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Ive just moved house and its my first time having neighbours and i dont want to upset them with the low end.

Are their any cheap headphone amps, all im looking for is something i can plug my bass into and have an aux in aswell, and then headphones.

Pretty straightforward, what is out thier.

Sam H

Posted (edited)

All sorts.

I mainly use a PJB Bass Buddy but that's a very expensive piece of kit, especially these days with exchange rates being what they are.

I also use a Line 6 Low Down Studio 110, which does exactly what you're after but is also a pretty reasonable practice amp and has some 'modelling' buttons for different types of sound.

If your band has a PA, you can use the mixer as a (very OTT) headphone amp.

If you're at all interested in trying out IEM (in-ear monitoring) then I strongly recommend the Rolls PM351 ( [url="http://www.rolls.com/product.php?pid=PM351"]http://www.rolls.com/product.php?pid=PM351[/url] ) - a very clever & flexible piece of kit.

Edited by Happy Jack
Posted (edited)

Hello dude, I use the ac-30 amplug. [url="http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.fretbase.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/vox-amplug-ac30-headphone-amp.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.fretbase.com/blog/2008/12/review-vox-amplug-ac30-headphone-amp/vox-amplug-ac30-headphone-amp/&usg=__s27vDXX5TDW6n4ZWDjZpUvFMQLk=&h=551&w=700&sz=56&hl=en&start=0&sig2=SjdWsU-WLIiBvcsvNgyJfg&zoom=1&tbnid=KVWZfEZvVz-geM:&tbnh=131&tbnw=166&ei=0Y17TPTECI6VswbYxfiyDQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3Damplug%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D703%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=351&oei=0Y17TPTECI6VswbYxfiyDQ&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0&tx=87&ty=39"]small picture here.[/url]

it's small, runs on batteries and has an aux. (Y)

Sound is really nice too. :)

Edited by Bobo_Grimmer

I use either a Korg Pandora PX4-D (Does bass & guitar)
You can turn off all the modelling and FX and the clean tone is perfectly respectable. It's got a built-in tuner, too.
Otherwise, I use a cheapo (£80!) 8-track mixer. That sounds SO good, I've started using it as a pre-amp with a power amp and 4x10 for rehearsal and live use. It's super flexible- You could have 4 basses plugged into it at once, all with different gain/EQ/level settings.
It's got a blendable FX loop and an aux send that I use to drive a tuner.


Tascam MP-BT1 link here: [url="http://www.tascam.de/en/mp-bt1.html"]http://www.tascam.de/en/mp-bt1.html[/url]

The MP-BT1 is the first MP3 player designed for musicians. Based on the award-winning CD-BT1 MkII, this mobile bass trainer has enough memory to store up to 240 songs. Zip through your MP3 collection using a data wheel, dedicated buttons and a graphical backlit display. Tracks and sections can be looped or slowed down without changing the key to help you learn tricky passages. Songs can also be pitched up or down to match the tuning of your bass, so you don't have to re-tune for every song.

The MP-BT1 lets you play along with multi-effects, 7-band EQ and a bass enhancement effect on MP3 playback. A chromatic tuner and a metronome are also built-in. A high-speed USB connection is used to load up MP3s and charge the built-in lithium-ion battery gives you up to 9 hours of playback time (an optional power supply is also available).

All of this is packed into a player smaller than a stomp box, so you can carry it anywhere the road takes you.

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