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Everything posted by gub

  1. I always think alot of guitars look a bit like toys unless it's a large body , type with maybe cutaways and hollow body , but in general think basses look the biz , the neck just looks so long an slender like you could run your fingers up and down all night !
  2. i just love it when a thread takes you somewhere totaly unexpected ! i am now a confirmed wilko johnson fan
  3. Loving the look of those bag end cabs , never seen them before ,
  4. gub

    New amp day

    For the moment I have a trace Elliot 2x10 and if I need it I can use the combo speaker without the amp and that's an 18 inch
  5. gub

    New amp day

    Ha ha cheers lozz
  6. gub

    New amp day

    New amp arrived today and am very exited as have only ever used solid state combo"s
  7. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1331800972' post='1578919'] Brilliant little things. Tuning never seems to slide much. Would probs only use it live. I'd be really paranoid recording with it! [/quote] I am licking this idea very much although have problems enough at playing the notes that fast never mind going and twidling a knob!
  8. [quote name='TomRichards' timestamp='1331841510' post='1579835'] Check out a few early videos, including from that series "Rock School" that your mates put out in the '80s. He has a cameo. JT played a Set neck SB700 on the first two Duran Albums and live, switching to the SB-1000 not long after. The truth is you can't tell a lot of difference when you record with either of the SB's, as they clearly get their tone from the Aria Pro II MB-1E pickups found in both models. [/quote] ahh i see, ta for info
  9. Great news well done clarky, will look out for you guys ,any plans to come to cornwall? give me a shout if you do .
  10. Cheers for advice folks , thought I would check with people who use them as much better than believing all the sales blurb
  11. Anyone have them and recommend them or any problems staying in tune at all ? Just thinking of getting one but a bit worried about tuning issues . Cheers Gub
  12. Not bad but did jt not use an aria pro 2 sb 1000 not a 700?
  13. I bought my lovely old antoria jazz from andy and he is a great guy and really knows his stuff, i would highly recommend dealing with him .
  14. Hello and welcome to the money and time vortex ,saying that its also a bloody good place for advice and have delt with and met some very nice peeps ,enjoy
  15. [quote name='Nibody' timestamp='1331321157' post='1571487'] My original Amp was a Trace 250w Combo - hated it. Played on a mates Ampeg and loved it.Nearest for me is PMT in Brum, but their capacity to "do a deal" has waned somewhat since the old 'Exchanges closed. Used to be able to play one off against the other. [/quote] O no when did musical exchanges close? i used to spend most saturdays in that place when i lived up that way and loved the place !
  16. i got my mij fender jazz off here for £300 its unlined and am really pleased with it , did in a brief fit of madness put it back for sale but then realised i would miss it too much , it was my first go at fretless too and am glad i went with unlined as took to it straight away ,only down side is i get a bit lost after the 12th fret but dont play up there much any way so not a big drawback!
  17. [quote name='tredders' timestamp='1329987250' post='1550728'] I did Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now a month or two ago. That's another great bassline. Mind you, most of Andy Rourke's were. [/quote] I couldnt agree more tredders ,he is my all time great bass player ! btw have you seen this? http://www.micturion.com/smiths/
  18. Just a thought but how feasible woul it be to add a p pickup to a jazz bass and still keep the jazz pickups , they would have to go between I suppose if there was room .
  19. Cheers guys, as usual some great advice ,i do like the look of the sound city mr f but as i am down in cornwall dont really want to travel to manchester to pick up .
  20. After getting back in to playing a couple of years back after a break of about 15 yrs I would like to test out the water with a valve amp , I currently play through a trace Elliot 300 combo which I went for as I used to do a few mark king impressions first time round ( well it was the 80's ) but now I find my playing has changed and I have just got a lovely old 70s antoria jazz which I think would benefit from the valve route , I suppose I am wondering what sort of size amp and cabs I would need really to take over from my current setup ? We play mainly rock / pop and in pubs and small clubs , we occasionally do an outdoor gig too , any suggestions would be cool .
  21. itunes here i come ! cheers for heads up
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