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[quote name='risingson' post='1066315' date='Dec 21 2010, 11:50 PM']It really does depend what the sound is like, what the venue is like, whether I know the guys that are playing etc.

I try so hard not to judge a band too hard but it's difficult when you're constantly thinking "I wouldn't have played it like that" or "he's hit a wrong note, it hurts" and so on, but I just try and enjoy the show. I went to see my mate's band play the other day, the group before had a bass player seemed to think that he could make up for terrible timing issues and bad playing with a six string bass and more volume. By that stage I found myself wandering to the the bar to order another red bull.[/quote]

where was that out of interest? my guitarist was watching a gig on the 19th and said the same thing!

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Johnston' post='1067528' date='Dec 23 2010, 10:14 AM']I'd add one exception to that. Bass players who consider themselves guitarists but are just playing bass to *enter reason here*[/quote]

OMG me!!! Played acoustic guitar and dabbled in electric for 9 years.
Mates can not find a bass player at all they all seemed to suck so they asked if I will have a go.. I was a bit reluctant at first but it's cool now, the stuff they play is relatively simple as it's a deathcore band.

However trying to make a side project function band to actually generate some revenue which will let me play around with this big beasty bass!

Anyway on topic, the rhythm guitarist is a smug bugger in our band and abhors down anything he sees unless they are signed then apparently they are 'good' so I shot him down and said well they play better then you .. Lol

I hate bands that play then go... Real pet hate, now I know some bands travel a lot but he'll musics music, you learn enjoy and relax to it and heck If the bigger bands are playing more of a chance they will say 'hey play a gig with us' than if you're not there!

Edited by Jamesrt2004

Sit back and enjoy the fact that there are others prepared to put their asses on the line to entertain. I even enjoyed a bunch of Tenerifians on a short cruise once as they played Hotel California and such like to a really high standard as everyone else clinked their cocktail glasses! Told the guys at the end I really loved their musicianship and it was as if no-one had spoken to them in years!

If I see a young band I will praise them and if asked, give the odd pointer.

I just enjoy performers!


I like to check out their rig, i dont really look to see how they are playing, or if they are 'better than me' or not. I've seen some beginner bass players who hammer away at the root note all night. So what, they are up there doing it.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Doddy' post='1069183' date='Dec 25 2010, 10:21 AM']To be fair though,I know that if someone came upto me and said "That was cool,can I have a go?",I'd probably say no. It's not about copping an attitude,but right after I've finished playing,I don't feel like teaching or letting someone I don't know play my bass.[/quote]

No I meant would they mind me ripping off their run or groove. I don't let people mess with my bass, I certainly wouldn't expect anyone to let me muck around with their's.

Edited by Moonstomper
  • 5 months later...
Posted (edited)

Personally,I wouldnt say any thing, or comment in any way, rather just enjoy....

I recently read a comment from Ravi Shankah, (Beatles sitar guru/Player famous George Harrison tutor, HUGE in India still and rightly general Life guru) who now 91yrs young.

Ravi; when asked "What advice would you give to a young musician?"
"I wouldn't I'd learn from them"


curiously too, Robbie Shakespeare said in circa 1987 (BGM magazine)

"Play with everyone, even if you dont think they as good as you, you can learn from everyone"

thats I'd guess 150 years of combined experience in playing music

good advice

better than spending time not "getting" Jaco or Adam Clayton
its all good, whoever it is we all want that gig!!

Edited by witterth

I think it is natural to check out the bass player.

I like it when bass players come up to me afterwards and start talking... and I think it is a better compliment if other musos say they were watching you
and liked what you were doing.

I tend to play and interest myself and trust my judgement is good in the situtaion I am in...
I might flash around at chummy gigs a tad too much..... but can up the game at the more discerning gigs, hopefully.


I rarely see other bands any more. I am very choosy so, if they are crap, I probably wouldn't be there as I rarely see bands I don't already know something about. Unless I know them well, I also wouldn't talk to a bass player after the gig unless he approached me. Its not in my nature to be pro-active in these kinds of situations.


I normally look to see if they curl away the little finger on their left hand, seems to be a give away that they're a guitarist who's just picked up a bass. Although of course forgiveness will be earned if they're playing well .


I am what can only be described as average at best so I am always watching other players to pick up tips.

I do find it really intimidating when there are people wathcing me who I know are stunning bass players..... Lawrie McMillan and Gil to name two other BC members who have seen us play.

I have spent a lot of time getting the sound I like and am often taken aback when other players comment on my playing and sound, feels good though


Interesting question. I only tend to fixate on the bass player if I'm not really enjoying the band. Strangely some of the bands that have left me cold recently have had really good bass players. Just not any good tunes.

I always do a bit of gear stalking of course.


I watch bass players intently when I see a new one because some have a tendancy to overplay and some to completely underplay.
But I don't get bitchy like drummers seem to, I just think "I'd have played that differently"


I only really notice other bass players if they're contributing a lot to the band's sound, or they have a good tone, or they over-play.

I don't really bother talking about bass guitar to other bass players at gigs. I sometimes do have a natter about effects because that tends to be more of a talking point. Typically that conversation involves them going 'How did you get that sound in that tune that goes...' and I point to the single Boss pedal on my pedal board and go 'It's just that one, on its own'.

I'm going to stop bothering with fancy boutique effects...


I've stopped caring..

I think it's because, I know that I'm not the best musician but I am good enough to be able to play well and at a good level, but there are so many out there that are miles better.. and really it doesn't matter either way. I enjoy what I do

I generally try to zone out, then if the band grabs me I'll have a listen. As a drummer and bassist, I guess I notice them more. If they are shockingly bad, will I discreetly move to the next room or leave.

That said I'd rather a band that is a bit rough round the edges but play with heart than a pretentious band that thinks' that are god's gift to music. I feel that way when I play with other also.


The only thing that normally goes through my is that I wish it was me gigging.

I gig a fair bit and currently find it hard watching other bands, cause I just want to up there myself.


[quote name='tauzero' post='1067005' date='Dec 22 2010, 06:28 PM']When my current band was invited by my old band (who had dumped me for a mate of the guitarist's) to support them, this was the one. I managed to conceal being unbearably smug quite well, I think.[/quote]I have had a similar experience! It is a shamefully nice feeling.


I'm not really a musician, but as an actor I think that any live performers always deserve respect. So always make a point of applauding after at least 2 numbers even if the rest of the pub isn't paying any attention to what's going on.

If the band is actually good, and I've had a few, I have a tendancy to lurch up to lead singer and say ' You were great you were, can I buy you a drink, I'm an actor you know, wanna come and see my play?' :) .. and then wait until a kind friend gently leads me away.

Since playng bass I will definitely watch bass players in future for good tips! But will try not to get drunk and harass them inappropriately afterwards :)

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