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Everything posted by gub

  1. sorry just read rules
  2. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1217806' date='May 2 2011, 05:37 PM']I have a 20 odd year old Ibanez SR1000 that I bought new in metallic charcoal & over the years has acquired many chips & dents in the paintwork. When I bought it I loved hard rock & heavy metal, so the bass' image went well with the leather jackets etc. Now I'm 40 & I still love the bass but I'm not so keen on black anymore (or all the chips in it) & have been toying with the idea for about a year now of taking the thing apart & stripping it back to the wood & maybe lacquer or oil/wax it or spray it a different colour (I used to be a signwriter, so competent & confident enough to do all the preps & spraying). Should I do it? I don't plan on ever selling the bass.[/quote] I would say yes go for it ! if you are not planning on selling it and i would imagine being a 20 year olkd ibanez that the wood would be pretty decent underneath the paint . i have an old 86 roadstar in black which i have had pretty much from new and although its decent paint i wouldnt mind doing the same .
  3. [quote name='benebass' post='1216677' date='May 1 2011, 04:51 PM']Is it like one of these? Think it would fit right in to a rock band to be honest. Unless you're going for a tribute act then there's a lot of flexibility as to what's 'right' - if it feels good then chances are the sight of you enjoying playing a bass will overshadow the bass itself. Cheers, B.[/quote] yep second one down only the pickups on mine are smooth so you cant see the poles .
  4. Now on ebay with a take the shirt off my back style price
  5. Its great to get a different perspective on things , i have just took a step back and wondered how i would veiw a band playing good solid 70s rock covers and i supopose as long as it all sounds spot on (i would like to think so) then what does it mater if the guys playing it have the wrong looking instruments ,mmm but if they dressed like haircut 100 with the shoulder pads and a sweeping cuts !
  6. So i just got my old ibanez roadstar 2 RB850 out which i have owned since 87 ,used it for loads of stuff including an elo 2 support tour back in late 88 ! i started playing it and it just feels so right ,nice slim fast neck 1.5 inches at the nut and and 24 frets to play with, and light at only 3.5 kgs ,which with a back injury is bliss! and it sounds great , its just the look of the thing that i am not really into anymore , i really want something more in keeping with the sort of stuff i am doing with bands atm which is the who ,led zep ,the chilis etc . so i spose i am looking for something that feels like my old faithful but looks more in keeping . am i being shallow? it feels a bit like it !
  7. Back up for sale after being messed around for 2 weeks bump!
  8. Andy rouke playing this charming man ,dont get any better for me really
  9. Not me selling btw i just came across it! [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160571849665&category=4713&_trksid=p5197.c0.m619"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...d=p5197.c0.m619[/url]
  10. Very nice , the colour i like too! whats the weight on this please fella?
  11. [quote name='Len_derby' post='1205120' date='Apr 19 2011, 07:40 PM']Hey, glad you've come back into the light! Good luck with it all - let us know how it goes. My personal advice is to look at what's available 'pre-owned' rather than buying new. There are so many good instruments, at all levels of price, for sale on this forum. I've both bought and sold here and it's always gone well. As recent threads here testify, a new bass straight form a retailer often needs some kind of set-up work. In my experience you're more likely to get a bass 'ready for action' pre-owned from a Basschater than from most shops. Anyway, that's my 2pees worth.[/quote] Good advice imho ,and do you get any neck dive from the guiatr in your avatar?
  12. Yes this was a nice suprise this morning ,saw it when i was at work and had to stop for a bit to have a listen ,sounded great !
  13. [quote name='Soliloquy' post='1204092' date='Apr 18 2011, 08:25 PM']What's with all the 4 strings that are for sale, are the owners selling to buy the 5's that are for sale ? Are the owners of the 5 string basses that are for sale selling to buy a 4 string bass, or are they selling to fund another 5, or maybe a 6 string ? Get a life .[/quote]I I have a life ta mate ,just an observation that i thought i would post up thats all !
  14. gub


    Hi whats the weight on this ?
  15. Lol i just realised 2 seconds after i posted that !
  16. purchased a ibanez jetking off buff and am really pleased with it ,goods comms and came and met me at a local spot for collection ,top bloke
  17. gub

    Feedback for gub

    any feedback for me please stick in here , cheers gav
  18. [quote name='bassmeg' post='1198451' date='Apr 13 2011, 05:28 PM']Got an sb900 which i love. I would love a parallel necked sb1000 like this. Anything in my sig take your fancy? Anyone not tried an aria sb before, throw away your jazz and get one. Have a bump for a great price.[/quote] cheers bassmeg but the bass is now on hold for someone pending payment .
  19. me too ,hope it all works out ok for you, there are some right twonks about1
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