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Going back to practice...the old way


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Hope this is in the right section. Right, I've been using PC's, software, editing suites, etc etc to practice with and work on covers for the last 6 or 7 years, in fact everything I do these days that's related to my bass playing involves a damn computer and I've had a gut full of unstable pc's and programmes. I really want to go back to the way I used to do it.

By this I mean using just the recording, my bass and a pair of headphones to work out covers and practice etc, soooo I'm going to chuck the pc idea in the bin and try and find an alternative. I no longer own a CD player or cassette player, does anybody now of a practice aid where I can just lob a disc in, plug my bass and headphones in and work on covers and practice without the worry of something crashing!!!! :)

Ta very much,
(Frustrated bass player in need of old school practice methods)

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A cheap CD player or a laptop, plugged straight into my amp, leave out the bass lead so only the treble plays, plug in your bass and play the bass line straight over the music.

Not all amps have a CD in socket, but the Fender Rumbles do - not expensive either.

Hope this helps.

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[quote name='Jase' date='Dec 21 2007, 08:30 PM' post='107845']does anybody now of a practice aid where I can just lob a disc in, plug my bass and headphones in and work on covers and practice without the worry of something crashing!!!!

Tascam bass trainer? [url="http://www.tascam.com/details;8,21,17.html"]tascam[/url]

I got one second hand for £60 locally, and they often pop up on [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/TASCAM-CD-BT1-mk11-Portable-CD-BASS-Guitar-Trainer_W0QQitemZ120200177816QQihZ002QQcategoryZ15199QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]ebay[/url].

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