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Basses of mine...


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It's been a long time since I posted any gear porn, so here goes. My current stable consists of just two basses, a Korean built Spector NS2000/5, which is a lovely thing for the dosh. I'm not sure if it's a long term keeper or not, but I like it a lot and it's currently my main bass.

The neck is very comfy, as is the contoured body. It doesnt have the classic NS shape, but it's curvier than the Legend series that replaced it. Pickups are passive EMG HZ, which have a nice focused bottom end and clear highs in combination with EMG BTS preamp (a neat feature of the preamp is a series of four dipswitches inside the control cavity which allow you to adjust the treble frequency boost - the highs were a little harsh when I bought the bass, a quick tweak and I was far happier). The bass is an all maple neck through instrument, so as you can imagine it sustains for days. It's a great workhorse rock bass.

My other bass is this old thing. Encore body (from my first instrument, I've had it a good 15 years), a mighty mite neck, American Fender P pup and Aaron Armstrong bridge humbucker. I wired in a DPDT series/parallel switch for the bridge humbucker to add a bit of versatility. As you can see, the bass is a fingerprint magnet.

The mighty mite neck is very nice indeed. It has a thin satin finish (so thin I thought it was unfinished!) that makes moving around the neck a breeze. Previously this bass sported a Status graphite neck but I was never happy with the tone - something about it just didnt compliment the body (which is very rare, rich and exclusive Brazillian MDF). Soundwise it seems to have a 70's vibe going which the MIM Fender P I once owned really lacked. It's thumpy and dark, which I like.

Soundclips... The Spector clip is both pups on full, and a touch of bass and treble boost on the preamp. There are two P soundclips. In the first clip both pickups are on, the first half of the clip is with the bridge pup in series, the second half is with it in parallel. The second P clip is neck pup soloed with the tone rolled all the way off (the tone cap is an orange drop, not sure what value but it still lets some highs through when it's totally rolled off).




Edited by Wil
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  • 4 months later...

A new addition arrived today, a Sterling by Musicman SB14: [url="http://img21.imageshack.us/i/img0343sp.jpg/"]http://img21.imageshack.us/i/img0343sp.jpg/[/url]

I haven't plugged it in yet, my guitar leads and amp are round a mate's house :) Out of the box it was set up with zero relief and a low action. With my cack handed playing it was all buzz, so I tweaked the very handy truss rod wheel (I'm converted already!), lemon oiled the fingerboard (it was a bit emaciated), strung it BEAD and set the intonation again. Now it plays very well, the neck is very fast and comfy (I'd worried it might be too thin as I normally prefer P necks, but it seems fine) and the fretwork seems good. Good fit and finish all round and nice full tone acoustically, so I'm very much looking forward to trying it at band practice.

Edited by Wil
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