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Everything posted by callingltu

  1. Great seller. Bought ls2, works fine, all went well. Cheers
  2. Hmm i have lmb3. But I allways hated it Once i finally put all the board together i might try it
  3. Hello all, So I am building a bit mad pedallboard at the moment. And I need really hardcore compressor and maybe limiter to finalize my sound. As you can see from signal chain all in all there will be 4 separate signal lines and will be mixed into one. And sometimes I might use all 4 and sometimes only one of them. And i can already see it will be a challenge to make the sound even at all times. Anyone could suggest any good pedal to put into question mark position? I will definatelly add some modulation pedals in the future. But this is for now
  4. That source audio has only 1 pedal at a time Will probably get behringer 1010. It is really cheap anyways from ebay. So not a big loss if I hate it
  5. Hello, I am planning on buying midi foot controller to control more options on my roland gr55. And obvious choice would be behringer fcb1010, but it is too big for me and i dont need 10 buttons. I am more interested in expression pedals. Is there anything that has like 3-4 exp pedals and few buttons? Tried google it, but had no luck.
  6. callingltu


    Bought Ashdown head of Martin. All went well and got delivered and packed really well Nice seller. Thanks!
  7. True true. Well if i find where i'll try it tout
  8. I just saw add, that m series includes all filter factory, distortion factory etc. effects
  9. I thought that m9 has exacly same filters as fm4
  10. anyone?
  11. Anyone tried line6 fm4 for dubstep? Any good? I'm thinking of buying it, i found it for 80punds. So would it do the job? I would put lots of pedals before it, like octaver, synths, fuzz etc. I want that massive wobble and lo pass filter tones like moog mf101. Of course I'm buying bef pro + hot hand in the future, but dont have enough money for that now
  12. is oc2 really that much better than oc3? I have oc3 and i hate it so much
  13. [url="https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/253916_2105824246481_1271770352_32549411_7582587_n.jpg"]https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphoto...1_7582587_n.jpg[/url] I've finally put it into normal case
  14. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='1283061' date='Jun 26 2011, 05:41 PM']Stumbled on this track from it being in the current Renault Clio advert. Really liking it. Kinda Dubstep meets Massive Attack vibe going on... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8TbZvy2msQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8TbZvy2msQ...be_gdata_player[/url][/quote] Nice sidechain bass. I should try really slow release with my sidechain + bass drum trigger rig
  15. [quote name='JTUK' post='1282966' date='Jun 26 2011, 03:20 PM']Our rehearsal room has one HH 15" combo... along with a Carlbro 15" and a Ashdown 15" All the bass players bring their own....no surprises..!![/quote] I guess that ashdown is not ABM
  16. So i've unscrewed the back plate of cab and it seems that speakers are connected to jack and jack is connected straight to speakon. So that means that i can daisy chain?
  17. Thanx guys I'll unscrew the back and will take a picture
  18. Yep they both ar indicated as inputs, but maybe? Damn it, why they dont make manual for cabs
  19. Hey, So this cab has two inputs, but can i connect one to the amp and other one to other cabinet? Are they parallel? I mean if i connect 4omhs amp to 8omhs mag 410, and then use second input of cabinet to connect second cab, will my amp get 4omhs?
  20. Hm thanx Maybe you know any other low pass filters with exp input? Cant find Btw, have jus tlistened to your band Nice tunes Gave it a Like in Facebook
  21. What about ehx enigma for similar stuff as mooigerforger?
  22. Well, then i think i could get some similar stuff out of my digitech xbw
  23. That would be veary interesting. Because i cant find any info on internet or sound samples of fm600 on bass
  24. Thanx for xplanation And what do you think abotu Behringer fm600 as a lpf?
  25. And what about that sequenced sound in the midle?
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