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Everything posted by gub

  1. Great idea , will give it a go !
  2. Our band is playing in liskeard Cornwall as they come through with the Olympic torch on Saturday , should be on about 4pm , wish us luck
  3. Get them up singing , worked for the partridge family
  4. O yes will be keeping a close watch here too !
  5. I treat all my stuff the same , I have always looked after my things even when I was a kid (well apart from one car that I smashed up to make it look like it had been in an accident ) I did have to think twice the other day when the guitarist asked if he could use my orange terror cover to prop up a monitor as he had used his for the other side ! I gave in reluctantly thinking its a cover FFs !
  6. Bump for a really great combo before eBay
  7. Heres one of me taken a couple of weeks ago at a local gig
  8. Yep I agree , there is one shop down here where the chap who owns and runs it spends most of his time looking up at a computer screen he has behind the counter , they sell stuff on eBay so I presume he is dealing with that ! I have asked questions while in there and get an answer without any eye contact at all as he is too busy looking at the screen its unfortunate that this is the closest music shop to me with a decent amount of stock but I do use it begrudgingly because of the poor and grumpy service !
  9. [quote name='dr Szelma' timestamp='1336427472' post='1645576'] PM'd [/quote] These baby's are on hold for me andy , they are going on the old jazz
  10. Sounds like you had a good time , good idea
  11. gub

    Big muff advice

    I must admit I have not tried it through the terror yet , will have a play around with it on wednesday , cheers for advice guys
  12. gub

    Big muff advice

    Cheers Phil , jack is am not sure mate as stopped using it a while ago and can't even remember tbh , will give it another go in rehearsal and have a fiddle with the settings .
  13. gub

    Big muff advice

    May seem like a silly question question but I am new to effects and have tried using my electo harmonix bass big muff live and it loses a lot of bottom end , do I need to play through 2 cabs and split the effects ?
  14. I quite like it , but wonder why they are saying its ithe porn shop range ! I have never seen anything like this in one of those shops that I have never been in !
  15. Looks the bizz ! I am thinking maybe black pearl for the scratch plate ? Btw what screws you getting as this cowboy has them fixed on with the same as are in the plate
  16. Imagine it's a time consuming job and a fair bit of skill involved to do a proper job
  17. gub


    Lovely old bass , good luck with the sale
  18. Could be anywhere , not all bass players come here , be nice to track it down though ! Good luck Ps I know If I had one of that vintage I would be having a good dig around in all the right places and defo before parting with any cash would want to have a look under the pick guard
  19. Will like all when I can get to me proper comp tomorrow and put a link to our.
  20. Bought my badass bridge from ash , nice easy translation , cheers mate Gav
  21. Wasted loads getting my bass's set up for me and always ended up tweaking them myself to suit once I had them back so now I just do my own !
  22. Many summers evenings spent in Granada at the foot of the Alhambra palace listening to this sort of stuff ! Love it
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