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Hi I`m Robbie introducing myself-I arrived into this world 20.12.47-I`v played in bands from the early sixties to the present day-and beyond I hope. My current band for the last 10 years are called SLOWBURNER-Blues/Rock with a funky twist-a mix of original songs with a few covers that are rearranged to suite the band-My other band has a west coast harmony feel, ie; CSN-Original songs with a few covers thrown in-We trarted the band in 1989-Long may they both continue.
From the sixties I have owned and sold all makes of amps and basses-I still have my original 64 jazz/72p/78p/Warwick stage 11/Gigson les paul/ 60 year old Double bass, also a Sadowsky NYC recently aquired from CHRISDABASS. My current rig which I love is a Epifani 902 amp with a 4x10ul plus depending on the gig 2 Bergantino HS210s. All the above are locked away and surrounded by barb wire and cctv, following a break in 3 years ago taking my 5 string MM-Jazz-and delux-Jap p bass. If any one out threre has them I hope you sleep at night. Not implying any decent basschater would do such a thing of course.

Anyway that`s me.

Take care

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