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Everything posted by Prime_BASS

  1. Still here! Won't go any lower if you are thinking of purchasing it do it soon!
  2. Still here! Won't go any lower if you are thinking of purchasing it do it soon!
  3. home out of the snow fuinally bump! every bump seems to get a 100 views. If anyone is bothered please take a look at my band of the facebook link, give us a like.
  4. I always struggle with the parameters as on knobs they mean nothing to me, ratio and threshold especially. I like the control but no idea what I'm doing. One's with visual aids are always good as they tell you when it's compressing and good if you only want that light compression to hold the big peaks in, one knobbers are easy to use and sound good, even more useful if they have a visal aid, but depends weather you want that control or not.
  5. Learned to slap on a white onbe of these. Would buy for nostalgia sake but i just dont get on with fenders.
  6. play the bass more till the strings are dead?? Try a filter that cyphons off the really high highs so that zing fgoes away.
  7. maybe interested as I dont think my bass is going to sell. PM me some piccies???
  8. Stranded in town centre bump!
  9. Al ot of bass for 500 punds here bump
  10. that looks amazing! I'd buy it just for the neck!!
  11. [quote name='MarkusWarwick' timestamp='1328361969' post='1525971'] Very tempted to buy this..... How bad is the neck scratch and buckle rash? [/quote] It's barely visible in the photoes in post one so not OMG what has happened! kind of scratches. The buckle rash is only vuisible when you look at it, and when it's catching the light in a way to cast shadows. This won't be going any lower, so it either sells at this price or not at all.
  12. So I've been offered a Peavey G bass from the states. Including postage (not counting duty) It'll cost me £300. This seems a steal for a USA made bass with a graphite neck which I keep reading was made by Modulus!!?!?!?!?!? Besides romours I know that it's supposed to be very light, 35" scale (maybe a little long for me) 18V cirrus preamp and a good pickup. Things I'm worried about. After hearing some talkbasser's buying some for less than $200 I fear that it is just a sh*t bass and not a gem. (ok not bad but something must be wrong for it to be brouight so cheap) The thing that interests me the most is the solid graphite neck, as I dont think the pickup is in the musicman sweetspot, soI'd have to mod it to route one in. Anyone had one, got one, know's anymore???
  13. nothing is selling right now. so sad.......................
  14. if this is here ina few weeks ill have it!! no interesty in a warwick MiG corvette $$???
  15. to the top!
  16. Bumps
  17. Bumps
  18. If this is still around after my amp gets back to me and I sell it. It's mine!!!!!
  19. bumps
  20. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1328184969' post='1523155'] One thing puzzles me though, some people are saying you don't need pedals etc., but there are thousands of threads on hear singing the praises of compressors, pre-amps/EQ's and all sorts of accessories, [b]so are we all just being sucked in to believing they will help improve the sound.?[/b] [/quote] Short answser: Yes Even I go through stages of thinking I need or don't need a compressor(on bad days my playing truely dreadful) then others I just dont feel I don't need anything but the pure amplification of the signal that the bass is producing with my fingers. I may be seen as hypocritical as I'm getting one, again. My point was merely not to worry about "improving" how you sound, spend the money on relaxing, take some time out. Silddx tookk some time out and he came back with some very interesting points. I've done it, not picked up the bass for a while and then came back to it went over a few songs and thought I sounded better than ever. I'm still on that hype so maybe soon I won't be. haha Just enjoy playing and learning, and spend the money on a holiday for you and the bird! [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1328193417' post='1523380'] clean) preamp in your shuttle try not to have massive cuts and boosts on the amp and see how it works with the rest of the band [/quote] Nothing wrong with Clean. I go into everything pretty much flat,with only a treble boost as the compact doesn't go too high and they get drowned out between 2 guitards.
  21. Sound better? Practice more. Accessories won't make you "sound" better at all. I go to gigs with my bass amp and cab and sound fine. I have a quality strap that actually makes a difference in me being comfortable. Unless you plan on recording and having a team of sound engineers and producers you won't ever really get what you are afer, as it probably doesn't exist outside of the recording studio. Either enjoy what you, or sell what you dont want to keep and spend it on a nice relaxing holiday. Too much time, effort, money and emotions are spent on searching for an illusive sound in one's head. Just play bass man.
  22. So it is available. Damn you MB1 and your pesky humour!!
  23. Still here?
  24. Definitly need to get my stuff sold sharpish. One in one out theory. I guess 2 pickups is a fair bit of space made!!!! Cracking price and cab
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