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still a newcomer at this..... so if i should breach any etiquette - forgive me and let me know (politely please )

look what I found! - a Bassman cab to complement the amp!

the amp....
Its been a workhorse and has the scars to prove it - serial is F0 plus 5 digits so I believe that makes it '80 and, by the looks of it, has spent many of those years being thrown in the backs of transit vans

the plate is Silver (face) but, again, I think that is meaningless with the 135's as they were all silver except for some *later* models (80.. on) which had the Black(face) but were only cosmetically different - the insides were the same
(thats what i was told anyway - and i believe everything i'm told......)

the technical bit..
its got 4 big valves and 3 little ones....

Its no good asking if its original / what are the valves / have bits been changed - all i've done is turned it on, plugged in and played
i've had it several years and its not been serviced, no valves have been changed whilst i've had it - its just worked and pumped out that classic Bassman sound through a variety of cabs
Could be recovered I guess - but that would hide the stories it could tell

the cab
Its a Bassman 100 - big, but has sturdy castors and heavy duty handles fitted
the original speakers have been replaced with Celestion BN15-300X ' s (300W Neo magnet - just read what they say about these on the web) - so its nowhere near as heavy as the original

I don't think these cabs are as efficient as modern day designs - but these speakers sound good and just see how the rig looks!!

looking for £600 cash but negotiable for trades (quality bass ?? old bass??)

If you fancy a trip to the South Coast then come and try it - could probably find coffee or a beer

Edited by rogerds
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[quote name='Delberthot' post='988682' date='Oct 15 2010, 12:24 AM']Believe me my good man I am in the process of selling everything I can to get close to buying this - I assume postage is possible?

Anyone want to buy a kidney?[/quote]

if you'll chuck in some liver and a sausage I might be interested?!!!

seriously tho.......anyone who doesn't grab this amp is a mentalist
don't know about that cab; but i have the Bassman 135 cab (not the one pictured to left) and it can be made extremely efficient and tight sounding with a simple bit of extra carpentry. I have mine loaded with 2 x high-end Emminence 350w and it sounds fookin-A!

good luck with the sale to the OP and the dealer in human organs

Edited by Bassnut62
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The Fender is voiced for Eminence drivers, which are usually efficient.
Well, certainly more suited than the 95dB 'tight' Celestion neos which ar ebetter suited to a compact cab.
The big box lieks 'em kinda loose and flappy.

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the cab....
didn't know what speakers were in it till i took the front off
looked up a bit more about the cab and it seems that, with just a little bit of extra bracing it can be made to sound as good as it looks!
(not that it sounds at all bad at the moment :) !

am in discussion about the amp - so the cab *may* be available on its own... offers? trades?
(will confirm)

which model eminence?? - i thought they were suited to 'compact' cabs too? or am i wrong again??

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[quote name='rogerds' post='988938' date='Oct 15 2010, 10:23 AM']the cab....
didn't know what speakers were in it till i took the front off
looked up a bit more about the cab and it seems that, with just a little bit of extra bracing it can be made to sound as good as it looks!
(not that it sounds at all bad at the moment :) !

am in discussion about the amp - so the cab *may* be available on its own... offers? trades?
(will confirm)

which model eminence?? - i thought they were suited to 'compact' cabs too? or am i wrong again??

not sure what model the Emminence were that I loaded mine with. It was about 10 years ago and they were about £140 each. They produce a nice medium-tight clear sound while retaining all the warmth and bottom you would want from a rig like this. The speakers have Emminence written in large white letters over the centre of the cone if that helps. I tried high end JBLs and Celestions at same time; but the Emminence just creamed the lot!

Anyway good luck with the sale.

Is that chap still selling his kidney - I'm ready for my tea and he hasn't come back to me yet!

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[quote name='rogerds' post='988938' date='Oct 15 2010, 10:23 AM']the cab....
didn't know what speakers were in it till i took the front off
looked up a bit more about the cab and it seems that, with just a little bit of extra bracing it can be made to sound as good as it looks![/quote]

As well as bracing these old Bassman cabs, i.e. front to back struts; it is well worth lining all the joints with 1"x1" wood with glue and proper counter-sunk wood screws. This helps seal the cab properly and enables the speakers to push serious amounts of air out without losing it through the cab's seams. This also helps prevent farting, which I've found to be a praticular problem when playing bass loudly through un-modified Bassman cabs. Alternatively, eat less beans! Boom Boom!

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[quote name='Bassnut62' post='990065' date='Oct 16 2010, 11:54 AM']As well as bracing these old Bassman cabs, i.e. front to back struts; it is well worth lining all the joints with 1"x1" wood with glue and proper counter-sunk wood screws. This helps seal the cab properly and enables the speakers to push serious amounts of air out without losing it through the cab's seams. This also helps prevent farting, which I've found to be a praticular problem when playing bass loudly through un-modified Bassman cabs. Alternatively, eat less beans! Boom Boom![/quote]

sincere thanks for that bassnut62!
how to make it sound really, really good to go with the looks!

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[quote name='rogerds' post='991943' date='Oct 18 2010, 08:44 AM']sincere thanks for that bassnut62!
how to make it sound really, really good to go with the looks![/quote]

You're very welcome. they do look great, they already sound good and they can sound freakin awesome IMO.

anyone that doesn't love the name Bassman for all the right reasons needs their ears testing!

I bought mine years ago from someone who complained it didn't have enough lights on it, so they were selling it to get something really cool like a Trace Elliott! Doh!!! Who listens with their eyes anyway?!

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