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Most excellent gig !

Nice grindy distorted P-bass sounds

The general sound was a good bit harder edged than on the studio albums - this girl knows how to rock !

Don't miss her next time round.....



I bought the first album which is a fair step away from my usual listening choices but I just thought she looked really cool. My wife plays it all the time but I must admit it wasn't really my thing.


Loved her with Smashing Pumpkins, the solo stuff was pretty cool too, didn't know she was touring though! Gutted I missed it, sounds like a good one. So is she touring a new album then?


I was lined up to fix her bass neck, but the guy didn't know exactly what the problem was, so it went to the better equipped local luthier. I'd have liked to have met the Queen of the Gingers.


First album is awesome! Probably due to the fact that Josh Homme, Brant Bjork, Nick Oliveri and Mark Lanegan all feature heavily. I'm gutted I missed her too, saw her on my Birthday in 2004, the last time she was here in Manc Academy 3. She's in Europe until mid-December, I might have to plan a weekend away...


Definitely rate her. She was in BGM a few months back, touting her new album - which she's out touring. Not something I'd reach out for first, but not something I'd turn off the radio either.


I saw her in Glasgow on Saturday night, and it was a fun gig - a fair amount of stuff off her first album, a load of new stuff and Black Sabbath and Patti Smith covers. Her new album's (Out of our Minds) got a comment in it along the lines of "P-Bass + Ampeg SVT forever!", so she clearly trolls Basschat on occasion.

She hung about after the gig to sign stuff so I talked to her a bit, then she came over to the pub my mates and I were in afterwards. One of my mates is a massive MAdM fan, so, to in an effort to make her night even better, I was ORDERED by my girlfriend to go over to talk to the afforementioned foxy flame-haired four string flicker again, to see if she wanted to come over and sit with us. She didn't join us as she had other people to talk to, but she came over to say goodbye when she was leaving, making my friend very happy, which in turn made my girlfriend happy.

It's not often I get a into situation where I can make my girlfriend happy by chatting to hot redheads in bars...


REALLY wanted to go to this gig, but I just couldn't get there. I don't drive & the train times meant I would have had to have left well before the end of the gig. :)
I love her first album - it's one of the most regularly played things on my ipod.

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