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New Band - Putting together your first rehearsal


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Right, following form my Sacked - Ouch it hurts post, I've advertised for new players and had a reasonable response - I have drums, keys and singer interested in forming a Jump Jive band.

Everything else I've done before has always had a core of two or three players that have alreay known each other. This time we are all strangers.

Anyone out there had this scenario - how did you go about the first meet up?


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I met four other complete strangers via a Partysounds ad about 4 years ago. 3 More strangers were in and out of the band at various times too. I left once for a month but the reason for that is now gone.
I'm still in a band with two of them and we are now very good friends.

It's been a fun rollercoaster with some nutters thrown in on the way.

I'd recommend it.

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I am lucky in that I retain a lot of muso 'friends' in my contact book. I pick them for a band depending on chemistry and that sort of nonsense, but
since I met them on music dates, then they were stranglers at one point.

In your case, since there isn't the money from the gig holding this togther, you are going to have to accept that you might loose a few along the way, or you might want to lose one or two because you like them, but not their playing.

This is the nature of what you are doing..throwing mud against the wall and hoping some will stick. It isn't likley that the first line-up is going to be the one you stick with. Hopefully, everyone realises that, but I would retain all contact numbers with anyone you comes across and burn NO bridges yet...sometime it is the mix and match approach that works with some players and not others so you are going to have to be open about all this.

Kudos for grabbing this thing and getting out there and doing something about it. Just don't expect Rome in a day and keep at it.

The good thing is that it is your baby and at the moment you are in control...

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[quote name='JTUK' post='937999' date='Aug 27 2010, 12:17 PM']I pick them for a band depending on chemistry and that sort of nonsense, but
since I met them on music dates, then they were stranglers at one point.[/quote]

That's the trouble with people you don't know. :) Some might even have played jazz :rolleyes:

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Get everyone to make a list of [i]any[/i] jump jive stuff they know. Compare the lists, find the overlaps, agree keys with the singer and shove a mini setlist back out with some web links for reference. Lean back and reflect on a job well done.

On the night, greet them warmly, supply name badges and direct them to the cold buffet. Arrange for a 'Big-Leg Woman' to shimmy around in a tight red dress, hollering "Open the door, Richard!"

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[quote name='skankdelvar' post='938093' date='Aug 27 2010, 02:02 PM']Get everyone to make a list of [i]any[/i] jump jive stuff they know. Compare the lists, find the overlaps, agree keys with the singer and shove a mini setlist back out with some web links for reference. Lean back and reflect on a job well done.

On the night, greet them warmly, supply name badges and direct them to the cold buffet. Arrange for a 'Big-Leg Woman' to shimmy around in a tight red dress, hollering "Open the door, Richard!"[/quote]

Apart from being one of the greatest comedy writers on the forum you're also a very wise sage Skank, thank you. Funny, "Open the Door, Richard!" is pretty high up on my list. I think I'll pass on the cold buffet though!

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I'd definitely go for the 'swapping songs' route up front. Humyo is a great site to upload everything so that people can learn stuff in advance. Stick to original keys where possible to begin with & then re-work for vocalists when required.

Really needs one person to 'take charge' though & get organising. There's a time and place for pure democracy but the earliest stages of forming a band may not be one of them, lol.

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im doing the same thing on tuesday, we agreed a couple of covers to learn to try and get us playing together so there isnt the awkward "well what shall we do" period.

i agree with the above about someone taking charge, whilst its nice to be democratic, ultimatly a decision needs to be made and someone has to make them

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