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Everything posted by Sharkfinger

  1. I can confirm it's loaded with an EV 400W (see pic). Judging by how difficult it was to undo the screws of the front grille and speaker, it had probably not been done since it left the factory, so I'm pretty certain it's the original speaker.
  2. [quote name='jonthebass' post='98759' date='Dec 4 2007, 12:49 PM']PM'd[/quote] Cheers, all PM's replied to.
  3. [quote name='jonthebass' post='98463' date='Dec 3 2007, 09:58 PM']Am interested and would love to see some pictures please. How long have you had the cab?[/quote] I've had it for under a year and used it less than 10 times. Here's some pictures. Took them at night, so they're not great and will try to get some more when I have time but they'll have to do for now.
  4. This isn't getting any use these days and I fancy something a bit on the smaller and lighter side. Might get a custom cab made by the marvelous Mike Walsh at Zoot Iceni. Will get photos on later tonight or tomorrow. Here's it's latest incarnation: [url="http://www.mesaboogie.com/Product_Info/Bass_Cabs/RoadReadyCABS/RRbass1x15-LG.htm"]Roadready 1x15[/url]. Mine is the 400W, 8 Ohm version with just the 1/4" jack. Never had the front "lid" but would imagine it would be the same as the modern equivalent and you could order it, if you felt so inclined. This thing is so tough that you really don't need it. I've never had the speaker out so can't confirm if it's the original one but will check if you really want me to. Could meet somewhere (within reason) but would prefer you to pick it up, so you can try it out first. No chance of a courier, sorry. Offers in the region of £350. No low-ball offers and no trades (except maybe for compact, lightweight cabs?). I'll leave this up here for a few days, then I'm afraid you'll have to take your chances with evilBay.
  5. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='86423' date='Nov 10 2007, 11:09 AM']Cab still for sale. I would consider trades for another 212 neo + cash from me or even my 212 neo for your 112 neo plus cash from you. Will also consider trades for maybe a Jap P or similar.[/quote] PM'd
  6. Seems a shame to get rid of both of these, when it might only be one that's faulty. Have you tried swapping out one item at a time to try to isolate the problem equipment?
  7. [quote name='andy67' post='91334' date='Nov 20 2007, 11:16 AM']apparently the 'HM' stands for heavey metal! my source also tells me that they are not very good! also the jp90...is the jp bit not japan?[/quote] Had one until recently. Sounded and looked (white body/black guard) very good. Kinda sorry I sold it now: good, although "budget" US made Fender. Sold it for less than it was subjectively "worth", IMO. The JP probably stood for Jazz/Precision, as it was US Made. There was a known problem with the truss rod and mine was bit stiff but still OK. A lot of them bowed. Ultra-thin necks, you see. Probably a prototype for many of the later Fenders or, at least, they learned a lot of lesson.
  8. [quote name='guitarnbass' post='78509' date='Oct 23 2007, 08:11 PM']Tried to sell these a few times, I have a number of copies which I don't need all of, and since I can't sell them, might as well give them away to anybody who wants them but the thing is you gotta pay the postage of 2.50. 3 DVD's, 2 are HK imports region 0, and one is a UK r2 version, they will all play on r2 dvd players, and the subtitles are perfect. If you like Japanese film, you'll like these, it is the samurai trilogy of musashi miyamoto played by toshiro mifune. It is not kill bill style chopping heads off left right and centre, it is more about a persons journey onto becoming a noble and respected samurai, with a bit of a love story too. Paypal only. [url="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0047444/"]http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0047444/[/url] [url="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0048579/"]http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0048579/[/url] [url="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0049710/"]http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0049710/[/url][/quote] I'll have 'em. I do like a Toshiro Mifune samurai film. PayPal OK?
  9. Sharkfinger


    Anyone tried the Electro-Harmonix 5751? I've got a pair of these in my V-Type and I think they sound pretty good. I got them from Watford valves soon after buying the preamp and my criteria was that they needed to be "cleaner" than the original 12AX7's I had in there. Those were the original Trace ones, can't remember the model but I thnk a derivative of the Raytheon 12AX7A/ECC83. Having said that, I've just put the originals back in and I'll see how they sound, now I've got a bit more experience with it. I'm tempted to go for the Groove Tubes but I'm worried that pair will just produce too much gain for my liking. Will definately keep an eye out for some mullards.
  10. I should mention that I fly out early sunday morning so if anyone wants these tickets, they have to let me know by Saturday 6th, at the absolute latest.
  11. Updated with new lower price. I'm practically giving them away, get in quick!
  12. I have 4 Tickets in all, to see Rush at Wembley Arena on the 10th October. This is a genuine sale and I'm not trying to tout them for profit. The reason I'm selling them is that my whole band was going. One now can't be bothered, work is sending me abroad on a course, another doesn't want to go if the whole band isn't going and the one that's left doesn't want to go on his own! Of course, muggins here paid for them all. Grand Tier N7 - Row W. Tickets 86-87 I'm offering 2 here and 2 on eBay, as I really need to offload them and time is short. Hopefully, the ones here will go straight away and I'll get requests for the ebay ones too! Including booking fee, they came to about £43 each. Priced for quick sale: [b]£35 each or £60 for the pair, delivered[/b]. PayPal preferred, as time is short but if you get in quick will take a cheque. I have the tickets in hand, so can post them out straight away.
