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[quote name='icastle' post='1045916' date='Dec 3 2010, 02:11 AM']Czech guitar manufacturers.


Not indicative of their entire range, but this is one of their guitars made out of a petrol can.
I think this is perhaps the Czech version of the X Factor :)



Thats one hell of a profit margin!!!! :)



[quote name='icastle' post='1045920' date='Dec 3 2010, 02:24 AM']Not indicative of their entire range, but this is one of their guitars made out of a petrol can.[/quote]
Interesting, but essentially it's a rip-off of [url="http://www.africanguitars.co.uk/"]Afri-can Guitars[/url].


[quote name='BigRedX' post='1046319' date='Dec 3 2010, 01:37 PM']Interesting, but essentially it's a rip-off of [url="http://www.africanguitars.co.uk/"]Afri-can Guitars[/url].[/quote]

Yep - haven't checked every item but that pretty much seems to sum up the majority of their product range :)


How many people reading this thread have thought to themselves:

"Hmmm... I [b]could[/b] buy in some cheap guitars and sell them at a profit and become a millionaire...."

I know I did!



That red ProBass is lush.

Now if only I hadn't blown all my money on presents/turkey/beer/wine/new amp/new Jackson/more beer, I could have a stab, having been a good boy this year.



[quote name='Johnston' post='1045949' date='Dec 3 2010, 07:41 AM']Anyone know if there are many Manufacturers in the Chezch republic ??[/quote]
I think we can be 99.9% certain Bach aren't a manufacturer. I would imagine like everyone else who would like to make money selling cheap guitars, they source from China, Indonesia, Taiwan etc.

Their Rick 4004 copies are lovely.



[quote name='Truckstop' post='1046367' date='Dec 3 2010, 02:17 PM']How many people reading this thread have thought to themselves:

"Hmmm... I [b]could[/b] buy in some cheap guitars and sell them at a profit and become a millionaire...."

I know I did!



"Hmmm... I [b]could[/b] buy in some cheap guitars and sell them at a profit, but my wife would kill me if I clutter up the spare bedroom again...."


Posted (edited)

A while back someone on Harmony Central tried to organise a group buy from China. I didn't follow the thread because it was US only, and then I got banned (for using the word 'Jap' - European Americans don't like it).

I could be interested in being part of such a thing though, depending on what was ordered.

Edited by Ancient Mariner

[quote name='apa' post='1045494' date='Dec 2 2010, 07:17 PM']I'll say what we're all thinking shall I?

50+ of us all send it the spec for our 'dream bass'. We go to one of these poor innocent and simple business men in the far east and tell them we are a prospective new international company looking to see how good they are and here is a list of samples as a tester. All done to the highest spec at £50 a throw. Now what could possibly go wrong with that plan?? Whos in? :-D

I,m in, Mines an electra copy like silddxs but with six strings!! :)

Posted (edited)

Johnston - funnily enough [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showuser=821"]Roman's actually a member here[/url] - when Bach first came to the attention of BC, maybe 4 years ago, he joined up & made a couple of posts. I did try & get a delivered price for one of the 4004 clones, but like you said, he's uncommunicative & I eventually gave up after asking here & trying but failing to register on the Bach site. A pity, they're a damn sight dearer now, & the pound's a lot more rubbish than it was then.

Just out of curiosity, let me know if you can confirm the country of origin of these things, it would be fascinating (and pretty cool) if they were Czech - but I bet they ain't!


Edited by Bassassin
Posted (edited)

[quote name='Ancient Mariner' post='1046564' date='Dec 3 2010, 04:57 PM']A while back someone on Harmony Central tried to organise a group buy from China. I didn't follow the thread because it was US only, and then I got banned (for using the word 'Jap' - European Americans don't like it).[/quote]

Just out of interest what on earth are these hyper sensitive [i]European Americans [/i]? :)

ps. the Ric copies look cool though not very like the archetype model, unless im looking at the wrong one. Where is the 4004 copy?.

As for Roman, Couldnt we find out via someone else. Lets bypass him he aint been seen in 3 years on this forum. I registrered there ok

Edited by daz

If you look at Alibaba.com and search for bass guitars they have loads of manufactures mainly in China - they do everything heasdless, Aria sb lookalikes and will put your own brand name on them.


[quote name='Johnston' post='1047119' date='Dec 4 2010, 09:55 AM']I contacted Roman through his own address it was a case of come back when your VAT regged and we'll talk. I did ask a few questions to tide me over but never got a reply so didn't chase it.

There is a guy on Last bass outpost dealing with him. Seems he's actually the guy worth talking too. I was just leaving thing until I get a definite go ahead with my idea.[/quote]

The Czechs have a long history of guitar production going right back to the 1950s.
Check this site out: [url="http://www.jolana.info/"]http://www.jolana.info/[/url]

Unless you can understand Czech you'll need to look for a union jack and click on it! :)

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