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I have a SWR workingmans 15 combo that sounds fantastic, I love it, best sound I have ever had. But I have a back problem that now means I need to look a lighter gear (booooo) The SWR is sooooooo heavy.
I know some of you on here use Markbass, I am thinking possibly a little Mark with a 1x15 cab. What are they like, any good, loud, I like a big wide sound, not a toppy sound. I like a clean not over driven sound, just big & wide.(don't we all)
I play G & L Astat, Rickenbacker 4001, Bass collection fretless or Ephiphone thunderbird. All 4 string only but might be looking at getting a 5 at some point. I don't use FX just plug in and play.
Are any other Amp heads light that might give me the sound I like ?
Reviews, comments, thoughts, advice all welcome.



[quote name='bigd1' post='119416' date='Jan 13 2008, 10:43 AM']I have a SWR workingmans 15 combo .... best sound .... I need to look a lighter gear .... The SWR is sooooooo heavy.
Are any other Amp heads light that might give me the sound I like ?[/quote]
Talk to Warwickhunt about his Thunderfunk. And Bleedproof has an Epifani 3x10 for sale on BC as well. A great, light-weight combination and in my opinion, better than any Mark bass.


I have a LMK with two cabs, a 15" and the 102P Traveller.
Very clean sound to which you can dial in all you need.
For rehearsals I just take the head, the 102P and my guitar... one trip from car and set up in under 3 minutes.


I have a Little Mark II which I use to power an Epifani UL410 cabinet.

The amp sounds fantastic, I am using it in a professional setting and am very happy with the big, warm sound that I get from it. In my opinion it's the best thing out there for the price!



[quote name='Jimbo' post='119639' date='Jan 13 2008, 05:55 PM']That said, a fair few people are making lightweight yet powerful heads and cabs - [url="http://www.thebassgallery.com/lightweightsol.html"]Bass Gallery lightweight amps page[/url][/quote]
I just did a double-take when I saw Hartke in their 'lightweight cabs' section!


What I was really after was opinions on the sound. Those of you who use light weight gear is it a compromise of weight for sound. As I said before I like a old sound, big & wide, can I get this with light stuff or is that asking just to much.



[quote name='bigd1' post='119754' date='Jan 13 2008, 09:15 PM']What I was really after was opinions on the sound. Those of you who use light weight gear is it a compromise of weight for sound. As I said before I like a old sound, big & wide, can I get this with light stuff or is that asking just to much.


My sound hasn't been compromised by using a cabinet almost half the weight of my previous Eden cab and an amplifier which is not only smaller and lighter than anything I've used before but on which the ouput rating is less!!

Smaller, lighter and with a slightly lower output rating and the sound is bigger, smoother, cleaner, fuller, warmer than before. That's just my personal opinion.



[quote name='bigd1' post='119754' date='Jan 13 2008, 08:15 PM']What I was really after was opinions on the sound. Those of you who use light weight gear is it a compromise of weight for sound. As I said before I like a old sound, big & wide, can I get this with light stuff or is that asking just to much.

I am like you regarding sound. I use a LMK2 and leave the eq settings at 12 O' Clock. Any "tweaking" can be done with the 2 filters. MB Amps are very clean and let the sound of the Bass come through.
I am currently using it with a 1x15 neo and had a chance of listening to someone else using the rig, (and Bass), from the audience at a recent gig. Sounded great.
Am about to move to an even more lightweight Cab solution.


I have a Jensen NEO 15" speaker that is to be a build project in the next few months so that might sort the heavy speaker problem. But I could always sell the speaker if I find the right replacement Amp & ca set up.


[quote name='BassBunny' post='119806' date='Jan 13 2008, 09:55 PM']BIGd,
I am like you regarding sound. I use a LMK2 and leave the eq settings at 12 O' Clock. Any "tweaking" can be done with the 2 filters. MB Amps are very clean and let the sound of the Bass come through.
I am currently using it with a 1x15 neo and had a chance of listening to someone else using the rig, (and Bass), from the audience at a recent gig. Sounded great.
Am about to move to an even more lightweight Cab solution.[/quote]

+1 BassBunny. I use an LMK2 and like yourself have all the eq at 12 O'clock. I then adjust with the filters. To get old school I usually turn the VLE filter pretty much up full. I also use the MB 4X10 ported cab rated at 4ohms. The headroom is immense. I don't know if I'll ever need to put the volume over 50%. I love the Markbass cab. Extremely light for a 4X10 but can deliver the goods big time.


[quote name='bigd1' post='119754' date='Jan 13 2008, 08:15 PM']Those of you who use light weight gear is it a compromise of weight for sound.


I am a firm believer that when it comes to amplification, there is no relation between weight and sound. Though I suspect that there are plenty of manufacturers out there who would sell you that belief as a premium. lol lol

Infact, one of the 'lightweight' amp manufacturers *did* add weight to one of their amps... to stop it from sliding off the cabinet under heavy vibration!


