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Everything posted by gub

  1. Ok so we have an ugly bass thread so thought i would put this one up ,what floats your boat ? Pics would be great too ! For me it has to be the good old fender jazz,just find it so pleasing to the eye .
  2. I would say do it and introduce some stuff that inspires you up the line a bit , life's too short to sit round waiting !
  3. I started a topic on it a while ago and what you are getting seems to be pretty average and is about the same as we get.
  4. O and anything with someone else's name on it , geddy etc
  5. Brilliant , this happens to me all the time !
  6. Well just saw it and am now depressed ! This is coming from a morrisey fan so that's saying something !
  7. Thought he had retired ! Look forward to hearing it
  8. That's not good buddy , feel for you !
  9. Glad you enjoyed it ! Jenson and the guys are a great bunch, played with them for a few years , good times , wish I could of made it !
  10. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1357495572' post='1923535'] YAY! I'm so tweeting this [/quote] How was jerry and mondo last night ? I used to play with mondo and jenson the singer is my best mate
  11. Those dingwalls don't do much for me , also ,well anything with more than 4 strings :/ sorry 5 and 6 string playing folk !
  12. Well someone either got a major bargain , or was ripped off to the tune of a grand!
  13. What was the thread saying? I thought probate was when someone dies and wills etc !
  14. Here's one of he questions from previous ad .... Q: Has the bass been refinished as i've never seen a natural finish on a really early precision. A: The bass was originally painted white. It was stripped and varnished shortly after purchase as my dad discovered the blue dye from his jeans was staining the white paint! 21 Dec, 2012
  15. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1357320552' post='1921057'] +1 The seller doesn't say what it is or isn't! Actually I've just realised that he has potentially been very VERY clever; watchers/bidders of his earlier listing may well come back to bid on this and get severely stung as he doesn't indicate what it is other than the briefest description... how can a buyer claim misrepresentation? Very clever. [/quote] Wow that is clever ! The more I think about it , this must be exactly what the seller is doing !
  16. Wouldn't think you would as the ad now gives nothing away !
  17. You can have all the theory behind you I the world but that doesn't make you any more entertaining than someone who has non of the theory but who can entertain and engage an audience , I know who I would rather go and see !
  18. Did think about puttin a bid on this , see its gone to £555 ATM and as as already been stated strange how it was on before and didn't reach reserve of over £2000 with more info and now no info and no reserve !
  19. [quote name='Mylkinut' timestamp='1357289776' post='1920311'] A lot of people complain about sloppy QC, poor build quality and massive weight - to be honest, you just have to try the basses you're looking at to see if you like them (as with any manufacturer...) You can't have my '77 [/quote] Lol , thanks yea weight issue would be a big no for me with my dodgy back !
  20. What's the problem with 70s fenders ? Sorry if it seems a silly question , I am on the lookout for one and would be good to know !
  21. gub

    Fretless P Bass

    Great Job ,looks really nice !
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