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Janice Ian & Richard Bona


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I went to see Bona a couple of months ago in Brussels (I've seen him live often enough) and my perception of him changed since then.
The show started with a good vibe and the whole band brought the music with enthusiasm..especially the fact that the audience included a lot of black people from the Matonge-neighbourhood around here (and some of them seemed to know him personally (he adressed them in French too)) gave it a friendly atmosphere..
At a certain moment Bona wanted to do a solo-thing on acoustic guitar and the whole band left the stage..The guitar-player (a white man with dreadlocks who had been playing really cheerfully until then) walked away and had nearly left the stage but was summoned by Bona to come back to hand him over his acoustic guitar although it was in his reach (at his feet) and nothing had to be changed. It looked like a gesture you use when calling a slave.
You could feel that the guitarplayer felt humiliated and that he had to force himself to smile while handing over the guitar to a "proud" Bona. As if he wanted to show the public that he was the boss.
The guitarplayer went back offstage but it took him the rest of the show to get back in his old mood.
Bona interrupted the show a couple of times to talk about "space" and "the moon" and he started a long monologue to convince the public that they should refuse injections when they were ill because according to him it was all a conspiracy of the pharmaceutical firms to make people more ill with these injections..
The playing was superb but as a person Bona let me down that night..

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I always assumed that this guy was great despite never hearing him but the amount of 5-6-root slides and the same harmonics repeated has adjusted my opinion.

I'm not the guy who says "That guy overplayed". I like complex playing where appropriate but he was filling space that was already filled with that beautiful voice.

Richard Bona gets a thumbs down based on this. Show me what I'm missing!!


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[quote name='wombatboter' post='957317' date='Sep 15 2010, 05:58 PM']I went to see Bona a couple of months ago in Brussels (I've seen him live often enough) and my perception of him changed since then.
The show started with a good vibe and the whole band brought the music with enthusiasm..especially the fact that the audience included a lot of black people from the Matonge-neighbourhood around here (and some of them seemed to know him personally (he adressed them in French too)) gave it a friendly atmosphere..
At a certain moment Bona wanted to do a solo-thing on acoustic guitar and the whole band left the stage..The guitar-player (a white man with dreadlocks who had been playing really cheerfully until then) walked away and had nearly left the stage but was summoned by Bona to come back to hand him over his acoustic guitar although it was in his reach (at his feet) and nothing had to be changed. It looked like a gesture you use when calling a slave.
You could feel that the guitarplayer felt humiliated and that he had to force himself to smile while handing over the guitar to a "proud" Bona. As if he wanted to show the public that he was the boss.
The guitarplayer went back offstage but it took him the rest of the show to get back in his old mood.
Bona interrupted the show a couple of times to talk about "space" and "the moon" and he started a long monologue to convince the public that they should refuse injections when they were ill because according to him it was all a conspiracy of the pharmaceutical firms to make people more ill with these injections..
The playing was superb but as a person Bona let me down that night..[/quote]

Wow.. :)

Wattabout vid, bassy stuff didn't catch me, I was expecting some more from RB..

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We saw Bona at BassdayUK a couple of years ago, Its not my bag but it was awesome and the guy was a great speaker too.He eats sleeps and breaths it and is on another level compared to anything I have seen before.Its still not something I would go out and buy to listen to at home but my respect his for ability is enormous.To put it into perspective I would be happy to argue he could put down a better bass line than 99% of basschatters using his mouth alone! Anyone that has seen him live will know where Im coming from.Brilliant! :)

Edited by stingrayPete1977
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[quote name='wombatboter' post='957317' date='Sep 15 2010, 03:58 PM']Bona interrupted the show a couple of times to talk about "space" and "the moon" and he started a long monologue to convince the public that they should refuse injections when they were ill because according to him it was all a conspiracy of the pharmaceutical firms to make people more ill with these injections..[/quote]

Ice-cream, Mandrake! Childrens' ice-cream!

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