Raggy Posted December 18, 2010 Posted December 18, 2010 None for me. For the punk I dig in real hard with a pick by the bridge, for the ska I play fingerstyle right over the pup and the reggae I play up by the neck. Can get three good soundslike that. I have tried overdrive pedals but they did not work for me so I gave up on effects a long time ago. Quote
aceuggy Posted December 18, 2010 Posted December 18, 2010 I have a bass big muff fuzz thingy which I never use. Bought it when I first took up playing bass because I thought that was the thing to do. I know better now, but I hang on to it because you never know! Quote
greyparrot Posted December 18, 2010 Posted December 18, 2010 [quote name='warwickhunt' post='1062571' date='Dec 18 2010, 03:44 PM']In that case I'll have your EBS chorus and octave to replace my ageing BOSS units! [/quote] i must admit i had a go of ebs stuff it is great, beats my beringer v amp :-O i have a tc compressor which is very great, but dont use it much Quote
Bilbo Posted December 18, 2010 Posted December 18, 2010 I have never found an effect that adds to my sound but only detracts from it so I don't bother with them. Quote
franzbassist Posted December 18, 2010 Posted December 18, 2010 [quote name='warwickhunt' post='1062571' date='Dec 18 2010, 03:44 PM']In that case I'll have your EBS chorus and octave to replace my ageing BOSS units! [/quote] Sorry WH, they're long gone..... Quote
Rich Posted December 18, 2010 Posted December 18, 2010 I use a bit of chorus (Boss) and phase (Ibanez) in a couple of places, to add a bit of colour. I use an old Yamaha octaver on a couple of tunes, and some really filthy nasty distortion (Ibanez Phat Hed) on occasion. I also have a Korg tuner and a Boss volume pedal. Thinking of getting a Bass Pod XT Live to replace that lot, and give me some other possibilities. Quote
Delberthot Posted December 18, 2010 Posted December 18, 2010 boss OC-2 for 2 songs with the wedding band, other than that I just use the overdrive bullt into my amp - I've never found a decent overdrive pedal that did exactly what i wanted either plus I cannot be arsed faffing about on my hands and knees changing setting or going to night school to get a qualification to be able to work one of those multi effects units competently enough to be able to change effects settings at a gig Occasionally I have a flanger or chorus but for now its just the octave and all its glitchy goodness Quote
Lozz196 Posted December 18, 2010 Posted December 18, 2010 I use a Sansamp Bass Driver, but thats more as my eq, with the amp as a power amp. That way I can DI from the pedal at large venues, keeping full control of on-stage volume, or if using someone elses amp, keep my sound, using their amp as a power amp. If I could do the above with my amp, well I would, as I prefer the "bass - cable - amp -play" set-up. Quote
munkonthehill Posted December 18, 2010 Posted December 18, 2010 I own a snarling dogs bootzilla fuzz/wah. its possibly the best and funkiest pedal I have ever seen. However I never use it. My amp head has an o/d channel which is switchable. So except from that I dont use anything at all. I love playing about with pedals and if a multi-fx box turns up for a decent price then am on it like a rash at a whore house. infact,,,has anyone tried a damage control dual valve distortion pedal???????????? Quote
Conan Posted December 18, 2010 Posted December 18, 2010 When I use effects, which is rare, I tend to use them as exactly that - to create an [i]effect[/i]. For that reason I am extremely unsubtle in their use and the reaction tends to be along the lines of "what the feck was [i]that[/i]?!" In a previous life, in a jazz/funk/soul band; I used chorus quite a lot, but I'm not sure anyone really noticed much. I'm not really into subtlety so now I just try to keep my signal path as pure and clear as possible to cut through. The only effects unit I currently own is a twenty-or-so year old Yamaha EMP100 that I keep trying (unsuccessfully!) to sell. It makes some really silly arpeggio type sounds which I like to play about with but could never use in a band scenario... Quote
