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Amp suggestions: P-bass, flats, retro 7-piece **UPDATE!**

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I've been gigging with a '69 P bass with flats for a while, playing through a Markbass SA450 (although I used to own a Little Mark II) and Bergantino cabinets (4x10 or a 1x12). The bass sounds great through this set up, not at all sterile or too clean... just nice and warm and fat. I highly recommend both the amp and cabs.


[quote name='KK Jale' post='1087862' date='Jan 13 2011, 12:40 PM']Burrito - you're definitely coming from the same place as me style-wise and if you're finding the Terror 500 does retro without being too rock, then that's an important recommendation. I will try one, that's a definite.[/quote]
It didn't click at the time but you were the Basschatter who commented on my band's thread about playing pedal steel. I mentioned this tentatively to the boys at last weeks gig and there was definite interest. I will PM you nearer the time but we're at the Troubadour next month and I'd like you to come down and possible sit in on some of those Charlie Spencer tunes. You can then at least see / hear the Terror head in action, if nothing else.

I hear you on the look at Americana shows. Although not an LED or flashing, the Terror does have a bright Orange light on it but you could take the bulb out - a job that would take you about 15 secs. I can think of a few acts I've played with where had I shown up with modern looking gear I would have been ridiculed. I once mentioned that a EUB would be easier to transport than a full upright bass and got told I'd be sacked if I showed up with one! (my sarcastic reply was "calm down, they do them in different colours!"). The reality is that gear does have to be fit for purpose and whilst I am sure there are exceptions to every rule I can't imagine too many BC Rich Warlock players playing with traditional English Folk bands. And there is enough good quality kit out there for players to factor in looks and still get a good bit of kit.


[quote name='KK Jale' post='1087862' date='Jan 13 2011, 12:40 PM']Re. the Compact… that's almost certainly the way I'm going. I just didn't want to get into it on this thread…

First, wateroftyne… excellent YouTube clips. The RH450 sounds really impressive… tip top. The Promethean comes over as very acceptable. Bit less focus and detail, maybe that's the settings, but a nice enough sound.

At the risk of sounding like a complete doughnut, I've got to be honest here… I cannot have flashy hi-tech lights. I just cannot. Not only am I spiritually allergic to blinking LEDs, but the piss-taking I would endure from my vintage Tele-playing, Hammond-organ stabbing, Selmer sax-sucking bandmates would be unbearable. So the TC is OUT. Sorry, TC. (Off-topic: Musicman20, my TC Polytune has let me down twice and the ****er ain't getting a chance to do it again).

Musicman20, Thumperbob, bartelby - you're helping me make up my mind on the Little Mark. I'm not ruling it out yet but there's no way I'm putting a preamp or pedal in front of an amp to get extra EQ or make it sound generally interesting enough. If any bass amp needs that, it's a fail in my book.

Burrito - you're definitely coming from the same place as me style-wise and if you're finding the Terror 500 does retro without being too rock, then that's an important recommendation. I will try one, that's a definite.[/quote]

I'm surprised to see all the Compact recommendations in this case. I'd be inclined to make full use of the trial policy - the voicing of those Eminence neo drivers is pretty much the opposite of 'old school' with a full bandwidth, no lo-mid hump and a pronounced rising upper-mid response. If you find something like the VPF/VLE filters on the LMs compensate for this, then it's fine and will be very loud indeed, but run flat it won't give a 'vintage' tone at all.

When I tried the Terror in Red Dog Edinburgh through the orange cabs, it coloured the tone a LOT! I didn't fiddle much with the drive so perhaps if you set it between 0 and 0.1 then it's a bit more subtle, but as it stood although it was a tone that a lot of people would like,I can't recall any tracks from the 60s that have anything like that amount of gub on them. Definitely give it a whirl but in your shoes I'd be inclined also to test something like the Little Mark Tube which is apparently much more gently warming, or if you don't mind the weight something like the Hartke LH500 which uses the old Fender Showman valve pre design and is fat but clean.


[quote name='LawrenceH' post='1087952' date='Jan 13 2011, 01:38 PM']I'm surprised to see all the Compact recommendations in this case. I'd be inclined to make full use of the trial policy - the voicing of those Eminence neo drivers is pretty much the opposite of 'old school' with a full bandwidth, no lo-mid hump and a pronounced rising upper-mid response.[/quote]

When I had the Compact, I was able to EQ the upper mids out pretty easily by rolling the upper mids knob the amp back a few clicks.

Posted (edited)

If you are going for that oldschool sound, i would recommend the fender tbp 1 preamp combined with a digital poweramp.
I used that a long time and had a very natural, warm, tube sound..it sounds immense especially in that kind of tone .
I also used an Ampeg Preamp with my Powersoft digital 1500W, when i want to rock. Both preamps are really great.
All together i was at roundabout 10kg. You cannot get more tone for that weight.