[quote name='Flanker' post='120313' date='Jan 14 2008, 06:39 PM']Hi Dood

Don't tell me you believe all that twaddle Powersoft put about? :)

(Ps Just between you and me that EBS gear is pure rubbish!)[/quote]

Hey Steve!! lol lol... yeah! They sold it to me down at the crossroads with a whole can of snake oil ;o) I like your new rig chap.. bit of a change from the ultra hifi eh?


I've just bought a Little Mark (it arrived yesterday) and though I've not tried it in anger yet, I'm impressed with the range of sounds it's possible to get out of it by just using the preshape controls. There's plenty of bottom end and it's a very solid sound. I'm using it with a pair of BFM Onmi 10.5 cabs which gives me a very lightweight, 500W rig with plenty of low end definition.

Like the OP, i was looking for a lightweight set up that wouldn't kill me to hump up 3 flights of stairs - this is pretty much it.


[quote]I would very much like to try the F1[/quote]


Saw one in a shop last month (one of the Denmark Street ones, can't remember which), but due to being on an office xmas binge couldn't pop in. Have vowed to return in the near future.


Sounds like any of the markbass amps with an analogue power amp would suit you very well, possibly the little mark II or an SA450.
They have a very clean powerful sound.
I've never tried one of their combos, so can't really comment on them, but I can recommend epifani cabs they have a fantastic sound and are very light, you might like the ul112 which would be lighter than a 1x15 but still have a lot of low end.


[quote name='peted' post='119648' date='Jan 13 2008, 06:05 PM'][quote name='Jimbo' post='119639' date='Jan 13 2008, 05:55 PM']
My LMK and Schroeder rig is the most powerful yet lightest I have ever had. That said, a fair few people are making lightweight yet powerful heads and cabs - [url="http://www.thebassgallery.com/lightweightsol.html"]Bass Gallery lightweight amps page[/url][/quote]
I just did a double-take when I saw Hartke in their 'lightweight cabs' section!
I did a double-take when I saw their price for a GK MB150S. £150 more than the real world...


[quote name='Super_Mario_Bass' post='121540' date='Jan 16 2008, 04:02 PM']Tauzero, Do you visit the tambands forum?

i think I've seen your band[/quote]
Yes, I visit both of them, the one for old gits (not OldGits) and the one for schoolkids :)

That would be the acoustic duo you've seen then?


[quote name='Super_Mario_Bass' post='124714' date='Jan 21 2008, 04:05 PM']i think so, it was bass and keyboard with a female vocalist, i didnt realise there were 2 forums.

at the BOTB i saw you play[/quote]
Ah right, I played guitar, keyboards, and bass at that one, just to show my enormous versatility... :)

[url="http://www.tamworthbands.com/"]http://www.tamworthbands.com/[/url] is the one for the, er, elder statesmen of Tamworth...


[quote name='dood' post='120927' date='Jan 15 2008, 04:40 PM']I would very much like to try the F1.[/quote]

Funny how things move on quickly.. I am the proud owner of one already lol!

Anyway, in answer to the OP, (I'd mentioned this in another thread) - I was originally put right off Mark Bass. I couldnt get on with the sounds I was getting from an all MB rig. Having read the copius amounts of reviews between the LM2, F1 and other models... (and poptart will agree, there is a lot of dross to wade through), I decided I would get one in to try out. It was a total leap of faith, I have to admit. I think the reviews are correct, this one does sound differnt to the LM2. I think I prefer the F1 having being used to D Class amps for the last year or so. It goes very well with my Epifani cab.

So far I am very happy.. especially as I can now lift my whole rack system with my little finger! Honestly! I tried it ;o)


[quote name='dood' post='125656' date='Jan 22 2008, 07:10 PM']Funny how things move on quickly.. I am the proud owner of one already lol!

Anyway, in answer to the OP, (I'd mentioned this in another thread) - I was originally put right off Mark Bass. I couldnt get on with the sounds I was getting from an all MB rig. Having read the copius amounts of reviews between the LM2, F1 and other models... (and poptart will agree, there is a lot of dross to wade through), I decided I would get one in to try out. It was a total leap of faith, I have to admit. I think the reviews are correct, this one does sound differnt to the LM2. I think I prefer the F1 having being used to D Class amps for the last year or so. It goes very well with my Epifani cab.

So far I am very happy.. especially as I can now lift my whole rack system with my little finger! Honestly! I tried it ;o)[/quote]

Good job Dood - I really like both the LMII and the F1, the latter having a slightly more punchy sound the LMII being a bit warmer, but as I have said before the difference is more noticeable on more sensitive cabinets.



I think that is a fair comparison! The LM2 I would say had the more old skool sound and the F1 more modern, but I would jump straight in and say that the LM2 isnt woolly and the F1 isn't sterile (Which is usually my first thought when someone says one amp is warmer or one amp is more HiFi for example.)

Not sure what the neighbours think yet. I think they may have emmigrated!!!

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