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Steely/Fagan genius...


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I was in London about a 3 weeks ago with my sister...we were in a traffic jam in sheps bush...i looked across and saw a blacked out BMW with some young guys who looked like hoodlums....i dont mean to generalise.. they were young guys.... they had some beats very loud but couldnt make it out i was expecting hip hop at that tempo... we pulled up next to them and i was suprised to hear Fagan...me and my sister were bobbing our heads...

i was digging the fact that these young guys appreciated Fagan...

i just cant get enough of Steely Dan and Mr Fagan i may even like it more than Incognito...i know these guys have been posted a million times before, but im ill and im allowed to.... :)

the finesse and musical detail and talent of these guys is astounding... just timeless brilliant music...its making me feel better anyways...

this was the track they were playing.... i frickin love it...especially the horns...


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They're the token muso band. I grew up listening to them in my dad's car when I was younger. Their new stuff is a little too clinical in terms of production values (ironically so is their older stuff depending on your taste; their sound played better when Katz and Fagen and Becker were limited by 70's studio technology), and the older stuff is the best... Aja's notably, but Royal Scam and Pretzel Logic as well.

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.to be honest i do love a modern production...this i dig.. it couldnt be more of what i like... the intro moves me....


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[quote name='bubinga5' post='1025330' date='Nov 15 2010, 11:26 PM'].to be honest i do love a modern production...this i dig.. it couldnt be more of what i like... the intro moves me..


Don't get me wrong, it's well done. But it's too well done, the character you'd find with grittier production values is lost and the sound becomes fatiguing very quickly to my ears. The older albums don't suffer from this problem because whilst they're still very clean, there is a warmer sound to the records that is just great coupled with their music at the time. Aja is practically a masterpiece in this respect.

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[quote name='risingson' post='1025343' date='Nov 15 2010, 11:33 PM']Don't get me wrong, it's well done. But it's too well done, the character you'd find with grittier production values is lost and the sound becomes fatiguing very quickly to my ears. The older albums don't suffer from this problem because whilst they're still very clean, there is a warmer sound to the records that is just great coupled with their music at the time. Aja is practically a masterpiece in this respect.[/quote]
To be honest Ris i feel im lacking when it comes to listening to the production of an album...im sure you are too, but im too busy listening to everything else...unless it sounds really bad i dont really notice...

are you saying it takes away some character from the music if the production isnt right?... give me some examples of two different sides of what your saying please... :)

i would like to think if the music is good it will transend any production...if this track was recorded on tape i would still like it...

i will add i certainly dont see it as a problem..just a difference in taste...

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My first proper girlfriend's dad, who was a guitarist and super-successful business guy person, was a massive Steely Dan fan. He used to make me listen to them all the time and I never did get into it. It was too well-produced I think, too slick.

At the time I was listening mostly to Pop Will Eat Itself and Cud.

I pretended to like it though, because he liked me and I was f***ing his daughter.

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[quote name='thisnameistaken' post='1025431' date='Nov 16 2010, 02:53 AM']My first proper girlfriend's dad, who was a guitarist and super-successful business guy person, was a massive Steely Dan fan. He used to make me listen to them all the time and I never did get into it. It was too well-produced I think, too slick.

At the time I was listening mostly to Pop Will Eat Itself and Cud.

I pretended to like it though, because he liked me and I was f***ing his daughter.[/quote] :) :) i had to give that a double cause i spat my drink out!!! wasnt expecting the last bit...

well thats the whole point to me about Steely Dan and Fagan... beautifully crafted, tight, harmonised music..not for everyone but you cant deny its well done... for me they are brilliant musicians... Fagan is a snotty perfectionist... and i love that.. i prob got that wrong about being snotty...but he is a perfectionist...and it shows....

they did go from pop rock into pop soul jazz.. did this bother anyone? what do thee think of this live of an old school classic???


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Yeah I just don't like that stuff (enough).

About the same time in my life, my band's guitarist's dad was routinely handing us LPs to see if we could enjoy them yet. He started us out with Hendrix and Cream and Ten Years After, but later tried us with Cannonball Adderley, Horace Silver, Modern Jazz Quartet, and funk stuff like Sly Stone, AWB, Graham Central Station, The Meters.

I mean Steely Dan might be clever but when that's your yard stick, they aren't going to kill it. And to be honest we had bands like Brand New Heavies and Galliano and Jane's Addiction and Stone Roses and Public Enemy and Beastie Boys, we were spoilt for quality music to chew on at that time.

Still, I had massive respect for this guy anyway. He was proper loaded - he had a successful software business and a garage featuring a MkII Jag and a Turbo Esprit amongst others - and at the age of 60 he still insisted he didn't know what he wanted to do with his life, and he was always talking about jacking it all in and buying a van, putting a band together and going on tour. He was a rocker at heart. :)

I hope I still have his attitude when I'm 60. Judging by my recent performances on this forum I think I probably will.

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