Edited by 73Jazz

Ok new recommendation :)

TC Classic 450 and buy a cheap tattered looking amp and hinge the front, empty the insides and sit the amp in there :)


Charic: funny! I like it! I have a '70s WEM combo... hmm... that would freak people out :)

73jazz.. wasn't aware of the Fender TBP1 preamp. Too much cash for me, and I'd prefer a single solution. Thanks though!

Steve Amadeo and Raggy: don't worry, I'm going to give Markbass a spin. I think with a P-bass with Pyramid flats and my gnarled, withered fingers, that old-skool thing might come through just fine.

Burritobass: yeah!

Posted (edited)

Just to be completely different, I accidentally created a rig with an old school sound.

I've always loved Gallien Krueger amps but got fed up with heavy cabs so after much deliberation I bought one of the new Laney NX115 1x15" cabs. right off the bat I absolutely loved it.

I'm playing an Epiphone Thunderbird using mainly the EMG HZ in the bridge position with a bit of Wilkinson soapbar in the neck. for the last couple of months I've been using roto flats.

This combination gives me a fantastic, warm, punchy vintage growly sound which is clear enough for me to use it with my function band playing all the old standards, some dancey stuff and modern rocky stuff like KOL & the Fratellis.

I'll be having the first gig with it at the end of February with the rock band but i reckon a bit of boost on the GK should tip it over the edge to the 70s rock (Free, Bad Company, Thin Lizzy, Golden Earring) that we do as well as the more modern stuff.

i don't remember being so happy with my gear for such a long time, even though they're not trendy brands :)

Edited by Delberthot
Posted (edited)

[quote name='KK Jale' post='1087862' date='Jan 13 2011, 12:40 PM']Musicman20, Thumperbob, bartelby - you're helping me make up my mind on the Little Mark. I'm not ruling it out yet but there's no way I'm putting a preamp or pedal in front of an amp to get extra EQ or make it sound generally interesting enough. If any bass amp needs that, it's a fail in my book.[/quote]

Oh dear, I think I've given the wrong impression.

What I meant to say is that my feelings are NOT heading TOWARDS the Little Mark. Actually, this thread has slightly turned me against it :)

If I'm counting right, though four say they can get this kind of vibe straight into an LMII or LMIII, another four (a lot) say they'd need to use a SansAmp... and I don't want to use any outboard gear at all.

Of course, I'm going to try for myself. An LM might turn out to be perfect...

But if the Orange Terror 500 isn't [i]too[/i] gritty at medium-high levels, I'm getting the feeling it MAY be more up my street.

Sorry for the mix-up and thanks again for all the input.

Edited by KK Jale

[quote name='KK Jale' post='1089184' date='Jan 14 2011, 12:09 PM']Oh dear, I think I've given the wrong impression.

What I meant to say is that my feelings are NOT heading TOWARDS the Little Mark. Actually, this thread has slightly turned me against it :lol:

If I'm counting right, though four say they can get this kind of vibe straight into an LMII or LMIII, another four (a lot) say they'd need to use a SansAmp... and I don't want to use any outboard gear at all.

Of course, I'm going to try for myself. An LM might turn out to be perfect...

But if the Orange Terror 500 isn't [i]too[/i] gritty at medium-high levels, I'm getting the feeling it MAY be more up my street.

Sorry for the mix-up and thanks again for all the input.[/quote]

No problems!

A LM2/3 will be a lovely tone WITHOUT a pedal as well. Its basically what you put in, comes out, NO colour (barely anyway).

The Sansamp pedal is an analog pedal that makes you bass sound like its through a nice vintage alll tube amp. I was unsure before I tried one, but they are great. The other one I BET you will like is the Sansamp VT Bass (basically giving you a really tradtional Ampeg tone, and can be grit free).

But if you dont want any pedals, the LM2/3 can do it. Obviously flats will make a difference :)

The Orange BT is a very very good amp, especially as its such good value as they are a UK company.

I imagine a really nice motown thump from the Orange BT500, and the Orange OBC115 - [url="http://www.dv247.com/guitars/orange-obc115-bass-guitar-speaker-cabinet--41819"]http://www.dv247.com/guitars/orange-obc115...-cabinet--41819[/url]

That cabinet is fantastic. Its not lightweight, but its not stupidly heavy, and has that tone I think you might like :)


I play an old jazz bass (neck pup only) with heavy GHS flats and I like an old school sound for reggae, jazz and soul music.
I don't like distortion or valve overdrive, just clean, deep, smooth bass with a strong fundamental and no treble or upper mid.
If that's anything like the sound you want, I recommend a Markbass LM2 or similar MB amp.
I use mine with a 15" cab similar to the barefaced compact, but with a different driver - I have the Eminence 3015LF instead of the 3015.
This driver is a sub woofer, very deep and warm without the treble response of the 3015.
Alex at Barefaced recommended the 3015LF when I told him the sound I was looking for and it's a fantastic driver that weighs almost nothing.

