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Everything posted by gub

  1. Yes am just pouring a brandy in readiness
  2. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1334653394' post='1619043'] Well its not that it wont work, its by how much and in what conditions it works best. There may well be situations where the amount it changes the output in the room and/or on stage are so negligable that carrying the extra kit isnt worth it. There may well be situations where the difference is profound and really great. There may well be situations where the difference is profound and not what is wanted. It may be that it always works as intended and is the best thing ever. No one on here knows which of these is the case, no one has doen any measurement to try and find out, and Auralex (not dissing the company at all here by the way) aren't saying anything other than its the best thing ever and you would be mad not to always be using it. Which is hardly surprising. I'm positive it works to some degree some of the time, almost everyone seems to be of that opinion who has tried it for a while, but the questions still stand. And as for endorsees proving something is worth having, I give you.... [url="http://www.essentialsound.com/wooten-musiccord-pro-power-cord/index.htm"]Mr VW and his amazing Power Lead[/url] So lets not ever let ourselves get carried away wih the hard sell please! (Having said which I own some auralex products so I'm not having a go at the company or its marketing specifically). [/quote] $199 FOR A CABLE ...MUST BE GOOD!
  3. Am looking to fit some new jazz pickups and am looking at wizards which come in at £90 a pair then was looking at some wilkinson ones which are about £20 a pair and seem to have similar output . Can there be such a difference in sound which is worth spending over 3 times the amount or is alot of it just paying for the brand name ? Cheers in advance lovelies
  4. Cheers guys what we are charging is about right then for pubs ,just think we need to charge more for the private funtions ,i think the idea of 10 ph pp from when you leave the house until you get in sounds about right .
  5. Just reading another thread where it seemed £200 was the going rate for a duo and that's why we are charging for 5 pelf us playing , this is for mostly pubs but we have also done some private party's for about the same , I am always saying to the rest of the guys we should ask more but most of them think this is about right ! What are your guys thoughts ?
  6. gub

    I love my BB414

    Not tried one , glad you have found the one for you though as so many don't
  7. I have a great old antori jazz which i am loving playing its just that the tone knob issue in that it seems i have to turn it all the way down before it takes anything off and turning it up doesnt make any difference past about quater of a turn . any ideas? does it mean i have to get the pot changed or could it be an easy fix?
  8. I do see your point ,i think as long as it makes money then its ok ,why even a black lace tribute would get booked if they were popular enough!
  9. ELO rock! thats my 2p o and that mr blue sky is my alltime fave feelgood track ,always cheers me up!
  10. Why did you remove the info from first post ? its always good to leave it as its helpful if anyone has similar questions and they do a search imo
  11. I was wireless back in the 80s , i didnt think that much of it back then as always seemed to be getting crackle coming through and was forever recharging batteries , things must ohave got better since then though!
  12. Can't seem to find any decent ones , so if anyone could point me in the right direction , thanks X
  13. Great stuff , cheers for heads up , sky arts have some good stuff too ! I saw a pink floyd one not long ago and was a really interesting , especially the bit with the woman improvising over the piano part in great gig in the sky , all done in one take and she came out of the studio and appolagized for it but they were just blown away !
  14. [quote name='LemonCello' timestamp='1332266225' post='1585831'] I love ZEP's early bluesy stuff and Robert Plant has to be one of the best front men (person) ever. I saw him on his Big Log tour in Hong Kong in the 80's (not name dropping, just happened to be there in the Navy at the time). A very strange affair, the locals sat quietly and politely clapped after every number - was quite emotionless? Also, he did Lemon Song but the rest was 'take it or leave it' really. I hear that Paranoid was written in 20 mins? Can't argue with the fact that Black Sabbath = Paranoid! BTW, I saw Bowie on his Serious Moonlight tour in Perth OZ in '83 - still the best gig I've ever seen! [/quote] Got to see bowie myself at glasto in 2000 ,amazing show and seem to remember he had great female bass player as well!
  15. [quote name='mep' timestamp='1332101124' post='1583351'] We cover both bands in one go by starting Whole Lotta Love and after the 2nd chorus go into Paranoid, then back into the last part of Whole Lotta Love. We call in Whole Lotta Paranoid. I'm more into LZ than Sabbath, but it's probably down to listening to more LZ. BTW you spell Zeppelin wrong in your thread title [/quote] Ha thanks
  16. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1332102392' post='1583376'] well, that's where you are going wrong... all you need to do is a add a drop of oil to the Hipshot and forget it, just play. Licking it is probably goingto result in rusty gears after a while, and you waste a lot of time taking the bass off to reach the tuner with your tongue and then wearing the bass again. If you skip the licking part you'd save that time and as a result play a lot faster [/quote] Ha ha i am licking this too!
  17. Do love the stranglers , wouldnt mind getting along to see them
  18. No way Is this meant to be a hate thread at all , I see that the bands in question have made a huge contribution to the music we have today , maybe I am a bit stuck listening to the same stuff and need to try harder to broaden my horizons , just find it difficult to connect with some stuff that's all and it just happens to be stuff which a lot of people love , at least I like a bit of floyd now and then so all is not lost
  19. That's what I mean , I feel like I am probably missing out on something that I would say most fellow musicians like / love and respect !
  20. I feel like the odd man out so many times in our rehersals as the rest of the guys are all into led zeppelin and sabbath and well ...i am not ! am i just being paranoid ? i really dont know , i feel like the black dog of the band !
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