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Posted (edited)

Nothing that hard. Born under a bad sign (creams version)


This was just a test as I've never video'd myself before. Very clear that my jump to the 6th fret on the E could be nicer.

Edited by AntLockyer

Nothing..just chops.

Maybe just getting the changes over new song choices..
I get the feeling that I will have to relearn Rhythm Stick :) :)

But Jaco is always good for fast 16th's


Don't know yet. Put the bass down for a couple of weeks while the missus has Flu and I have to take care of the baby. Got a few covers to learn for the band and theres a few slapping excercises that demand my attentions. theres also a bass instruction book that I keep starting and stopping so I think I'll spend January month working through that.

Posted (edited)

Been fairly obsessed recently with listening to Undertow, Mr Big.

I've just got outline permission from the rest of the band to cover it, so yesterday I started to get the feel of it - I'll have a little bash later today bit probably won't touch the fills etc yet. For me this is a pretty busy bassline - I'll also be playing it with a pick, so it will sound different.

Edited by Paul S
Posted (edited)

The 'Essential Jaco Pastorius' book front-to-back because it's getting to that time of year when I have to remember/teach the pieces to students who want to play them in grade exams. Luckily I can still remember most of them, it's just getting back up to speed and playing them accurately. I know I should probably just practice them throughout the year, but by the summer I'm usually fed up of hearing/playing them.

Edited by skej21
Posted (edited)

The guitarist said to me "Here's a set list for New Year's eve. You know most of it and I'm sure you can busk the rest" (which I usually can).
However, I'm still going to rehearse the songs for BV's, fine points and turnarounds etc, as I would like to give a strong performance.

Only 24 songs to rehearse..........

Better get cracking then !



The ongoing 'muse' is Bach's Cello Suite No 1.

Edited by essexbasscat

I'm also working my way through the Reflex (got up to the chorus so far) and also doing stuff from [url="http://www.amazon.com/Bass-Fitness-Exercising-Handbook-Guitar/dp/0793502489"]http://www.amazon.com/Bass-Fitness-Exercis...r/dp/0793502489[/url] each day.

Posted (edited)

It's probably about half a year new, since I've started working on Continuous Arpeggio stuff..

I got the idea from fellow BC'er, Scott, here it is:


I think it's one of the most beneficial things I've come across throughout my practice so far..

I'm also working on what J Gwizdala calls 'basic technique' - taking some simple scale patterns from classic piano book written by Louis Hanon, and working on them inside out and putting them up to speed.. It really amazes me, how much instrument control that stuff gives..

Edited by Faithless

Today I'll be sitting down in the conservatory with De m*ngerhausen's "Progressive Chordal Arpeggios, Volume IV" and...no, no, no, I won't really. I've got 26 bloody covers to learn in a week before a dep gig for a mate of mine, so it's Guigsy basslines a go-go... :)


Just Practising a couple of songs from my bands album. I was basically taught each section in the recording room so i could play it well enough to record. never really took it in, so im mastering it for live shows.

should be good.

www.facebook.com/lostpersonascotland go have a listen

Posted (edited)

Nothing flash, few walking bass lines liked Chas n Daves-No Pleasing You to get em fluid, Feelgoods-Looking Back, and trying (struggling) to re-learn using a pick, which I havent done for years.

Edited by Slipperydick

Nothing specific, just noodling around some riffs trying to make them automatic so I can think up some melody lines to sing over the top & turn it into a song. Got an interesting 3/4 one that goes from slidy fretless vaguely jazzy feel to a chunky Zep-esque riff (well I think so anyway) that I'm having difficulty welding into a useable song.
When I've had enough of that (about 10 mins if I don't get anywhere with it, ha ha!) just noodling to see if owt interesting happens.


[quote name='Bilbo' post='1071484' date='Dec 29 2010, 09:34 AM']I have just rediscovered Slonimskys' Thesaurus of scales and patterns. Hours of fun!! And with a bow!!![/quote]

Nice one Rob, that's been one of my inspirations for finding new stuff over the last year, I'm still working on the ideas of going 'out' over major or minor scales - playing over C major now has a million harmonic possibilities! But one thing I think I need to go back and look at sharpish are diminished scales - I'm still crap at them!

I really want to start transcribing stuff again - just trying to get round to it!


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