Hope this helps.


[quote name='KK Jale' post='1089184' date='Jan 14 2011, 12:09 PM']Oh dear, I think I've given the wrong impression.

What I meant to say is that my feelings are NOT heading TOWARDS the Little Mark. Actually, this thread has slightly turned me against it :)

If I'm counting right, though four say they can get this kind of vibe straight into an LMII or LMIII, another four (a lot) say they'd need to use a SansAmp... and I don't want to use any outboard gear at all.

Of course, I'm going to try for myself. An LM might turn out to be perfect...[/quote]

I had a good fiddle about with my LMII and Sansamp this evening, playing only through a 1x15" cab.

I think I've succeeded in a setting that sound great with the amp on it's own and then some colouration with the BDDI without losing the mids. I've backed off the blend on the BDDI so it's about 60-70% dry. I also noticed that the VPF (Variable Pre-Shape Filter) was turned round 180 degrees, so at a glance it looked like it was rolled totally off, whilst being about 60% on.

I played a few songs without any pedals running and was mightily impressed, it sounded nicer than just the amp and the 4x8" cab.

So don't be put off by what has been said, you're doing the right thing by trying stuff out yourself.


If you want it vintage & don't mind it not being the most lightweight & portable


I have a 1978 135 & they are great.

Failing that I had my Terror really cranked up in Bristol on Thursday. Keep the gain down & turn the volume up and your tone is there :) I mention this as you commented on post #35 about it being too gritty. It doesn't have to be.


Hi Burrito, yes, I have pondered the Fender route. I've got two silverface guitar amps so I know the score. My inclinations are elsewhere at the mo, but we'll see!

[quote name='charic' post='1090410' date='Jan 15 2011, 01:45 PM']Actually as a thought what about trace?[/quote]

Actually my current rig IS Trace (AH150SMC, 210H). It once was mine, but it went to a mate and he's very sweetly letting me borrow it back (I owe him a gallon or so of quality cider, his fave tipple). I won't say a word against it, it's reliable and it's got me out of a hole, but my Trace days are done.

Also cheers to redstriper for the very informative PM…


[quote name='charic' post='1090410' date='Jan 15 2011, 01:45 PM']Actually as a thought what about trace?[/quote]

I thought that too....
I get a lovely old school tone with this. Its a hybrid model with S/S power amp, but a pair of Harma (cryo) Telefunken ECC803S clones in the preamp give it warmth & clarity.
Far from being lightweight though :)

  • 5 weeks later...

I'm back… with an update.

I went amp shopping last week at the Bass Gallery and tried a horse-load of stuff including a Little Mark III, a Ibanez Promethean, a Genz Benz Shuttle 3, an Eden WTX-260 and a GK MB500.

Thought about writing a mini-review of each of them, but really there were two front-runners. The LMIII is obviously a very capable amp; EQ flattish and a dollop of VLE worked best for me. Not sure it's exactly to my taste… but good. The Promethean would have surprised me if it hadn't been recommended in this thread… a nice big vibey sound, and perhaps a touch easier-going than the LM, as well as being cheaper.

So, a couple of possibilities there.

Last visit of the day was to Denmark Street to try the Bass Terror.

And my final decision…

…without any trouble at all…


The Orange.

Feck, it's loud. It equals the borrowed Trace at pub gig level (which is running at about three-quarters of the way up with that amp) with the volume on 5/10 and the gain on about 2/10. Any more than that, and bits of paper start flying around the room. It's got a nice natural thump with no tweaking at all. It really seems to let the bass do the talking. I'm going to switch the 12AX7s with some Tung-Sols I've got and then maybe rob a 12AT7 from my Fender and try that as well, but I don't really have to.

The cab is an Eden 2x10 that I picked up as a short-term stop-gap, but I'm impressed. It's in great condition, it's warm and punchy and has more detail and less fuzzy boom than the Trace 210 (which going back to its owner at the weekend with a nice bottle of Jack). So we'll see how that works out.

Cheers for all the help :)


[quote name='dannybuoy' post='1127627' date='Feb 14 2011, 09:01 PM']I think you made the right choice! You could do with a 15" cab though for proper old school thump![/quote]

Precision + Flats + Orange TB + Bag End 15" = retro bass heaven


[quote name='dannybuoy' post='1127627' date='Feb 14 2011, 09:01 PM']I think you made the right choice! You could do with a 15" cab though for proper old school thump![/quote]

Yes indeed, one of those would do very nicely.

I'm thinking that a 1x15" with a 3015LF might be well thumpy...

…but in the meantime at least I'm self-propelled.

Next gig is at the end of the month, and I'm rather looking forward to it… :)

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