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Everything posted by gub

  1. yes it was kelly groucut a great guy who sadly passed away year before last, i had the plesure of playing with him on stage and knowing him . a lovely bloke
  2. just out of interest are there fret markers on the top at all at all? lovely bass btw
  3. Very nice ,enjoy playing
  4. much less fiddler unless you are one of these that go for as many strings as a guitarist do! welcome back mate
  5. Hello and welcome fro, another cornwall dweller
  6. is the motown sound due to the foam or does it always sound like it?
  7. Well now i have seen it i really dont know what he was playing at as the bass was still going while he was trying to tune it and even once they finnished he was still messing about with it ! still great player though
  8. Was hopng this wouldnt get bumped as i had put it to the back of my mind while i try and get the money together but seeing it again gas gas gas
  9. Just waiting for it to download now,pesky cornish speed! have seen john play live a fair bit and i have always been impressed , and he has been inspirational to myself and many other bass players over the years . not sure what he was up to on this one until i have watched it . how many others have never heard of john taylor ? thought that was part of a bass players initiation love him or loath him!
  10. I saw him many years ago with paul young and he is the man!
  11. IS it ok to add my name or too late? reading the squeez one at the moment that is on pass it on but by the time i have finnished that then this may be free
  12. i like it alot mate , well done.
  13. once i write something down thats it i can never remember it ,i always have to have that sheet of paper in front of me at a gig ,rehersal etc or i cant remember it ,so i never write stuff down anymore i just keep going over it at home on my own until it sticks ,this seems to work for me .
  14. gub


    Just heard it and realised thats the sound i love so does anyone know how to get it?
  15. 4 strings for me please ,wouldnt mind having a go at fretless one of these days but would need to be lined ! i like a nice deep boom but slightly scratchy sound i suppose , i do like having a few more frets to play with although dont visit them very often ,good to know you can if you feel like it . currently playing my aria pro 2 sb 1000 which does give me a great sound and is a beast of a bass but would be nice to get something a bit lighter as the old back plays up now and then . o yea i do finger style only as find picks really awkward to use,i suppose its just becuse i started out this way and now find it hard to use a pick ,am working on it though as some songs just sound tighter and have that punch that you get with a pick. been playing since i was about 15 and am 42 now . did it full time for a living from 87 for a few years and got to play with some amazing people along the way including a tour with the elo guys back in 88 . good times but gave it all up when i moved down to cornwall to start a new life . just started playing again and have joined a local covers band who are giging and loving playing again.
  16. cheers guys ,jigster i was well oiled by the end of it so i went off as soon as my head hit the pillow lol!
  17. welcome aboard mate there are some very knowledgeable peeps on here and on the whole its a very friendly place . cool basses btw
  18. Well i had my first gig with the new band i joined a couple of months ago and am still buzzing ! the pub was packed and everyone had a great time and no fights lol ! what more could i ask for . just wanted to share this as i havnt gigged for many years apart from guest spots with the old band i used to be in . so glad i got back into playing so consider me a happy bunny!
  19. I for one could`nt give a toss if he is fasionabubble or not i think he is great bass player and done some great stuff over the years.
  20. Cheers for the info but decided to give the fretless route a miss for the moment unless one lands in my lap at the right price ,i really need to sort my main bass out first good luck with the sale though ,gav
  21. Likey very much ,need to sell the aria first though!
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