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Inspired by something I read on the US, where afroman posted his TC head settings [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showpost.php?p=8909929&postcount=938"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showpost.php...p;postcount=938[/url]

Was just wondering if anyone who owns these heads has settled on any settings that emulate another make or style, if so please post them

Personally I am still messing around with mine, not trying to find a good setting but trying to find which one I like best

This thread might fall flat, but it could be interesting


Basically flat, or with a few tweaks of the mids.

Few clicks of compression.

I use the presets mainly for different styles eg pick/tubetone/lower input gain, fingerstyle/bit of compression/higher inout gain/tiny bit of tubetone.

Still really enjoying this amp.

Posted (edited)

i've just bought a TC electronic set (RH450+RS210 &RC 4) last week an i'm looking for some advice concerning the EQ settings.

So far i've managed to program a decent rock/metal/sansamp like-sound with a bit of compression and some Tubetone for that extra grind
(wich is good , because that is mainly what i bought it for...),
but i'm having some trouble finding a good "clean" and "slap" setting that i can use with my musicman bass.

The MM's active pre-amp has a lot of output and i think that's were the problem lies...

I use the bass with the pre-amp set flat and i've noticed that it seems to sound the best with the pick-up switch set in the middle (that's the jazzbass configuration i think??) but still it's hard for me to get a decent clean and/or slap sound and with the full power og the MM pick-up engaged (switch down) it's even harder to get a good definition in the lows and low-mids.

When i listen closely it seems to me that when the amp is set flat (freq. controls also flat) the lows and low-mids kinda melt together and therefore loose definition on the upper strings and it gets hard for me to cut through the mix.

I've tried to boost either the lows or the low-mids but that didn't really helped me getting the sound i expected from this amp.

I'm not really good with EQ'ing and don't have any real technical knowledge of all the feature's on this amp, since i'm used to having 1 or 2 settings on my old EBS amp (small variations of example settings i found on the EBS website) and usually sticked to that sound, so all the advice that can help me get the best out of this baby will be very appreciated!! :)

at the moment i'm using the amp in the following configuration:

2010 Musicman sterling 4 (pre-amp set flat) => RH 450 => RS 210

and i'm mainly looking for a good clean (fingerstyle) sound and a good slap sound.

(I hope i'm able to revive this thread, because i'm sure there will be more people looking for advice on good EQ settings
as there is not a lot information available on the internet concerning this topic.)

Edited by Bassdude BE

I find the RH450 flat is pretty much spot on for that more funky style....maybe lower your low mids? There is a lot to play with on the amp. I tend to prefer finger style to slap anyway.

The amp itself is a very lo-mid orientated amp. It wont do the super bright Marcus Miller slap tone, but it wil get you a more 'refined' and still crisp clear slap tone.

I dont really like lots and lots of high end/treble, as I find the sound annoying after a while. Too piercing. Have you tried adjusting the tweeter? The tweeter in the RS cabinets is very sweet and nowhere near as ganky and plasticky as some tweeters can be.

One thing to note, Ive noticed the RH450 is a great match for Musicman basses.


Also flat seems to suit my rock style with a pick just great too. I'm going to have a fiddle this weekend though and try and get a little bit more lowend punch along with it...

Posted (edited)

Seems i had a problem with a faulty speaker cable that was distorting the signal,
changed the cable today and all is fine! :)

still don't feel like running it completely flat tho, i'm missing a bit of low end here and there, so i'm going to try and mess around with the low end freq's a little bit..

Edited by Bassdude BE

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