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  1. Same here Jean-Luc Pickguard, but, I was not made redundant by Philips. I managed to survive all of their moronic management, but they left their mark. I couldn't possibly have anything in the house that bears the name Philips
  2. Mine's quite a similar story Chris, full time music was like the garden of Eden. Loved the playing part but the apple and the serpents bit was tuff and far from glamorous. Enjoyed the ever changing IT industry, (mostly before it was known as IT) but even staying qualified in an IT day job was as you say as mad as the music biz, as one great company is gobbled up by a bigger fish. Very happy to play at the weekend
  3. Just bought a pedal from Dean, it's in great condition and arrived next day. A pleasure to trade, if only all purchases were this straight forward
  4. Bought a 70s reissue jazz from Mal, a very good and easy transaction, and a fine bass. Thank you, look forward to seeing your band,
  5. Thank you John for the fully loaded Jazz control plate, looking forward to installing very soon
  6. [quote name='bassjim' timestamp='1500284038' post='3336612'] When i have a gig and the drummer is brain dead and has no respect for the music, volume,feel or tempo, or any band member for that matter, it can drain all my enthusiasm and mojo. When this musical scribbling happens my tone may as well count for nothing as its either getting drowned out or I cant play the parts I want to, how I want to. The best tone I get with complete satisfaction with the best consistency is when I'm working at home through a sh*tty little £15.00 off ebay practice amp, at low volume. Be it twiddling or working out new material for gigs playing along to youtube ect its always very good. But then all the other conditions that effect tone at gigs are not there and I'm in control of the environment! [/quote] +1
  7. Agree with bub, soulful jazzy playing on this and Marcus knows a great drummer when he hears one. (yes,,,, bit of a nod to Hornsby)
  8. Well done Pete, one day at a time. Always enjoyed your playing with the Nearlies. Gaslighting Abbie, keep it in your sights.
  9. Bought a Berg CN212 from Peter, sure is a powerful cab, good to meet you Peter, hope you're well.
  10. Here's an interesting song re' behind or ahead of the beat. What do you think http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrZRURcb1cM
  11. Bought a hipshot thingy from Muzz, excellent condition, good comm's, thank you, deal with confidence.
  12. Bought a fab bass from Arnaud, very well packed and good communication throughout, again, deal with confidence.
  13. Just sold an amp to Stephen, good straight honest bloke, in his 'Prime.' Hope you're enjoying your music.
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