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Everything posted by gub

  1. now back up for sale,had changed my mind but now has to go to make way for new gas
  2. Nearly done with this book ,great read .will pass on to Jacqueslemac next
  3. I am very much liking the look of the jags and from what i have heard on you tube they sound lovely, what colour is yours? theres a black on for sale on here atm which looks very nice! mmm may have to sell the aria afterall!
  4. i have played acoustic over the years and in fact my first guitar my dad gave me was a 12 string ,could never play it that well though,once i picked up the bass i knew this was more like it . i do flirt a little with the acoustic now and then but would never gig with it.
  5. [quote name='ironside1966' post='1191660' date='Apr 7 2011, 01:01 PM']Before I buy anything second hand I ask myself would I like to deal with this person and if anything was to wrong would they look into it in a helpful and polite.[/quote] + 1
  6. Ha ha yes i saw that and you could see jools was trying to step in and give them a hint to wind it up but they just kept going on and on ,pesky jazz! opps i just re read it and realised you were talking about that bloke with the funny accent,face,hair etc etc
  7. This all sounds very familar! lol
  8. [quote name='Paul S' post='1190491' date='Apr 6 2011, 02:00 PM']I am always overwhelmed by this place - generosity in every form is abundant. I've had strings sent to me for no cost, same with a re-stringing key thingy, unsolicited messages of support for various things and advice by the shedload. I have been on (and run) discussion forums on the internet for years and this has by far the best sense of community. Being a serious GAS victim, I find the classifieds a particularly safe and comfortable environment in which to shop. Now - who is going to buy my Trace rig.....[/quote] HA ha did you sell the jag btw ? after i saw yours for sale i started looking into them a bit more and now want one ! not as i have the money to buy atm though but all the same love it !
  9. Perfect story on a lovely sunny day like today makes you glad to be alive ,its good to know that trust and community spirit do exsist!
  10. [quote name='grayn' post='1188682' date='Apr 5 2011, 09:53 AM']I wasn't thinking it looked silly at all, it's a very cool looking bass. Just sometimes, smaller bodied basses can be unbalanced. Glad your isn't. [/quote] Arr see what you mean ,makes sense but no dive ,i think it may be due to having a solid mahogany body which makes it a little heavy i suppose for the size but still feels alot lighter than many i have played and was able to throw it round a fair bit the other night due to my nylon webbing strap ,if i tried to do that with the aria and leather strap it would take the skin off my shoulder!
  11. [quote name='apa' post='1189344' date='Apr 5 2011, 05:31 PM']What could be more stylish and practical than a keyfob? It would look the biz hanging off your ignition key as you drive to and from the gigs and if you want to let they guy on stage know your a BCer just rattle your keys in front of him with a knowing nod and wink................ oh hold on erm......... That wrist band thingy sounds good doesnt it A[/quote] Ok i am on board with the keyring idea lol!
  12. I reckon you could easy spot a fellow bc`er as threy have no money left and will be sipping from a sports bottle of ready made up squash or what ever after getting gas on here from the for sale section( i really try to avoid it now but always end up having a quick peek)
  13. Sorry to hear you have had bad experiences but i have recently bought a bass on here and am sure i asked loads of questions including... yes the weight and extra photos ,i think when you are spending good money on something you want to know as much as you can about it before you jump in , i dont have ready amounts of cash to throw around so even if its a bass under £200 i would want to know as much as if it were alot more .
  14. cant do any sound clips myself but here is a link to a page that does some , go to bottom of the page ,its the 200 you will here there . no neckdive with mine at all , and body is not to small to look silly ,i am not a particuly small person and seems to look fine on me . [url="http://www.musicradar.com/gear/all/guitars/electric/bass-guitars/4-string-electric/jtkb200-jet-king-bass-199526/review"]http://www.musicradar.com/gear/all/guitars...s-199526/review[/url]
  15. [quote name='Mr Fudge' post='1187843' date='Apr 4 2011, 03:03 PM']Ahh .... St Austell ... the West Bromwich of Cornwall. I will be down for a pub lunch in the Galleon in Fowey during August sometime. All the best.[/quote] Ha the west brom of cornwall ,i like it ! visited both many times as i used to live in dudley
  16. I notice he did`nt mention date stamp either!
  17. Cheers guys although i do love the 200 , mine is the 300 and looks like this [attachment=76587:ibanezjtkb300.jpg]
  18. And i must say i was really impressed with the different tone options ,it went from a laid back muted style for ticket to ride right through to coping great with something like under the bridge and nice in between tones for cream numbers . very pleased with it
  19. gub


    welcome to bc , am intrigued by the barefoot playing ,sounds fun!
  20. Hi dean and welcome to bc ,i am not too far away from you over in liskeard .
  21. I remember listening to alot of 60s 70s stuff in the 70s which was mainly from my mom and dads record collection with a couple of mine thrown in and it was on a radiogram which was probably the bees knees at the time and the one thing that sticks out more than anything was how lovely those deep bass tones filled the room ,i wasnt playing at this stage it would be another 8 or so years before i picked up my first bass ,but i am sure thats what planted the seed!
  22. I too am a bit of a scrather i must admit . and my black ibanez roadstar which i have had since the 80s has lots of them just under the g where my nails have caught it
  23. [quote name='Marvin' post='1171191' date='Mar 21 2011, 09:01 PM']Brilliant. And what a fantastic word gubbins is.[/quote] Thanks i was the only one at school!
  24. All makes sense, and i suppose if it works for you then thats got to be the way to go ,little differences in playing tecnique are what makes up for a varied cross section of bass players ,would be very boring if we all played the same ! thinking about it i have reached for my drink while playing an open E before too!
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