thinman Posted December 18, 2010 Posted December 18, 2010 None usually but have an EHX bass synth for a few electronica numbers. Used to use a compressor but wasn't sure how much that was doing given I've a valve preamp that I push fairly hard which is probably doing a bit of compression for me. I find many effects a bit wearing if overdone. Just my taste. Quote
Jacqueslemac Posted December 18, 2010 Posted December 18, 2010 I have a Zoom multi-effects pedal for when I want to play through my headphones. I've a half-decent array on my pedalboard, but the wah only gets used as a volume pedal for a couple of bass-heavy intros the band plays and I hardly ever use the rest - bit of an OTT way to carry my tuner around, in fact. The guitarists in both my bands use a fair amount of effects (flanger, overdrive, phaser in the rock band and spring reverb/echo in the surf band). Perhaps it's another thing that ties us bassists together - love of our own sound? Quote
borisbrain Posted December 18, 2010 Posted December 18, 2010 Not a thing. I used to have a Line 6 LD300 with a pedal board for effect, but got bored very quickly. Now I just go straight into a Trace Elliot Series 6 GP12 with a 1x15 and 2x10 (with 2x5) and Bob's-yer-bass-playin'-uncle... BB Quote
karlfer Posted December 18, 2010 Posted December 18, 2010 [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1062507' date='Dec 18 2010, 02:33 PM']Bass. Cable. Amp. Job done. Nothing against effects but just not for me[/quote] Spot on! Quote
Sean Posted December 18, 2010 Posted December 18, 2010 [quote name='greyparrot' post='1062557' date='Dec 18 2010, 03:29 PM'] [/quote] Nice feel. :-) Quote
3below Posted December 18, 2010 Posted December 18, 2010 Effects - what are they, no not at all, not ever. As with some others, bass, cable, amp, cab and playing technique. Trying to use an effects pedal would make me even more likely to forget the chord sequences, and I have enough difficulty remembering them as it is. Quote
JordanRLS Posted December 18, 2010 Posted December 18, 2010 Well I don't have any effects, but that's purely due to the fact that I haven't bought any yet. Which is odd because I'm a big fan of them in general... Quote
EdwardHimself Posted December 18, 2010 Posted December 18, 2010 I don't really feel the need for a load of effects. I've not got any at the moment. I might get a distortion at some point. That'll probably do me. Quote
Doddy Posted December 18, 2010 Posted December 18, 2010 Depends on the gig. For some gigs I'll use nothing at all,for some I'm specifically asked for certain sounds,and other times I'll take my full board. For me,it's all about having options. Quote
Soliloquy Posted December 19, 2010 Posted December 19, 2010 I've had plenty over the years, I find that I use them briefly and then stop. A decent bass sound is pretty much all I need. Quote
Jigster Posted December 19, 2010 Posted December 19, 2010 going back to a post I wrote earlier about effects - I think about getting a compression pedal from time to time, but I'm wondering how much of it will be effective through the PA/off stage mix? Will it really just benefit my onstage sound? Quote
Chris2112 Posted December 19, 2010 Posted December 19, 2010 I have a distortion pedal and a Boss delay pedal that have probably seen no more than 2 hours use since I bought them a few years ago! In the studio I may use a very slight touch of chorus and compression, but I certainly think that less is more with effects. Quote
bobbass4k Posted December 19, 2010 Posted December 19, 2010 [quote name='Chris2112' post='1063119' date='Dec 19 2010, 12:34 AM']but I certainly think that less is more with effects.[/quote] That really depends entirely on the music, this for example: Is I think one of the greatest basslines ever written, it just wouldn't be the same without all the effects. Quote
LukeFRC Posted December 19, 2010 Posted December 19, 2010 [quote name='Bilbo' post='1062594' date='Dec 18 2010, 04:02 PM']I have never found an effect that adds to my sound but only detracts from it so I don't bother with them.[/quote] +1 Quote
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