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Everything posted by Prime_BASS

  1. I dont like Fenders at all, but some of the artist series are really nice and experimental. The Roscoe Beck is one I've wanted to try for years.
  2. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1326039806' post='1491410'] I have just sold my two Ashdown cabs a 210T and a 115 for a BF Compact (Midget on its way to make up the rig) which I ran/run with a GK MB500 amp. The Compact on its own is awesome and will be absolutely fine for pubs/clubs etc. maybe even a Midget on its own. My whole rig (amp and 2 cabs) will then weigh just 23kgs. [/quote] The compact is amazingly loud! the midget too is very surprising, done a few gigs with a midget with no PA, and it barely broke a sweat. (I say gig, in a massive hall full of people sitting down and watching politely)
  3. This is the worlds most odd problem. Especially if the map was fine with other cabs and the compact was fine with other amps. Have you tried all your leads? Could also be a bad electrical insulation problem. Should also try going into the ampo striaght through the effects loop. This usually bypasses the pre-amp stage (the master volume will also need cranking up as the pre-amp help brings the signal voltage up) if it's fine it's definitly not the power amp or cab. Where abouts in notts are you, me and me dad are pretty nifty with this stuff, also I could try my stuff out with the cab to see if it is the amp.
  4. this is amazing.
  5. [url="http://www.jasminesilk.com/silk-gloves-liner/p30"]http://www.jasminesilk.com/silk-gloves-liner/p30[/url] The link you posted was dead, however this is the same site I believe,
  6. [quote name='the hand of john curley' timestamp='1326041712' post='1491446'] erm....it says on the back, min 4ohm? [/quote] the ineternal speaker is therefore 8ohms. Adding a second 8 ohm cab gives you a total load of 4 ohms. you will need a second 8 ohm cab. this will also draw the full rated power output of the amp. if you want more mids-top end, have you tried boosting these already?
  7. Unfortunatly I havent got round to doing any recording with them, all work and no play Mrs. wants entertaining and my finger tips are killing me! However, the strings still sound new! So I'm still very happy with them, although the tips on the fretting hand look burnt out already, I did do a 2 hour rehearsal and have practiced an hour a day since they arrived.
  8. [quote name='TonyBones' timestamp='1326040368' post='1491417'] [url="http://www.stewmac.com/freeinfo/Nuts,_saddles/a-nuts.html"]http://www.stewmac.c...les/a-nuts.html[/url] There ya go! + .002 for Bass [/quote] Different manufacturers and sources will quote different sizes. It's, like everything, whats best for you. A correctly cut nut, and a decent break angle can really help with setting everything else up.
  9. [quote name='M-N-Y' timestamp='1326029310' post='1491202'] He also uses light ish nickel wound strings 40-100 which will help the percussive approach. I like his approach. it's hard to develop a unique voice and style in this day and age but he's has managed it. I have each recording he's made, they're all good. I particularly like his rendition of Stairway to Heaven. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJ2NDdRSjHg[/media] [/quote] Indeed!. I like how different he is, in terms of approach and sound. Chris Ceja is an amazing drummer aswell, I hope to find someone that good that I can really bond with in the future. I've been toying with the front pickup on the warwick, and besides boosting the highs to get the "bite" it still a far cry from what he gets, I've had P basses before but never had anything that sound like his tone.
  10. Doug has been mentioned a few times but no one has really examined his sound. I'm not crazy about that burpy Jaco copies or the tap and slap junkies, and although Doug does a bit of each, it's really that percussive finger style he has when he plays above the P pickup on his pedulla bass. Anyway I was wondering what I can do to try and get that sound he has during this vids - [url="http://youtu.be/AiUFNAUwKTo"]http://youtu.[/url][url="http://youtu.be/AiUFNAUwKTo"]be/AiUFNAUwKTo[/url] [url="http://youtu.be/f0t9V8DUN7E"]http://youtu.be/f0t9V8DUN7E[/url] I dig in quite a bit but don't know what else I can do to help get closer.
