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Everything posted by gub

  1. I have only recently realised but i must of ben doing it for years ,if there is an open string note in a bassline i will make it into a freted note somewhere else ,just wondered if anyone else does the same ? prob bad technique as sometimes it means more of a fiddle to get to it .
  2. [quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='1177854' date='Mar 27 2011, 03:03 AM']The one I remember from playing years ago, that is still one of the most impressive songs we did is Mr Blue Sky by ELO. Not bad for a 5 piece covers band. Used to play the bass, bass pedals and backing vocals (including the high operatic ones), so I had my work cut out![/quote] I would love to cover an elo number but with no keys i dont think we could do it justice!
  3. i am with rayman on this one,muscle memory is great and then when you start to think obout things too hard at all goes to sh*t rit !
  4. And you couldnt imagine not being able to play ?
  5. Good show i thought but as been said already it would be much better with warren in the line up again !
  6. gub

    Ibanez RB950

    I own a black ibanez roadstar and have done since 88, great bass ,would never part with it .
  7. Cheers jr thats a big help ,only just got in and seen your message ,thanks for putting it up .
  8. Must admit i am struggling with what to play in this or should i say getting to grips with what is played in the origanal, so if anyone can suggest an easy way to break it down a bit or good tabs please fire away . cheers
  9. I love the grolsch bottle top idea ,think i have a pir of shoes somewhere with them on from my bros days lol!
  10. Seems like a fair few of us are pretty unimpesed with the slappers out there !
  11. [quote name='chrismuzz' post='1157466' date='Mar 10 2011, 11:46 PM']That's tough man I feel for you! I'm always happy to give people feedback about their playing, but this sounds really bad and i wouldn't want to risk upsetting or offending them. Honesty is always the best policy though. I would probably take a deep breath, say the recording didnt quite work out, ask them to come round and take a listen, and see what they want you to do with the recordings. They'll probably prefer to hear it themselves than to just be told 'dude your show sucked that night'. Maybe even ask if they want you do do another night in future if you want, giving them a chance to tighten up. Who knows it might be really good for them and they'll end up very grateful Good luck mate! [/quote] + 1 thats what i would of said
  12. Looking sexy ,nice shots
  13. Its also funny how someone commenting on it will bring more people to look at the origanal comment and comment on it . yes i do agree !
  14. gub

    Hi everyone

    hello and welcome
  15. And what will the 75 do while in retirment?
  16. gub

    Im so excited

    What the ! i am right with you ,in fact am getting light headed hear for you as i am getting my ibbey jetking on wed ,i know its not a ricky but am so exited over here too!
  17. Best of luck when it does happen,shame about them cancling ,hate migrains ,only ever had 2 though in my life and couldnt lift my head or be in light so if it is a proper one then poor bugger, if its a headache then tut tut !
  18. i have an aria pro 2 sb 1000 for sale if you are interested ?
  19. Got it todasy mate ,thanks very much .
  20. hiya jack and welcome ,good to have you aboard ,and dont worry about your english its probably better then my belgamees
  21. Good luck and enjoy ,thats the main thing!
  22. In my book the number one priority is to have fun ,and anything that comes after that is a bonus , i think its time to move on and get with some likeminded people !
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