when played with fingers it's sounds a little muddy (through some amps, a nice clean flat response amp will sound better) The best Ray's are form the 90's, you get best of the old, the new and the classic series, for usually a lot lower price.
  10. [quote name='Jimryan' timestamp='1334831666' post='1621930'] You sir, are now £550 richer. payment has gone through. [/quote] Now sold thanks to everyone interested.
  11. Matt brought an early 2000's USA P bass from me. Very swift, does as he says and took it no worries. Would happily deal with again. Stephen
  12. I'd love to own another Stingray. Just can't take a punt on the weight really. I've only come a across a few that are around 8 and a half pounds, my old one was 9.6 lbs or something and could just mange it on longer sets. Although now I'm a lot fitter I could probably handle a heavier bass. And both the Pre-EB ones I have tried I was very underwhelmed. I very much prefer the mid '90's season stingray, best of all old and new.
  13. and replied [quote name='Jimryan' timestamp='1334762117' post='1620826'] pm'd [/quote]
  14. £50? I'll give a few mates a buzz who still use the crappy fender bag with their gaytars.
  15. I will second the vote for trying them both. Especially if you can afford them both, then send back which one you don't like.
  16. [quote name='Davebassics' timestamp='1334679209' post='1619651'] If I wasn't building my Jazz to be like this I would be all over it! Annoying! [/quote] Save yourself some time?
  17. [quote name='janmaat' timestamp='1334675932' post='1619556'] Played a gig recently, first time with the 5er, - was surprised how many people - had never seen a 5er before - thought "he must be awesome" though I'm not, I have 5 strings because I am really too lazy to move my hand much - they should have thought "man, he's got a strong back" [/quote] In that case, put me down for a 10 strings.
  18. Having owned a SUB, a Stingray, a Sterling and a Big Al. They are all very different beasts, but all have that inherent musicman big low, bright mids and zingytop(all at the same time) sort of sound. The only one I regret letting go is the Stingray (my first real taste of quality) but since my Sterling has been modded and sounds just like the Ray' except for minor differneces due to a buggared neck. I've had and played a few emulators too, and non really come close to tyhe sound but one I did really like was a Modulus Funk Unlimited. I still want to try and find a early Warwick FNA as it has the signature position right, I tried a $$ but the pickup position was slightly off and the tone was just to polite.
  19. bump for some cheapo low gain OD pedals!!!
  20. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1334618917' post='1618831'] there's nothing you can play on a 4 that can't be played on a 5, and it doesn’t work the other way around [/quote] That depends on the player more I guess.
  21. ahhhhhhhhhh really want! but need to ma\ybe sell my jazz first
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