  11. [quote name='Doctor J' timestamp='1326022695' post='1491056'] Is it a black art? Not really, it just involves a bit of effort so most people just ignore it. If you have a Warwick, it's not a black art at all. If you have something which insists on archaic design, then it involves a bit of sanding/filing which most people just don't want to do. Personally, I like my nut action to be low like a zero fret, that's what I aim for. [/quote] Because most nuts on your "everyday" bass arn't adjustable, so once its set in, it's set in. As long as there is suffiecient height so the strig doesn't rattle against the 1st fret, which can be done with great break angles between the nut and string post. I have a warwick and so raise so I can fit the 0.20 guage under the G-string on the 1st fret.
  12. Personal opinion. You cant go wrong with some markbass gear. If you dont mind second hand stuff, you can get MB at a fraction. Due to the flat response it doesnt matter what "your sound" is as you get out what you put in. As far as needs in terms of loudness, a lot of the neo 2x12's out now will go quite a bit louder and sound better than ABM (not a muddy, better definitioin around the mids.) Just because a cab is looked to be designed horizontal doesnt mean you cant stack it vertical.
  13. My set of gloves arrived today.!!! I agree with silddx! Not only do they make you look a sexy slag when playing bass, they sound totally natural. When wearing both, it does sound choked slightly in the (very) high registers, noticable to me with my young ears. However taking the plucking hand glove off and keeping the fretted hand gloved (such as scott on that basslessons website) it's like you arnt wearing anything at all. Seriously. As per silddx's advicxe I brouight the size smaller than what was recommended, it's a very tight fit but not uncomfortable, the issue is that the recess for each fingers doesn't reach as far down into mine and when stretching with the fingers you can feel a pull, however you will find that you wont have to strecth that much unless you are using maybe a 6'er. I will still go ahead and buy the "small" next time to see if the fit is better. All in all, I'm very impressed and its deffinatly put a smile on my face, inbvetween this crap weather we have had. I will record with them as examples for you guys to hear. With my warwick (new strings) and the Sterling (very very dead strings), both with them both on and then furst fretted hand and then no gloves. Also take some pics and be a sexy bass slag.
  14. All though a good idea, I'd rather keep it strictly bass related. There are already guitar dedicated forums out there.
  15. always been tempted by EBS for the 2ohm capablities and the fact that most models stay the same wattage at different ohmage.
  16. [quote name='Thurbs' timestamp='1325606298' post='1485035'] I would suggest the issue you had was amp or EQ. There is no way outside of a stadium you need anything but the Midget IMHO.The downside is you do need to push a large number of watts through it to achieve the same level of volume you get from a speaker with more sensativity.The thing can handle 600w continuous which is rediculous and beyond most bass amps on the market today (tc anyone ). Anyway I am not trying to start an argument, just pointing out if I had to carry a speaker on public transport, or any distance at all, there would only be one cab for me! Just make sure you stick lots of watts in to it. [/quote] Obviously it does everything for you, and for a while it did me. My issue was it didnt deliver the volume I needed for rehearsals to be heard clearly and cleanly the way I want. It was fine for gigs but wants often over come needs. Me wanting more and more and more! The amp wasnt a problem, as I've used the same amp with all of the barefaced modular range now, and as scienc-y tests have shown the markbass isn't down on watts. I was only stating that the mnidget isnt the be and end all to everyone. Everything is dependant on the situation. the compact is just the best compromise for everything without knowing for 100% where you are going to be gigging and how loud you need to be or not be. When the drummer is asking me to turn up and its not possible then I think we need more RAWK. it wasnt a problem with EQ either as I use everything set flat with just a boost of treble on the on-board pre. Alex will put you right and ask the same questions I would ask, (gig size, amp, uses, sounds) I know the compact is a 15 inch deal but it doesn't sound at all like you'd expect. [quote name='largo' timestamp='1325609604' post='1485130'] I got myself a couple of GK Neo 12" cabs, very lightweight and definitely worth considering. You'll get 2 for not much more than a single Compact cab. I did have the Barefaced Compact and again, it's very lightweight and a great sounding cab. In my opinion it didn't handle the rigours of gigging life the same as my carpet or vinyl covered cabs though ! With the Compact, and most small cab solutions I always felt my sound flapped by my trousers, wehereas I can stack the 2 x 12" cabs on their ends to give a fairly high speaker solution. If your after a Barefaced, I'd say go for the Super 12T as it'll sit at a decent high for onstage monitoring. Real "Bass Players" don't put their cabs on chairs [/quote] I've never really had an issue of not hearing them on stage, except the odd occassion where I had to stand over the midget. I would agree with the tallness of the S12T helping with audibilty.
