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I'm getting that urge to sell my rig and start again.. help!

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Right, I'll list everything I own and see if I can work out an idea of where to go from here...

Warwick Corvette ProLine Bass
Ibanez Ergodyne EDB600 Bass (spare)

My Amp Rig:
Matrix UKP1300 Poweramp
Behringer BTR2000 Rack tuner
Metal 4U Case (full with the above)
Hartke HA3000 2U head (spare)

My Cabs:
Peavey 4x10 (no idea what model, its the old 80s logo rather than the new one tho)
Trace Elliot 1x15 (model 1518)

MXR M80 Bass DI+
Morley Wah
Electroharmonix Big Muff (Russian)

Anything marked as 'spare' I know I want to sell already, altho in my head I tell myself thats to pay for the council tax and to try sneak a little way out of my overdraft. The rest of the stuff... well I don't want to sell my Warwick, I love it and I don't think a different bass is going to make the difference. The BBE is a stunning pre-amp but I think its possibly too clean cut and tech for my style.. I was hoping at one point to become a decent bassist and try to vary style more, but I think given the amount of free time I have, I'll just stick to what Im doing and thats playing in my band. We're hardcore (think punk, metal for tone) so I need something with growl, and the MXR helps any rig I've ever put it through. That 'colour' button just adds 10x to the sound, but in turn Ive never tried the Sansamp in comparison. Cab wise, I'd probably prefer to drop down to just the 1 cab, and it probably wouldn't be either of the two I've got!

So I'm in a bit of a pickle. If you were in my position, not wanting to spend any more money and wanted a high quality rig with some balls (I blame Nash and his Sunn head...) what would you keep? what would you flog, and more importantly.. what would you get?


[quote name='steve-soar' post='123144' date='Jan 18 2008, 09:22 PM']Cut out 20 years of stress and get a good Precision and an Ampeg.[/quote]

I was going to say just that, but wouldn't it involve spending a lot of money?


I don't fiddle too much :) Its been a good rig to own, but probably deserves to go to a better player than myself. I've been speaking to someone who can sell me a Trace Elliot V6 for not that much more than I plan to sell my rack for (I'm hoping for around £400 for the BBE preamp, the Matrix poweramp, the tuner and the 4U.. does this sound reasonable? The BBE new alone is £350 at the cheapest I can find it, other places like dolphin, music tech etc have it listed for just under £500) then I'll have to work out how to run my cabs in series as they're 8ohm and the V6 is 2/4 switchable until I can buy maybe a single 4ohm cab instead. He's advised me the DI pot is a bit buzzy, so keeping my MXR in the effects loop and using the DI out on that for live would be fine I'm sure.. ?


[quote name='steve-soar' post='123144' date='Jan 18 2008, 09:22 PM']Cut out 20 years of stress and get a good Precision and an Ampeg.[/quote]
Looking at what you have already, I think a Precision and an Ampeg SVT3PRO and 410HE (good secondhand, of course) is a very good suggestion.


To be honest, I'm not really a Precision kinda guy. I used to have a Yamaha Att Plus when I first started which is obviously based on the standard P-Bass, and the fretboard is a bit big for my hands.. I moved over to Ibanez' a few years ago and their setup suits me much better, and my Warwick follows on with that. I love the Warwick so that's not going anywhere and will be my main (and only, for now) instrument. Also on top of it, from a question of looks I prefer non-Fender 'classic' pbass/jbass styles.. even if the sound was amazing, I have to like the aesthetics too or I'll go off it.

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