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Jungle VIP

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About Jungle VIP

  • Birthday 13/05/1990

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  1. Cool. Everyone's starting to go over my head now but unfortunately I don't have any spare bulbs or 15V batteries. I re-ran the test with the multimeter set on 200 and took a reading from the bridge to the earth pin of the kettle lead. It's about 00.5/00.6. Does this help? For Brancini as well, yes there are those sorts of things in the house but I made sure that there weren't any on my floor. The only dimmers are 2 floors down and I unplugged everything else to try and get rid of it already
  2. Although after that I thought I would try my friends guitar for a laugh... Mmm. I don't know where Snap is but I've found Crackle and Pop! Guess it's not the bass. Weird...
  3. Not wealthy enough to have another bass
  4. Was passive. I have tried a different preamp as a resolution too ( J-Retro ) and it does it in both active and passive modes.
  5. Yea. .000. Was a bit harder to get a steady reading but it's .000.
  6. What do you mean by 'floating'? I should have also included in my last post that I checked the resistance through the cable (sleeve to sleeve), amp sleeve pin to kettle earth out, kettle lead earth to earth and found .000 as the value for all.
  7. I'm confused To me it seems logical to expect there to be no problems if the results have no resistance but I still get these problems. Am I being over sensitive? Is this to be expected on a jazz style bass? I just want to reiterate that I tried the bass with two heads, two cabs, my iPhone, direct laptop input (connected to mains and not) and with an audio card to laptop (mains/no mains). I get the same results be it somewhat varied but eq has not be constant so I suspect that to play a part.
  8. OK so this is really going to confuse you. The [b]Ω [/b]setting reads .000 when the probes are together. Everything on the bass reads .000 when linked with the bridge. Is there a sparky in the house!?
  9. My bad. I am a multimeter newb so I was reading it wrong. The continuity test seems pretty good. Nothing is registering above ~025. Should I still be getting this noise? I'm really lost now. This just doesn't seem to add up. Whenever I touch any metalwork it's a really obvious pop and strings still crackle. I've tried a different floor now as well. Same problem.
  10. Hey, everyone. Well the problem lives on. My pick guard is already grounded to the control plate. I put some copper tape on it not to long ago. I just installed the new preamp too and the problem is still here. Hey Brancini, sorry if I gave you a scare. By the time I had got to earthing myself, I had kind of ruled out the mains earth as it still occurred when I was using my phone. And you're right it should never be done. Moving forward with it though, the multimeter is here and I get high readings from the continuity test between the bridge and the control plate/knobs. I also get a high reading between the bridge and a natural earth like the radiator. Any ideas on how to fix this. I guess that means the bridge is no connecting with the plate correctly?
  11. Yea... The shoes off routine has been standard from the beginning. Like I said, I'm stumped.
  12. I have to agree with Bod2. I think it is there is something freaky going on with static rather than mains. I don't think it will be possible to resolve it completely but I'm luckly enough to have string routes through the bass. I might fashion something to go through from the back of the bass to make contact with the bridge to resolve it. If anyone else has some awesome incite I'd welcome it with open arms.
  13. I hadn't tried a different mains cable and that seemed to be a good idea. I just tried it a minute ago and a) the crackling was worse and when I tried to earth myself like before, I started getting shocks between me and the radiator/strings! Hmmm.... I really need to find somewhere else to test my setup.
  14. Sounds painful....
  15. Oh dear... I just tried the static theory by earthing myself on the radiator whilst touching the bridge, control plate and strings... It's SIGNIFICANTLY reduced. Nothing from anywhere but the bridge which has a small pop... I am Static Man! Wow. Thanks for you help guys and congrats to Bod2 for getting it. Now just to figure out how I can earth myself!
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