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Hey chaps,

Sorry if this is a bit obvious but recently become obsessed with getting one of these however my dilemma is: I don't know why I want one?! They are highly regarded and are awesome but I have only used one once in my life at a gig. My rig is great, my sound is great but for some reason I want one still.

What is the actual need of these DI/Processing units if you have a great rig already? Do they really improve your sound or colour it more than what a good amp does?

I've always been a straight to amp guy so just wanted to get some feedback.


Basically I use my Sansamp Programmable BDDI to change the amount of drive. Blend is set to 50/50 then into a MarkBass head with the eq set flat.

And you know you've got the sound you want if you have to DI to the PA.

Posted (edited)


i use the same amp as you. the amp d.i. is fantastic, so you don't need the sans-amp for that (unless as back-up, but with twin-channel pre-amp that's unlikely)

you will struggle to get dirt out of the amp though, as even the tube channel is a bit clinical sounding.

i did use the sans-amp bddi, but found it a bit 'cold' sounding with the shuttle 12.0 (too much mid-scoop, which the amp can do very well on it's own)

the Hartke vxl or the mxr m-80 are better suited for getting more warmth or grit out of this amp IMO (and both offer DI)

the mxr has a great blendable distortion if that is required, but the Hartke does really nice crunch and has a great pre-shape. price-wise the Hartke wins hands-down.

so it's a case of horses for courses.

Edited by phil.i.stein

I use my Sansamp as my eq, using my amp with all the eq set flat. Any adjustments to the sound therefore made with the Sansamp.

Should I play a gig and use someone elses rig, I can do this and get a very close approximation of my sound.

Also, should I play a gig where I`m going through the house pa, I DI from the Sansamp, so have control over volume levels on stage, through my amp, without it affecting the FOH and really annoying the soundman.

Lastly, should anything happen to my amp mid-gig, I can DI out into our pa to get through the rest of the gig.

You could say I like the Sansamp. Oh, nearly forgot to mention, it has a great valvey-like tone, great for punk/rock etc, though with the amount of low-end available, reggae/motown would probably be easy with it too.

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