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Posted (edited)

in black,comes with tweed hardcase.
Dont play this bass so much these days,so has to go.
The only added item i put to this,is the ashtray cover over the bridge.
Serial number is V115975
I may even take a PX or swap for something interesting.
ie,Ricky bass/musicman stingray
I also play guitar,so feel free with any other equipment,ie,les paul's.
Try me or give us your best offer,nearest £995.00

or text/ring 07790 561599

Cheers Plankspankers

Keep it real n keep the feel.......
Attached thumbnail(s)

Edited by vulture
  • 3 weeks later...

To: Harvey (the) vulture,
As you have PM'd me with further questionannable reasoning about our deal, but have Blocked me from replying via PM .. I have no choice but to post here (and on your multiple listings...) .. for this bass - which was part of an agreed 3-way deal involving my Crinson bass going to Howard - H the Bass - his Gibson LP bass going to you, and your 62J coming to me. Arranged over the past week and booked for this morning. Viz:-

Dec. 16.Hi David,can you please send me your address.
we can get the ball rolling.
Cheers Harv
REPLY:[i] Good news - all 3 basses are now packed and ready.
I'll be doing the online booking for the Crinson & LP this evening or tomorrow.
There might be a collection/delivery problem .. but I think it best to go ahead and see what happens. Monday is always the best collection day .. there's still another week until Xmas .. and we have no idea what might happen post-Xmas: if there is a problem/delay then there's some days to spare this week and bookings can always be re-aranged or cancelled (postponed).[/i]

Dec. 18: Hi David,i have booked my bass to go on Monday,but worried it may not get to it's destination before xmas,and via versa.
i dont want my bass stuck in a warehouse over xmas mate.
Maybe we should arrange a meet up central to all of us,maybe london,that way we get our basses without any probs.
cheers Harv
REPLY:[i] Hi Harv.
Understand your concern (natural) but have now confirmed bookings for Monday (none of our postcodes are currently lighlighted as problems - how are things in your area?) - so it seems all basses are booked and ready to go.
Could we see if the collections are made at least and then re-assess if required.
You might want to speak with Howard also - not sure if you cc'd this PM (?).
London ?!! .. that's 300 miles away from me: on a good run that's a 9-10 hour round-trip and at current rates about £60 in petrol. With the roads the way they are, it could be 9-10 hours each way[/i].

Dec. 19 (21.07): Hi David, im gonna hang on until after xmas mate,gut feeling has got yhe better of me.
I have also paid for courier my end to,but will cancel now.
Sorry for the inconvince,but i rather just hang 5 for now.
Regards Harv
REPLY: [i]OK - your call/decision. Is the snow really bad down your way then? Unfortunately, I have no way on now cancelling the DHL collections of the Crinson and LP basses; although I guess I'll be given an option if they're not collected tomorrow.
Could you keep me updated as to when you'll actually be sending the Jazz bass as, if things are still running Ok with DHL in all 3 areas, then I'll be the only person without a bass.[/i]

Dec. 19 (21.44): Hi David,I suggest dont send your bass untill i have decided what i'm going to do.
So please dont send me the gibson bass,as i will only return on arival.
[b]I have been made a good offer via someone else at the moment,so i'm in two minds as which deal to go with[/b].
But in this day n age,cash talks im affraid.
Hope you understand my decission.
Cheers Harv
REPLY:[i] Frankly, I think this absolutely stinks. Have spoken with Howard and believe he's of the same opinion.
Did you actually package the Jazz bass?
Did you actually arrange a Courier?
So, NO .. I don't understand your decision at all. You gave no indication until Sat. evening that anything might be of concern, and then seemed to use reasons other than the actual reason to try and postpone the arrangements.
It's fortunate that I managed to speak with Howard, as he might have passed the bass to DHL tomorrow morning; and they will not simply return it to sender on your say-so.
We have both spent time and effort (and money) in packaging the 2 basses and arranging Courier(s).
As you're obvoiusly going to be getting a good cash deal for your jazz bass, I assume you 'll be happy to reimburse the £34 I've spent on DHL Couriers who will now have to be turned away (with some explanation) upon arrival.
I notice you'rer a relatively new BC member ... I'm hoping your tenure will be relatively short[/i]

