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My Basses (& my current dilemma!)


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Hi all,

I'm still pretty new here, and i havent posted a thread about my basses yet - been too busy sorting out my pedalboard!

Fender Marcus Miller - Fender MiM Precision - Washburn Taurus T-24 - Epiphone EB3

Had the EB3 a long time, doesnt really get used much. The Marcus Miller and the Precision are the mainstay gigging basses. I'm most definately a P-kinda guy! The Taurus i've had about a month, havent used it at a gig yet, but it sounds good!

The current problem i have at the moment is funding and space. Recently i feel it might be a better investiment in money, time and space, if i just have the MM Jazz, and then another decent bass, instead of the Jazz and 3 backups. Im tempted at the moment to sell the Eb3 and the Taurus, and then possibly sell the Precision. Then use the funds to buy another P-bass of some kind (possibly MIA if i can find one used).

The only thing, is that i'm quite attached to my P-bass, "Rex". So my other option would be to sell the EB3 and the Taurus, and use the funds from them to upgrade the Mexi. It could do with a new bridge, and i would like to change the pickups and cosmetics slightly. This could also fund a decent hardcase (the one i have for it is on its last legs).

I'm not sure what to do - what would you do?

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[quote name='bubinga5' post='970816' date='Sep 28 2010, 04:08 PM']Hi Lorry

There is no reason you cant upgrade your MIM P bass to be as good tone wise as an MIA P bass..prob better with the right pickups......if your attached to it i would go down that route[/quote]
Hi there,

Yeah i think i will probably go for that - it will depend on what the others sell for, and whats on the used market at the time!


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I went through the stage of thinking i should upgrade my 2009 MIM, mainly due to talking myself into them being not that great due to its price

However a year on, a handful of gigs on it and comparing it to other basses ive played or heard played over the year, I am now sure it does provide a very decent respectable passive fender tone

Do you really need to upgrade it?

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At the moment, a friend is going to do me a deal on a Lakland 44-02, so i shall sell everything and get that. The point of this thread was, at the end of the day, slimming down my bass collection to just 2 decent basses, so thats what im going to do.

I'll miss my Precision loads, but its not like i cant pick one up again another time. Another reason for this is Rex was the bass i used with "Trick of the Light", so i feel no that band is over, i need to move on bass-wise and start afresh with a new rig! :)

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[quote name='lojo' post='971352' date='Sep 29 2010, 07:40 AM']I went through the stage of thinking i should upgrade my 2009 MIM, mainly due to talking myself into them being not that great due to its price

However a year on, a handful of gigs on it and comparing it to other basses ive played or heard played over the year, I am now sure it does provide a very decent respectable passive fender tone

Do you really need to upgrade it?[/quote]

Its more a case of repairs than upgrades!

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Hi all, quick update...

I have a Lakland 44-02 on loan and i love it! I can get this one used at a good price. Looks like now i'm selling everything, and keeping the MM Jazz and the Lakland. Seems a shame to get rid of 'Rex' the P-bass, but i suppose i could always save up again and get myself another one later on!

Cheers :)

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  • 1 month later...

Another update - I never really did get rid of the Precision - so everything has worked out well! The Epiphone and the Washburn both went to really good homes, and i've made enough to be able to pay for the Lakland withotu selling the precision, so thats what i have done!

For christmas my parents have bought me a Gotoh 201, and a set of Seymour-Duncan SPB-3's for the P-bass, so i'll still have a three bass attack force! More updates after all teh work gets done! Happy christmas one and all!!! :)

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