  17. Hi man I might be interested but need to check dimensions of the but end against a sterling's.
  18. i thought that it might be the birdseye thing plus the amount of use its had. On the other hand the stingray had a heavier birdseye and it was very stable. I've emailed Shuker, so hopefully get to hear back. Ideally I'd want maple on maple like it is now, but i hate that aneamic stuff that we get now days. [quote name='daz' timestamp='1325605984' post='1485025'] Any pictures of this heroic old bass ? Graphite necks may be the way to go. ps: Have you had a close look at the neck pocket/shims and trussrod etc ? [/quote] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/144178-nbd-94-ebmm-sterling/page__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.u...__fromsearch__1[/url] Here you go, although now, it has no pickguard as it doesnt fit quiet right over the new SMB-4A 3 coil I installed. Pictures are not great. I was thinking of selling it to recoup some funds but I love it too much, too much histopry to let it go for a stupid price.
  19. It's not broken in any such way, I'm just positive that it 's not normal that it needs setting up everytime the wind changes. Or everytime the strings need changing, or it leaves the house, or the room tempreture changes by a degree. It's a '94 sterling but a penciled on neck date shows the neck is a '95. Not uncommon thing. However I've had a stingray from the same year and it only needed slight truss rod adjustment when the strings were changed, sometimes not even then. a jaguar bass i had never needed setting up, and the warwick I have now is sturdy as a rock. It's been used ALOT! it was the bassist of the band Midget during the early years and it definatly got gigged a hella lot, it's worn on the dusty end! I like the fact its played in, it feels amazing and look like nothing else out there and its my faborite maple. Birdseye. Anyway, as you cvan imagine it's rather frustrating that everytime I want to use it, it's either impossible to play or rattle like buggery. the neck responds to truss rod changes fairly quick (almost instant if its hot inside) which I'm sure isnt normal either. I would have liked a status replacement just to try some graphite and satisfy some pent up GAS, but they dont do Sterling sized pockets. what options do i have to resolve this, that dont involve costing the planet or potentially ruining the current neck.? thanks.
  20. I hate that the bigger Clubs that have original acts on want a fairly decent Demo CD. Forgetting that we are all too poor to afford even something half decent, and that almost any chum can record something.
  21. I was thinking Wood and Tronics from the WoT but then I saw the user name.
  22. [quote name='StraightSix' timestamp='1325599229' post='1484873'] Apparently a Midget and Compact combined is pretty devastating...though I haven't tried them. Have a read of the feedback on the Barefaced website: [url="http://barefacedbass.com/customer-feedback.htm"]http://barefacedbass...er-feedback.htm[/url] [/quote] A midgets Vd is 330 Compact is 550 and the S12 is 660. (IIRC) The super 12 is definatly sometuing to fear, so i would imagine a Midget/compact rig would be ear bending. If every Manufacturer used Volume displacement as the "loud" units life would be a lot easier.
  23. these can be repaired throough fender GBI but it'll cost £273 including fitting. Thats for a full power section replacement with the official GB parts.
  24. [quote name='Thurbs' timestamp='1325579585' post='1484508'] The Midget-T is the one for you. [/quote] I wouldnt say this for definate. The midget is a perfect and better altyernmative to 2x10's for sure. I had one and was perfect when we were in a fairly large room and the guitarist was using a small combo(30watts) however we got in new bigger and far louder stuff and it was made to look pretty quiet. However I did gig a few birthdays with it and no Pa support and was told the bass was too loud...Some rehearsal situations it might not have the loudness to be heard on par with drums and guitars(depending on the amps and drummer used.) I got the S12T after and was always impressed with the volume. However this can be a little over kill for most gig situations. The compact I feel is a better cab for you. Do not get hung up onb the "omg I need 2x12 inch speakers for my sound and da rawk". All the cabs at barfefaced sound pretty similar as they are transparant and you'll get out what goes in. The only questions you need to ask yourself is "do I need the highs from a tweeter? And How loud do I need to be.?" Still with the compact most rehearsals im barely pushing it, and it gets the nice mid range and high sound I like with the MB head, and during gigs with lots of floor monitors it still performs well, against the cancellation you get. Also the compact is lighter than the S12, and is 100 or csomething less Vd quiter. which when these too cabs get loud is neglagible
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