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Posts posted by Dolando

  1. Her's a closer look at that Ash and the wenge cover for Plunger!

    Stainless Steel frets installed. Take ages to install especially when you want to de-tang them just so you can fill the edges in with wood and glue to hide them! A little pointless, but it's definitely the little things that make a great guitar!



    Neck pocket routed!



    The standard look how good my neck pocket is photo!


    Now that the neck pocket is in I can locate and position the bridge then the pickup cavities!



    Oh and i managed to get the neck holes drilled and the inserts in. I much prefer the bolt system to a standard wood screw, much better contact between neck and body and won't wear out if the neck comes off and on a lot. Not that it should need to!


  2. [quote name='W1_Pro' timestamp='1481839295' post='3195665']
    That is a lovely looking bass, even at this early stage. The honey maple is glorious.
    Is the body unusually deep? I only ask because it looks like there is a lot of headroom in the control cavity!

    Thanks for the kind words, and yea I love that maple!

    It's a normal 44mm body thickness and i've left about 6-7mm, so yea quite a bit of headroom I suppose, this is mainly because the cavity cover is about 10mm with a copper plate glued to it for stability and shielding. :)

  3. I will never use normal side dots again....


    Took a bit of time but managed to get the control cavity mapped out and routed. There's a lot to get in there, and didn't want a huge cavity. I've also made it so I have room if I want to install CTS pots on a new build.


    The headstock is all routed out and the volute is definitely starting to look a lot cleaner.


    I also realised that i didn't take any photos of the neck carving....well here it is mostly finished!


    And finally with tuners installed!


    Also just about managed to get the control cover made. I couldn't think of what to make this cover from for aged and then my now fiencee said well you've used wenge in the accent line and in the neck, why not use wenge? I really don't know why i never thought of that!?


    And lastly for now...I got the belly contour roughed out. hand carving is the best bit of building!


    That's all for now....

  4. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1481707773' post='3194372']
    It's progressing well. I always make a mental tick when other builders describe a technique and I can think "yes...I do that too!" Example, clamping the fretboard at the sides and not the middle....

    Thanks! Yea I do that all the time :)

    [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1481710474' post='3194392']
    Great seeing how creative some of you clever BCers are!

    Thank you! :)

  5. Birdseye maple fingerboard was slotted with a jig

    Here are the parts put together, started to see what it will look like now....


    I love the contrast between the normal maple and roasted maple


    As promised truss duel action truss rod channel has been routed to depth and cut out wider parts with a chisel. No need to glue in truss rod, just held in place with silicone sealer!


    I didn't get a photo of the fretboard gluing, but I used a caul that only put pressure on the outer edges to help prevent glue in the truss rod which would be a disaster!

    Fretboard radius is 10" and done with a mixture of a levelling beam and a radius block, making sure to check each edge is the same thickness and is being radius'd evenly.


    Oh and lastly, I made a little progress on the volute!


    More coming soon...

  6. Hello,

    I've had this for a while and had intended to do something with it, but never got round to its so thought i'd move it on.

    It's in great condition so almost new. I've fit to a guitarbuild.co.uk P bass body I had a while ago and seemed to be a fairly standard fit, but cant guarantee it. It's got 4 control holes so worth checking you have space for the extra pots or routing will be needed.

    Any other questions, let me know.

    [b]£25 delivered (UK) [/b]



  7. I agree, they've made something that was really cool and custom in to as you say, basically picking the colour and what fingerboard you want. In hind sight I should have ordered one, but thought there may be other options like vintage amber tints etc.

    For that I've sacked off the fender bass and started looking at putting another Warmoth together. I'd say better quality, way more options and will end up cheaper to be honest, even with import duty.

    Looking at something like this;


  8. Yea, I saw that yesterday. A little gutted to be honest as I was looking one with blocks etc, but thought I'd wait to see what more options they come up with...I didn't think they would remove options.

    The actual builder itself is also not as good and the bass doesn't look real and make you want to order one!

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