Dec.19 (22.45): Hi David,i have honest packed my bass n paid over £25 for the couirer mate,but £25 is nothing to loose if im getting a Stingray bass,ampeg cab and £100 is it !
As i said money talks,also you should of taken my concern on sat night seriously,but i think you thought your pushy techniques would put me in a corner mate.
Unless i get an even better offer,then i think it's in my interest to go with the deal i been offered this evening.
If it dont work out my end,then i will go ahead with this 3 way deal,tho i think you may not want too.
Upto you both.
I am travelling 100 miles tomo for this deal,so dont think i wasnt serious,i do like to see in the flesh what i'm getting.
Sorry again,but at least nothing has been sent at this point.
Regards Harv
REPLY: [i]Have you spoken with Howard at all?
What 'pushy techniques' ??? .. we had all agreed to the 3-way deal and to sending the basses on Monday (tomorrow).
If you had packed the bass and arranged £25 Courier, then explain how I was 'pushing you into a corner'?
If you have agreed a deal, then I think most BC'ers would feel you should go ahead with it.
if you are offered something better before the deal is completed, then fair-enough; but you didn't have the honesty or balls to say that, did you ?!! ... you claimed you were worried about the bad weather; yet now I (we) learn that you're OK for a 100/200(round)? mile trip, so the weather can't be so bad.
Nothing has been sent, but money, time and effort have been wasted - due only to you.
The only thing you're right about is that this deal will not now go ahead. BC generally runs (well) on trust, with regard to sales and trades .. and you're so obviously not to be trusted[/i]

Dec.19 (22.52): By the David,just rereading your reply.
i have owned 4 music shops in my time,and in my opinion,money does talk.
You had the chance on Sat evening to hold back on the couriers ! YES OR NO ?
Well i rest my case.
A deal is only done when everyone has agread and signed, or shaken on a deal.
Chhers Harv
REPLY: [i]You contacted me at about 7pm on Saturday evening with your bogus reason for holding the deal/Couriers .. although you also claimed that you'd already booked yours.
I replied immediately indicating that it was best to go ahead as agreed, and the rationale for that
You did not send another (bogus/dishonest) PM until 9 pm tonight, by which time I had had to arrange the Couriers for myself and Howard.
You did not reveal the real reason for your change of mind and plans until 9.45 pm tonight
This is a Forum .. you are not running a(nother) shop
You have no 'case' as such[/i]

Dec.19 (23.14): So David,you dont think the deal i was offered earlier this evening,is a better deal for me.I will send Howard a PM now,but i thought best start with you as you was doing organiseing couriers your end.
Well if thats your attitude,then i will cancel you out the deal,and just buy howards bass instead of going via you.
You seem very angered by my decission,trust me mate,it's not worth the stress dude.
I have lost over £25 courier costs n time packages my bass with airbags etc....
You spent £34 on 2 couriers collections ?
Seems a little cheap to me,as i insured mine at over £1000
i see you reavertised that bass of yours,so good luck.
Regards Harv
REPLY: [i]It may well be a better deal - that's not the point.
You're perfectly within your rights to buy Howards bass, if he still wishes to sell to you.
You think I have no right to be angered by your 'decision'? ...'dude' (?!!!).
You stated previously that your £25 loss is not an issue as you're due to get a Stingray, amp and £100 ... so you seem to have done OK on your deal(s).
Knowing the right Courier(s) to use and having an account reduces prices - you should know that having owned 4 guitar shops; places like GAK send -out instruments for c. £6
I've not re-advertised 'that bass' .. the listing doesn't just disappear because a deal had been made ... or, in your case, has-and-then-hasn't been made[/i]

Dec.19 (23.19): Daivid your a rude non understanding person
REPLY: [i]Thank you : you are obviously a man of integrity and literary talent[/i]

Dec. 20 (16.50)Hi Daivid,i knew i was right,DHL phoned me this morning at 9.47am to cancel the collection.
So as i said there was no way of even getting these basses around to all involved before xmas,i maybe lucky n get my cash back because of this,i guess to 2 guys was'nt so lucky.
All the best
Have a good xmas
PS, i did inform
Howard of my action n decissions.
REPLY: [i]?.. right - about what?
DHL WERE able to collect from TS and CV this a.m and will be collecting and delivering until Friday.
You seem to be contradicting yourself again - you cancelled the deal and your collection (well, you said you had .. now you're saying that DHL did so), not because of the snow but because you thought you had a better deal.
Why did DHL need to call you when you'd already cancelled - according to your own PM/words?
You need to keep a more careful check on what you're saying, have said and have previously made-up to cover your own dishonesty
Whatever the (and your) reason (ing), you confirmed a deal with Howard and myself for which costs as well as time and effort were incurred.
re. your PS: PM from Howard at 12:26 today: ... " HI David, no contact whatsoever from Vulture, i did read your PMs but nothing about buying my bass to me! ... "[/i]

... if anybody's managed to read through all this, I hope you understand my rationale and annoyance.
I'm sure a lot of BC'ers will have suffered a lot worse both in terms of monetary loss and frustration. But I just felt the need to say something.....


[quote name='eubassix' post='1065047' date='Dec 20 2010, 08:15 PM']... if anybody's managed to read through all this, I hope you understand my rationale and annoyance.
I'm sure a lot of BC'ers will have suffered a lot worse both in terms of monetary loss and frustration. But I just felt the need to say something.....[/quote]

No you're quite justified, this is what makes Basschat unique among any internet collective I can think of. We're all in it together!

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