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Smaller rig suggestions wanted.


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Right guys, first "serious" post here after my introduction :)

I'm looking to upgrade my rig, as I'm currectly using a Trace Elliot GP7 150watt combo for everything. Lovely amp, and I really dig the tone through it, but as you can imagine 150watts doesnt give you any headroom at all when pushing it for gigs, especially sitting between two 150watt guitar amps.

So, I want moaarr powaaa! Haha. I'd like to at least double the wattage coming out of my new rig.

However, I also want to downscale it so its lighter to carry about & takes up little room. And I'm wanting a half stack so I can just take the head to gigs if possible.

I know I want a Class D head...something little :) My initial thoughts were the Ashdown LG 350, but after searching about the forum, things don't seem too good for it :lol:
I also want a lightweight, portable cab to sit under it, that doesnt take up much room at all.

I havent got a ton of money to spend unfortunately, with the sale of the aforementioned TE, plus the sale of my Kustom HV100 guitar amp will be funding this. So I'm not sure how much in total I'll have.

If you could put together your vast amounts of knowledge to throw reasonably priced suggestions at me, that'd be great!


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Done a bit of digging and searching, so what's everyones thoughts on this combo?

Head: Ashdown MAG 300H EVO II

Cab: Eden EX110

Both match in impedencies and wattage. The cab's dimensions are tiny, but that sounds great to me, but I've no experience with them, of course.
The head is wider than the cab standing up or on its side :)

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Well, first of all I wouldn't be buying new! Have a look at the amps and cabs for sale section on here for starters - some great deals to be had and some very knowledgeable sellers who will help and advise you... You will get a lot more for your money too!

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You could try to score a 2nd hand markbass from the sales section. As for the cab i would go for a 2x10 or 1x12 minimum. In the midlle of two 150W guitar amps one single 10" will sound weak. I can't advise any particular one because i still don't know what's your plafond and how much will be directed to the head. Maybe keeping that TE 1x15 in your sig until you move the rest of your gear and buy the head and then put it on sale to add to the remaining funds for a new cab would be the best option. That way you'll be able to get a good head and gig it with the TE until you gather more funds for a good cab!

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Here's a great head:
and a good cab:

They might not be the lightest and i think the cab will only do 300W but its a cheap and good sounding rig!

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The TE 1115 in my sig is one I ripped apart from what may be a 15 year old original model. Built a new cab for it, but I do believe i messed up with cab dimensions on it, so now it just doesnt cut through amongst a full band =/ So i'll have to keep that, both for the sentimental value, and the fact i doubt it'd bring much anyway now.

I'd say I have <£400 to spend on the entire rig (hopefully). I should get a decent whack for the Kustom amp, so once that goes the money from that will provide the main lump to buy a new bass amp. Then the GP7 in my sig will be sold to either add to the pot, or save.

It'd probably be pointless getting a 2x12 as then my rig would only increase in size. Unless it was an orange sp212 cab...

Getting rid of the combo to both save my back and make travelling to gigs easier, which is why I'm thinking of going so small on the head (to fit in a satchel kinda size) and a 110 or 112. Eden do a 112 version of the cab I linked to actually, but then that'd take me over budget a tad.

I'll keep scouring the used section though :) Thanks for your help mate!

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If i can find a relatively cheap markbass lm3 then i'll certainly pick that up! MB stuff doesnt come cheap sadly!

I wont get a combo, as thats what I have now...with something like the MB LM3 and say a 1x15 cab, i can just take the head (quite easily) with me to a gig if im able :)

I need/want the transportability in my next rig!

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I've got an EA i800 amp (can't remember how much it was £300 ish I think secondhand) and a barefaced super twelve £600 but I could have easily got a cheaper cab there was an eden 2x12 at te time for £200 - and that gives me 800 watts rms - have a look out for a peavey firebass amp 700W as well - I sold my last one for a hundred quid!!! excellent amp

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I have both a mark bass lm 2 and a little giant 1000. Both highly recommended. The lg1000 is half the price of the mb amp. I think it depends also on the preamp you are using too. I have a sans amp bddi that is so good I was thinking of buying a small cheap power amp. Loads of cabs will do the job and if you get the lg1000. You could add another cab later for the total 1000w. Buy these a little at a time and buy from the bass chat marketplace. Never buy new


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[quote name='thatgrantboy' post='1087190' date='Jan 12 2011, 08:34 PM']Nemesis is a combo though? =/

Nice to see a suggestion of the Little Giant. It could definately be an option if I could find a 500w 4ohm little cab to go with it. The price, even new, is very appealing! Haha. So I can only imagine it'd be even better used.

Is a pre-amp totally necessary then?[/quote]

Suppose it depends on the sound you want- the downside is that the LG1000s input section is quite weak and the eq is fairly average. The benefit is that if you bought a Sansamp- £70 probably or the behringer Bassdriver- which I think is very cheap -you would have a really powerful and versatile amp with the potential for 1000w if you added another 4ohm cab ( for big gigs only! )

But for a cheap head I cannot see anything in this price range that could possibly compete. If you compare the LM 2 with this the advantages the LM has is that it is built to last- tiny bit lighter- very good eq- But I use it flat anyway.

By far the best thing I have ever done with gear is to buy the Sansamp BDDI- without this my sound just sounds fairly average- with it I jsut sound perfect- ( to my ears anyway )

As you can see I am really using the LG 1000 as a power amp for when I use two cabs.

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The entire setup then is something to definately think about..for instance, find an little giant, then a single 500w cab to run one side of the head into.
Then over time when funds permit, get a preamp. Then finally a matching secondary cab (again, both cabs being little in size).

Sounds like a good setup to me! I relaly do like the idea of the little giant, as it appeals to me in its size, power, and cost.

If i can find a cab that ticks the same boxes, I'll be stoked! Haha. I really would like to run an orange sp210/212, but I'd have to hunt and get lucky in the used section due to cost.

Thanks for the helpful information regarding preamps too dude :)

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