  13. Just to put in my £0.02's worth: I recently also bought a Fender Stu Ham Urge I but a Mexican one, with only the JJ pup configuration. I played it through my Trace practice combo and the Trace 8x10 at a rehearsal. Now, to my ears, although the neck pup is nice and deep, it doesn't sound like my squier P. The deepness achieved can probably be put down to it's position, which is probably the same as yours, as the two pups are quite far apart. I thought the preamp was OK, actually. Perhaps I just have low expectations, playing mainly passives: the EMG's in the Jazz don't really count as "active", I don't think. They obviously saved a few pennies by just not including a P pup and keeping the neck J in the same position. Can't compare them ATM, as the Urge is in the care of the Bass Centre, getting a set up and new strings. May get back to you once that's done. Might even try it against my JV Squier J and P's as a comparison. As an aside, have you noticed that the width at the nut is quite wide, like a P? Not sure I like this, as I have small hands. This is the reason the J is my main bass, over the P. I had a Fender JP-90 until a short time ago and the nut width was more J but perhaps even slimmer. It had a similar headstock to the Urge, so I thought it would have the same nut width and it was an unpleasant surprise when I realised. So, who knows? May be moving it on.
  14. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='65435' date='Sep 25 2007, 05:02 PM']Has anybody seen or used this? [url="http://www.myus.com"]http://www.myus.com[/url] Seems like a way to control your shipments or buy stuff from the US from people who won't ship to the UK[/quote] Well, my ex-colleague and good friend has run a similar service for many years but more geared toward businesses: [url="http://nyoffice.com/"]http://nyoffice.com/[/url]. Not sure if this is any help but at least it tells you the idea's been around for a while.
  15. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='63486' date='Sep 21 2007, 10:44 AM']I know Squier JV prices are going up, that that's a lot of money really - isn't it? [url="http://www.ampguy.co.uk/sales.htm"]www.ampguy.co.uk/sales.htm[/url] Have a look on the top row of stuff, right hand side.[/quote] I've got a sunburst one of those (http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=3506&hl=jv+squiers) and although the screws are a little corroded, I picked it up for a lot less than that.
  16. [quote name='neilb' post='55582' date='Sep 4 2007, 10:05 PM']Ok, bass arrived this afternoon, 6 days in all. Didnt get charged any import tax or VAT!! Nice. They will catch up with me later no doubt. First pics are the bass upon delivery. More yellow than I expected but in a strange way, I really dig the seventies vibe of the banana yellow. The set up was out the box was a bit naff, so off came the factory strings, the bridge and the white plate. Swapped the neck plate for my other "John Entwistle" etched jobby, the other resides on my Fender Aerodyne!! I then shielded the cavities, lowered the pups a tad and put on a nice new torty plate. Installed a Gotoh 201 chrome bridge, screwholes lined up perfectly......... things going toooooooo well!. Re strung with new strings (I use Roberts Yellows at £7 a pack...bargain!). Adjust string height and intonation and a bit of a tweak on the truss rod. Tune up and............ very nice I say. Looks the biz and plays nice for a dirt cheap bass. Neck a little thicker than a std jazz but still comfy. Total price £ 170 ish. Rondos service was excellent and the product well worth the money. Totally worth the risk and an enjoyable little modding project.[/quote] Thanks for the diary, good stuff. Thinking about ordering the short-scale Jazz, ATM. How are you finding the pups? Still want to swap them out? Heard rumours that the frets are a bit sharp at the edges, have you found this to be true?
  17. This works perfectly but I find the keys a bit stiff for my liking. Not using it ATM and will buy another when I have the need so this can go. It comes with remote "base station" thingy and it originally came with a cordless optical mouse that no longer seems to work. Will include it if you're willing to wait until I swing by my storage place and pick it up. Could be a while! If you have your own cordless logitech mouse, it'll probably work with it. There's an included USB to PS/2 adaptor, in case you don't have USB. Includes drivers disk but if you don't want to use it's oddball functions, you don't need to install them, will plug-and-play. Batteries not included, pickup only from Romford, Essex. I gig all over Essex, so you could pick up from one of my gigs. Will gladly accept a pint in compensation!
  18. [quote name='fullrangebass' post='57732' date='Sep 9 2007, 02:22 PM']Here come some pics. It's definitely better than the Stingray 5 in terms of both low-end punch and versatility of sounds provided. I own a Stingray 5 too[/quote] Oooooh, pretty!
  19. Looks like a great bass for the price!
  20. Now on eBay: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=130149638181"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=130149638181[/url]
  21. Some good interest but nothing that's translated into takers. I'm listing this on evilBay at the weekend (presoulnation, that should give you the week you needed), barring any firm offers before then.
  22. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='51726' date='Aug 28 2007, 01:23 PM']Basswood (a type of lime, [i]Tilia spp.) [/i]to my ears has a fairly prominent midrange but lacks the upper range snap of maple or low end definition of ash. Its not a particularly dense wood. I tried Luke's Ibanez Gary Willis at the SE Bass Bash and it had a basswood body. Its not a bad bass at all, basswood was probably a good choice for a fretless although, as a matter of taste, I did find myself wishing it had more power in the lower frequencies. Basswood is also great for guitars (which picks up on Edwards earlier comments) because it sits in the sweetspot of frequencies that some guitarists seem to like.[/quote] This is probably over-simplified and my own opinion but I think Spectors are known to be "voiced" at that mid-range point? It certainly got the "growl" thing down to a tee. Personally, I think Wil hit the nail on the head.
  23. [quote name='JD1' post='51195' date='Aug 27 2007, 09:52 AM']Sansamp DI - hardly used - just not the tone for me. Not sure what the going rate is for these - £100 / offers?[/quote] I think I saw someone after one of these in the "Items Wanted" section. 2nd or 3rd page. Might be worth checking out.
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