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Everything posted by gub

  1. One guy around my way thinks he's a great performer and said to me one night "we do All Right Now but give it our own spin". Yeah, he f@cking murders it and it sounds dreadful, because it is a good song unfortunately massacred by 40 years of weekend warrior Lol classic!
  2. We play a few of the usual suspects like sweet home but also just about to do rain by the cult which i have never heard a cover band do , but you lot may have heard ut loads who knows , also been suggested are in to the valley .
  3. [quote name='thebrig' post='1129937' date='Feb 16 2011, 05:38 PM']I don't normally like Mondays, but I did this week, because I had a nice little surprise from the [b]Her Majesties Inland Robbers[/b] too! A nice little cheque to the tune of [size=3][b]£1,165.07[/b][/size] And Yes! I have already spent some of it, on a nice Line6 wireless system, and it's great! I've been walking around the whole house playing my [b]wi-fi[/b] bass, and wondering what else I can get! Happy Days!!!!!![/quote] This i like the sound of ,i could get up to alsorts with a wireless system ,used to have a radio pack for stage years ago ,late 80s but found it used to lose sound quality and hiss alot,but i am guessing they have moved on a fair bit since then !
  4. I gave up my full time job in 88 to become a self emplyed musician ,i was only 20 at the time and it was a blast ! we got to travel around europe doing amaerican airforce basses ,for most of the time and big social clubs over in wales and up shefield ,midlans etc ,at the time it paid us enough to live onb and buy a new tour bus with all the comforts ,we were doing 95% covers at the time which was duran ,level 42 , paul young etc . i know times wre different back then ,clubs like that used to pack them in and i dont recon those airbases even exist now, shame as it was awesome !
  5. awright our kid? wheer bout in the midlands yo from? i used come from dudley.. someones gotu ayit lol i cn type proper raylee! welcome btw
  6. [quote name='Meenie' post='1128663' date='Feb 15 2011, 06:06 PM']I'd like to be a boob inspector in my next life.[/quote] Supposed to be a well paid job ... trouble is you get paid in two lump sums!
  7. Same here showed our lot the video and its now on the list off things to do just under dont fear the reaper so you are in good company!
  8. Well done on the vid, it looks great and the fact you did it on the cheep ,well for nothing is even better! i was telling the guys in the band about this the other night and said we should have a go at doing one ,so you have inspired me any way lol! be interesting to see the on location production ,am guessing it will be along the lines of rio by duran
  9. I think that playing piano is a totaly different ball game in that with just a few notes played with a bit of imagination can sound great but with bass it takes an really great player to make it interesting to listen to for most people , well played on its own anyway! its only wehn you put it together with other stuff that it takes off , i love listening to other bass players even if they are not stanley clarke though
  10. Cool ,i have been thinking about 5 strings and fretless so this would have killed 2 birds ,never mind ,yea let us know how it goes
  11. Bleeding hell that was quick ! any changes let me know .
  12. Welcome aboard mate and i am loving that username mpure class!
  13. Cheers fella ,it makes total sense to me as part of playing a fretless is to have that naked board i would of thought , but i love the fact that you can still see from the top as thats all you need unless you are one of those pesky chaps who dont need to look at the board at all ! i had my eye on a cheap antonia fretless that the markings went sort of just over the edge and on to the front of the board , anyway this is your for sale thread and i am rambling far too much ,good luck with the sale of this beauty.
  14. Wow and btw wahta do you call those sort of fret markings on a fretless as i love the look of the unlined board but would still need a nod in the right direction
  15. gub

    Hi there

    Welcome mate and may your fingers na be still
  16. My aria sb comes in at 13lbs compared to about 8lbs for my ibanez roadstar , body is alot smaller on the ibanez though but i love the sound of the aria and it looks so damn cool!
  17. [quote name='Anthony Joseph Wiaczek III' post='1124574' date='Feb 12 2011, 01:23 AM']Right here we go, firstly gig on new years day [attachment=71935:Gig.jpg] And secondly about an hour later, (still my current style ) [attachment=71936:Bald.jpg] Story: Bad health issues means operations haha so had a gig and head shaving for charity (Raised £350 for music and the deaf). Still bald at the moment and not happy with it but jobs must be done haha.[/quote] Good job mate ,i work for the RNID so a good cause you you were raising money for ,no hair is the new black anyway !
  18. My first bass was a westone thunderer from a kays catalouge and also had a kay amp to go with it arr good times!
  19. HA ha no worries yea songster just suggested a guitar version on another site that was all it came up with . think i have found a pretty good one now though on 911 ,its more in depth and sounds much better than any others i have looked at .
  20. And it sold for £40 this would of been ideal to take the frets off and get me a cheap fretless to get me going with my fretless gas!
  21. The ones i have found dont seem quite right and and nothing on my new fave site songster, any help would be great
  22. [quote name='Big_Stu' post='1123230' date='Feb 10 2011, 09:20 PM']I was listening to as few tracks just last week by ELO & thinking how amazing they are; complex arrangements sometimes but often sounding deceptively simple. I only have a couple of GH CD's & the DVD of the 77 gig - or was it 78? Many years ago I drooled now only at the ability to do this - but I also HAD to have one of those basses! There's picking - and there's picking! From kid's TV show Get Fresh. [/quote] Very nice ,super fast and hit the spot ,cheers
  23. [quote name='JTUK' post='983278' date='Oct 10 2010, 11:56 AM']I think you need to wind on the string correctly with a min of 3 winds round the post. You need to have this layered up the post so it doesn't over lap another part of the wind but basically you are not wanting any creases or weak points developing on the wind. When you take them off....just wind off until the string literally falls away from the post and then stack the string careful as it would come out of the pack. In order to get 5 plus rotations which is easily achievable, IME, you just need to take care that the string doesn't get any unwanted bends or creases which can weaken it. It also helps if you keep the same strings going back on the same post config...or same bass. By taking a bit of care with the string and winds..I never bought any strings for about 15 years or so. Admittedly, I would have quite a few strings ( DR ) in my string pool to choose from, but I change them after 6 weeks max and always use a brighter clean sound. None of the strings would be on a bass and be usable ( for me ) for much longer than that, so I rotated A LOT. Basically, I swop strings when I feel they have gone off.[/quote] The last strings i bought are too long for the bass and it seems i have to keep turning the pegs for ever to get them on which now means i have my strings wrapped around themselves a fair few times on the post , is it ok to cut them to make shorter do you think?
  24. Very handy .i just discovered i have been playing go your own way doing needless finger streaches when there is no need really ,i suppose i could of worked that out if i had sat down and spent some time going through it and disecting it ,but you know how it is you get into playing it one way and it sticks ! and theres always other songs to learn so you sort of dont get round to doing anything to the ones that sound ok cheers for posting this anyway .
  25. have you any photos of the whole thing ?
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