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[quote name='Circle_of_Fifths' post='1082348' date='Jan 8 2011, 05:44 PM']As [color="#4B0082"][i][size=5][b]SELF PROCLAIMED[/b] Lord Of Squiers[/size][/i][/color], you can be assured that I shan't waste any time in considering your petition.[/quote]



Actually I've honoured him with that deserved title, he didn't self proclaim it :)



[quote name='Circle_of_Fifths' post='1081460' date='Jan 7 2011, 08:46 PM']I sense just the tiniest bit of negativity in that statement.[/quote]
Cynicism, Sir!

[quote name='Circle_of_Fifths' post='1081460' date='Jan 7 2011, 08:46 PM']A neck's a neck at 9.5 or 7.5 or any different rather - and it's all for the masses anyway. Not every bassist can afford nor might even might want a boutique bass and this marketing skill satisfies several levels of desires, wants and needs.[/quote]
When there are master built Fender Jazzes available for the same price as a boutique bass, all segments of the market have been covered. Best way to smother any competition. Warwick did the same thing.

[quote name='Circle_of_Fifths' post='1081460' date='Jan 7 2011, 08:46 PM']If not for the consumers, then for the factories that need to keep their talent employed and the building that need to be occupied during these days of rather Apocalyptic slides into broke-ness and destitution-ness.[/quote]
All those talented CNC machines?!

[quote name='Circle_of_Fifths' post='1081460' date='Jan 7 2011, 08:46 PM']I say 'good on 'em' for the sheer variety and marketing elan.[/quote]
Fair enough. But that marketing elan includes a pricing structure based on ever diminishing returns. The more a customer pays, the less the customer gets for each extra quid spent. Also known as up-selling.

Some credit could be given based on their ability to maintain interest in the product despite the product not changing significantly. Hence the largely superficial changes and lack of innovation. Innovation is not what the Fender market wants though, is it? :)

[quote name='Circle_of_Fifths' post='1081460' date='Jan 7 2011, 08:46 PM']You can be banned from Squier-Land by The Lord Of Squiers if you nay-say. :)

You're already in Upsidedown Land! You [u]can[/u] be further banished to (shudder!) Australia![/quote]
Brr, give me a remote island in the sub antarctic instead. :lol:


[quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1084657' date='Jan 10 2011, 07:12 PM']Ordering mine tomorrow, exciting stuff.[/quote]

Which, where, how much and have they told you how long you'll have to wait? :)


[quote name='PaulE' post='1080362' date='Jan 6 2011, 03:09 PM']Someone please answer me something Ive always heard mixed answers of?
The quality of squier?

Ive got a few mexican fender jazz basses, Ive seen so many squiers I like however Im constantly put off by people telling me of cheap materials, and poor sound, any views?[/quote]

I bought the '77 jazz back in September (came out when the Jaguar did) and reviewed it on BC. I like it a lot. I'm pretty new to bass so I don't have that much to compare it with, but other than the pickups being a little weak (but nice when used in tandem) I think the workmanship is fine. It plays great and sounds good. Great for $285 postpaid!


[quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1085087' date='Jan 11 2011, 01:37 AM']Getting it from Sounds Live, am I in for a long wait?[/quote]
I'm sure when it's in, you'll get it soon after; we have had great service from then, even around Christmas time.
I was sorely tempted, their prices are great.


[quote name='eude' post='1081062' date='Jan 7 2011, 01:53 PM']Why oh why do Squier not bring out a VM Shortscale of some description?!!!!
Or even just a higher quality shorty than the little Bronco...
I'd be on it like an aggressive moss!

+ 1
Something like the vista series musicmasters, but with a thin finish would be good, but a squier mustang bass in Daphne blue at a similar price to the jags in this thread would be even better


[quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='1085223' date='Jan 11 2011, 10:10 AM']+ 1
Something like the vista series musicmasters, but with a thin finish would be good, but a squier mustang bass in Daphne blue at a similar price to the jags in this thread would be even better[/quote]

But then I'd have to sell more stuff.


[quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='1085223' date='Jan 11 2011, 10:10 AM']+ 1
Something like the vista series musicmasters, but with a thin finish would be good, but a squier mustang bass in Daphne blue at a similar price to the jags in this thread would be even better[/quote]

Glad [b]someone[/b] agrees! :)
If they don't do something soon, I guess I'll just have to get a Bronco and have someone a lot more talented then myself mod it to taste.



[quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='1085223' date='Jan 11 2011, 10:10 AM']+ 1
Something like the vista series musicmasters, but with a thin finish would be good, but a squier mustang bass in Daphne blue at a similar price to the jags in this thread would be even better[/quote]

Think it might be the more bespoke components and smaller (pardon the pun, I'm only 5 foot 6 myslef) target audience that could be preventing this happening for now, most of the Squier range share parts with sibling models in some way or another.
I bet the Mustang style pickup is one of the biggest hurdles, but if they replaced it with something else, would it still be a Mustang?...
If they did pull it off, it might end up too expensive :)

Love the look of those [url="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_vvbvqpwVBz8/SeFaAeCV8WI/AAAAAAAAAx4/Z52gttbbfuk/s1600-h/mmvista.jpg"]Vista Musicmasters[/url], very nice!



[quote name='eude' post='1081062' date='Jan 7 2011, 01:53 PM']Why oh why do Squier not bring out a VM Shortscale of some description?!!!!
Or even just a higher quality shorty than the little Bronco...
I'd be on it like an aggressive moss!


I emailed Squier last year and they said there was no plans to produce a VM or CV shortscale. Sadly, my powers of persuasion got me nowhere on that one. :)


[quote]Love the look of those [url="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_vvbvqpwVBz8/SeFaAeCV8WI/AAAAAAAAAx4/Z52gttbbfuk/s1600-h/mmvista.jpg"]Vista Musicmasters[/url], very nice!


I've got one of these and they are really nice basses! I think squier should do these again as well, or as someone else said a mustang!


[quote name='flip' post='1085589' date='Jan 11 2011, 03:22 PM']I emailed Squier last year and they said there was no plans to produce a VM or CV shortscale. Sadly, my powers of persuasion got me nowhere on that one. :)[/quote]

Such a shame, but I appreciate, it has to make financial sense for them, as they're really getting these basses out at a very good price point.
Oh well, looks like I'll be modding a Bronco, maybe later this year... At least it has the right shape of headstock, for the proper tuners, and it's the same body shape as a Mustang/Musicmaster, so you can use their pickguards, bridges etc. which are fairly readily available, albeit from the US, as far as I can see.



[quote name='eude' post='1085604' date='Jan 11 2011, 03:32 PM']Such a shame, but I appreciate, it has to make financial sense for them, as they're really getting these basses out at a very good price point.
Oh well, looks like I'll be modding a Bronco, maybe later this year... At least it has the right shape of headstock, for the proper tuners, and it's the same body shape as a Mustang/Musicmaster, so you can use their pickguards, bridges etc. which are fairly readily available, albeit from the US, as far as I can see.


As per another thread on here, the dude from My Chemical Romance is now playing a Mustang, I imagine that would ensure a fair few sales to teens who can't afford £700 for a Japanese reissue! I've noticed quite a few players using Mustangs of late.

I keep thinking about modding a Bronco but they just don't feel right to me, obviously they aren't going to compare with a Mustang, but again it's like that noticeable difference between an Affinity Precision and a CV one.


[quote name='flip' post='1085617' date='Jan 11 2011, 03:42 PM']As per another thread on here, the dude from My Chemical Romance is now playing a Mustang, I imagine that would ensure a fair few sales to teens who can't afford £700 for a Japanese reissue! I've noticed quite a few players using Mustangs of late.

I keep thinking about modding a Bronco but they just don't feel right to me, obviously they aren't going to compare with a Mustang, but again it's like that noticeable difference between an Affinity Precision and a CV one.[/quote]

Yeah, they did a bass for the Fall Out Boy guy didn't they, and he's not exactly a bassist's bassist, wonder if they sold many...

So, Plan B...
Looks like I'll need to find an "OK" Bronco before I start, as I gather the quality is fairly variable. Then it'll get a refinish, or at least a matching headstock, maybe even a vintage style lacquer to the neck and fingerboard, through body stringing, mustang hardware, bridge, control plate, pickguard, vintage style tuners, and then either a proper mustang pickup or perhaps a hot ass Bill Lawrence twin rail pickup...

Of course, this might all add up to about the same cost as a proper Mustang, so who knows what'll happen.



[quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1086021' date='Jan 11 2011, 12:26 PM']Trying to order a red HB one, anybody know where I can order on from?[/quote]

Be ye careful about pre-ordering them right now. I just ran a check on a site here in the US that's listing these new Squiers at $199.99 - but they don't have any yet. They aren't even an authorized dealer for Squier nor do they fly the Authorized Squier Logo on their site.

Just be advised that quite a few 'sites' that are showing these basses have ' .se ', ' ch ' or ' .ru ' URLs on them.

As much as I am drooling over these too, I'm going to wait until at least GC or MF lists them as 'shippable' and not just a pre-order cash outlay.


[quote name='dave_bass5' post='1080989' date='Jan 7 2011, 12:57 PM']Same here. This time last year i was playing a Lakland DJ5, then i got a Lakland Duck Dunn (my second) but im more taken with my CV P than i have been with a lot of my previous basses. Maybe its the lack of funds tied up in a bit of wood and metal that makes me happy.

Have these new Squiers been beaten senseless with the ugly stick, or are they the Ugly stick? The Jag looks makes me think of a butchered Guitar from Woolworths. I just cant get on with them.[/quote]
your ugly stick squier. thankyou knave.
sorry chaps. they just look like every other budget bass to me. black paint to me says "we dont want you to see whats underneath". stradivari would LHAO. I can't appreciate any machine made guitars with paint on. or is it that special 'tonepaint' i have never heard about? ok for learners and that. strive to be different is what i say (who cares what i say?). i guess if it came to a fight, me against a million fender clones. i'd end up looking like a squier myself. or summat. i dunno, each to their own. rant out.


[quote name='eude' post='1085238' date='Jan 11 2011, 10:27 AM']Think it might be the more bespoke components and smaller (pardon the pun, I'm only 5 foot 6 myslef) target audience that could be preventing this happening for now, most of the Squier range share parts with sibling models in some way or another.
I bet the Mustang style pickup is one of the biggest hurdles, but if they replaced it with something else, would it still be a Mustang?...
If they did pull it off, it might end up too expensive :)

Love the look of those [url="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_vvbvqpwVBz8/SeFaAeCV8WI/AAAAAAAAAx4/Z52gttbbfuk/s1600-h/mmvista.jpg"]Vista Musicmasters[/url], very nice!


I don't see the pickup being an issue. The bronco has the same style pickup, but with put visible magnets, and in the CV 50s P they use the small single coil used in mustangs/musicmasters.

I guess there just isn't a Market as of yet.


[quote name='Johnston' post='1086428' date='Jan 12 2011, 09:34 AM']Did the musicmasters/Mustangs not have a 6 pole Pup out of the Tele or strat??

Or did I dream that :) :)[/quote]

The Mustang had it's own baby Precision style pickup, the Musicmaster, I ain't sure as it was under a plastic case hiding the pole pieces, but I'm pretty sure the cheapy Squier Bronco ships with a strat pickup, which is usually the first thing to go when folks start modding.



[quote name='lettsguitars' post='1086343' date='Jan 12 2011, 06:14 AM']your ugly stick squier. thankyou knave.
sorry chaps. they just look like every other budget bass to me. black paint to me says "we dont want you to see whats underneath". stradivari would LHAO. I can't appreciate any machine made guitars with paint on. or is it that special 'tonepaint' i have never heard about? ok for learners and that. strive to be different is what i say (who cares what i say?). i guess if it came to a fight, me against a million fender clones. i'd end up looking like a squier myself. or summat. i dunno, each to their own. rant out.[/quote]

I give you the ugly sticks.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1086433' date='Jan 12 2011, 09:38 AM']I give you the ugly sticks.[/quote]

Blimey, thats the whole Ugly tree you posted there Wayne, even the frets are wonky :)

Edited by dave_bass5

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